
The Forgotten Princess

Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist is the youngest daughter of King Edward of Alvannia. She is an illegitimate child born from a maid in the castle her father has fancied. After her mother died when she was young her father took her home and ‘adopted’ her. Because of her low birth and illegitimacy she was neglected by her father the king and bullied by her stepmother the queen and her step-siblings. When she was 16 years old a war broke out with the neighboring country of Grandcrest. The war lasted for two long years and the two countries have made a truce at the end. The Grandcest empire demanded a princess to be married to the young king. It is said that the king of Grandcrest specifically asked for the hand of Alicia. Alicia was 18 years old when she was sent to Grandcrest as the fiancee of the young king who was said to be a cold blooded evil tyrant, King Regaleon of the Grandcrest empire. Note: Cover photo from Pinterest.

Les01 · História
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467 Chs

Azure Dragon (1)

(Regaleon's POV)

A huge pillar of water shot up from the sea below. It was unlike the water pillars that shot up a while ago, this one was much larger.

When all the water have fallen back into the sea, what's left was some form of creature. Its body is long and covered with scales. If I am not mistaken, this is none other than the divine beast the Almighty One has taked about, the azure dragon.

"Who has come to disturb my master's return?" The voice of the azure dragon was quite menacing.

"I am here to see my wife." I said holding my ground but I can feel the heavy aura the azure dragon is emitting.

The azure dragon was focused on looking at us. There was silence for a moment, and the tension was getting heavier with each passing second.

'I can feel his menacing aura, Leon.' Tempest said to me telepathically. 

'I know. I can sense it as well.' I replied via telepathy as well.