
The Forgotten S Class Hero

Fire fills the fields around Haru and the demon lords left hand, one of his strongest demons to have by his side. The two of them have been locked in battle for a little while now, creating shockwaves with each blow. "Fighting against me is useless, heroes won't change anything that's happening. Just die for me here and at least maybe you can have a story passed on." The Demon says with a smirk behind his mask. "People will be safe once we deal with all of you." Haru responds back with a confident tone and a serious expression on his face. The battle continues for a while longer before Haru finally beats him, but at a cost. "No one expected you to win but there was a contingency plan. You won't be remembered by anyone, everything about you will be gone. hahaha." The Demon laughs after saying what he needed to. A sharp pain goes through his head as the demon dies on the ground before him. "A curse? What kind of bullshit is that." Haru says with a bit of anger in his voice. How will he deal with this curse? Did everyone really forget about him, is this a good thing? This story will be looking towards daily updates. I look forward to the support of those who read! I hope you enjoy. Cover Help: Soho_Tatsuya Schedule: Daily. (1-4 chapters a day) powerstones would be appreciated but feedback is always better :) Bonus: Golden tickets mean extra chapter updates :) Power Stones give motivation and if we reach 100, Extra chapter for each time it's achieved. all support is optional, but is much appreciated I do have a discord server too! Feel free to join and bring it back to life https://discord.gg/KSRRq597Hp

Kota_Sama · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs

Demon Death Squad

The atmosphere around the area was now filled with the intent to kill one another. That was usually what demons brought to the battlefield.

"We'll make sure to kill you slowly." The Demon Captain says before charging in.

Fighting demons was not anything new to Haru so this was another day, another battle to be precise. He pulled his sword out with one hand and a blue mist formed into a shield with his other hand.

Been awhile since I've used you Star slasher, but I have longed for the chance to use you against demons once more.

The blue blade radiated a bright light as he wielded it, awaiting the moment their weapons connected.

Clang!!! Clash!!! Within moments blades began to clash with one another. Haru's speed against the squad of demons was unmatched.

Blocking attacks with his shield in one hand while beginning to attack with his sword in the other.

"To fight a hero of your caliber really is a lucky opportunity." The Demon Captain says with a happiness behind his voice.

"Maybe it's best I end this happiness of yours. It's annoying." Haru says with a bit of an irritated tone in his voice.

Within that instant he parried the demon on his left and sliced him in half, the body fell to the floor with blood quickly following after it.

One down, two down, three down, only the captain had remained. Blood covered the grass around them, along with body parts from the demons he slayed.

"I can't say I expected anything from you guys." Haru says while his shield disappears.

Fighting against demons of this level is nothing, it's just for fun at this point. Or maybe that's not the way I should be looking at it.

"Y-You really are some monster.. but I will kill you!" The Demon captain shouts.

Yap, Yap, Yap. All they ever do is yap about what they will do or not do, shut up already.

Slash!! The throat of the demon captain was slit in an instant from him finishing his sentence with blood spilling from his neck onto the ground.

"Thanks I guess." Haru says while he watches the captain fall backwards.

Death squads usually range in skill like us heroes do but I have yet to see one that's at my level. But then again this is only the fourth one I've encountered in the last ten years since I fought the left hand.

Maybe they really can't find me as easily as I thought but someone or something tipped them off towards me. I really hope it wasn't that woman or else she won't be happy to see me next time.

Haru wipes the blood off his blade before sheathing it, his fight was over for now. It seems that the journey for the artifact would continue on now.

"Where the hell is the best place to look now?" Haru says outloud without thinking

(A couple of hours go by. Haru made his way north of the temple towards a small village.)

I doubt I'll be staying here too long since I need to find this thing but I'm positive that food and rest can be found here at least.

The village was pretty lively and a lot of people were out and about doing what they usually did. Chores, work, the usually village things. But something did seem quite different about this village.

A lot of the houses appeared to be in perfect condition as if nothing has ever effected them before. No storms, no raids, nothing of the sort.

"You look like you are in search of a place to rest?" A man asks from behind Haru.

This village is oddly nice, how often is a village in such good shape? Not only that but now a man is asking me about a place to rest, how strange.

Haru turned around to be met by a man taller than him, built pretty well. The guy was muscular and had several scars across his face and some that were visible on his chest.

His shirt revealed his chest in a v shape around the neck. The man had short, curly brown hair, black eyes, and was holding an axe in his hand.

"Yeah I do need a place to rest but I couldn't trouble anyone here." Haru says politely.

This guy could be why they never had trouble in this village since he gives off an incredible aura of strength. I'm assuming he keeps a lot of the buildings in good shape here since he looks the most capable of it.

"It would be no trouble. We usually welcome people in, as long as they don't bring trouble with them." The Man says while observing Haru's clothes.

I must have blood on me from the demons, I hardly took notice of it after the battle was over.

"I kill demons for a living. I can't guarantee that trouble won't follow me so it's another reason I can't trouble you fine folk here." Haru replies with a respectful tone.

"Ah, you're looking to become a hero. I respect that. There's a small house down the path here tl the left. You can stay there." The Man says with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Haru responds before continuing down the pathway.

I won't take the kindness for granted but this is what I mean, no one knows of the things I've done. Not one person in ten years has thanked me for the demons I've killed, for killing the left hand, nothing.

I'm just seen as some adventurer who wants to become a hero and it really does piss me off more than anything. This curse has got to be removed somehow and I will figure it out.

That damn guy really did screw me over in the worst way possible.

Haru eventually made it down the path to an old house that looked well maintained with a small sign on the right side of the door.

"Adventurers welcomed." A house that most stayed when passing through, not a single thing seemed wrong with this home. No blood, no destruction of anything, nothing at all.

"Not too bad of a place for a night's stay." Haru says outloud.