
Chapter 27

"It is a kind offer but Graham will come your way since you were present when I was last seen. When he shows up at your doors, I don't want you to have to lie that I am not there. You hate liars so I don't want to make you out to be one," Rose said, remembering his words from yesterday. "I will be fine."

Rose survived the brothel better than most so she could use that same strength to survive this world. Graham troubling her was enough. Zayne shouldn't have to experience it or anyone else.

"Who said I was going to lie about hiding you?" Zayne asked.

"Well, it would be foolish to admit that you helped to hide me when Graham would stoop low to get me back. He won't care about any agreement you have with the king. He will make your life hell until I am returned. You do not need that," Rose said, hoping she had talked some sense into him.

Zayne didn't know Graham like she did so he didn't know what he was in for. It was fine now since Graham wasn't questioning Zayne but once he started, Zayne might grow tired of Graham bothering him and then toss her back to Graham.

Rose couldn't take that chance. "I will continue as planned and go to a church. There is somewhere I wish to see and I can only find it if I move around."

"So be it," Zayne replied, no longer interested in trying to convince her.

Rose had to know what was best for her. 

While he didn't believe she would last on her own, he did think that she would make it a little far. 

Rose looked out the carriage window at the part of the town she had never seen before. Zayne had given her more than anyone ever did so along with cleaning up the room she used, she was going to give him peace to not trouble him with her life. 

Hopefully, one day when she is in a better position, she might be able to properly repay him. 

Zayne couldn't help staring at the woman across from him. She was going to get a lot of attention that she did not want and then her description would get Graham's attention. Someone would take one look at her and tell that she was too innocent.

He sighed, turning to the window as there was nothing he could do. Rose denied his offer and it wasn't his place to push more for her to accept it. He could only wish her the best with where she was heading.

The carriage was quiet for the rest of the ride. Zayne occasionally glanced at Rose when she became excited about something they passed by. It was like he wasn't the only foreigner here since she had seen the same or less than him.

Rose moved her finger along the map and looked around the signs outside. "I can get off here," she said, looking at a small market. The first church she wanted to visit was close by so she could walk from there. "I don't want to keep you back from where you are going."

"I am going near the church," said Zayne.

"You are? You have business there?" Rose asked, finding that to be suspicious. "Did you only need to leave your camp because you wanted to give me a ride?"

"No. There is someone I am to meet far past where you are going so it was merely a coincidence. If you wish to get out and walk, then be my guest," Zayne said, knocking on the carriage for it to stop. "This should be good for you to go."

"Ah, thank you. I will forever be indebted to you for what you have done for me. I look forward to one day repaying and I will do my best to not get captured so your fears do not come true. Goodbye Zayne," Rose said, waving goodbye to him.

Rose exited the carriage and closed the door. She moved quickly to get away from it since it was gathering too much attention. This small market might not be used to seeing such a grand carriage passing through it.

Zayne also needed to be careful not to bring attention to himself since he was not from this land. 

Rose rushed to get out of sight and find somewhere she could open the map to see what direction she had to go. Once she reached the church, she would rest once more and then try to find a way for them to send her to another church outside of town. 

"I should buy fruits," Rose considered as she passed stalls with pretty fruit. No one here would know that she once lived in a brothel so they should not deny her what they were selling. "No, I should wait and buy later when the others run out."

She didn't have much money so it was best not to spend so soon. 

"Have you seen this woman? You are to answer as it concerns the king's men."

Rose looked away from the stalls to a bit of commotion that was starting to get loud. She thought this was a quiet market but she was wrong.

"No," Rose panicked when she saw the uniforms of the king's men. She hid behind a stack of crates. "Why are you hiding when it isn't him?" She asked herself.

It was only Mathias she needed to hide from and the men she saw were strangers focused on troubling an older-looking woman about something. 

There wasn't any reason why Mathias would be looking for her since he refused to help her when she saw him. All she needed to do was avoid the men who worked for Graham.

Just as she was about to move, Rose heard a voice she could not forget. It was hard to forget the voice of the man who kicked her. 

"Find anything?" Mathias questioned his soldiers. He sat on a horse looking around for his target. 

Mathias couldn't look for Rose alone so he had to gather a group of soldiers loyal to him to search around where Rose could have run. He was searching all night long, going through the mountain like she might have done, but was yet to find a clue. 

"Find her now!" Mathias yelled, frustrated as time was counting down for him. He was not going to become some whore in the brothel. "How hard is it to find a brothel whore?"

Rose covered her mouth to not let even the smallest sound be heard though Mathias was not close to her. 'A brothel whore?' She thought. Could it be that he had joined Graham in looking for her? 

Rose wanted to be positive that they were looking for someone else. That Mathias couldn't be so foolish as to help the man who once mistreated them. She wanted to believe that despite him kicking her, he had some sense left, but Rose couldn't.

This wasn't the boy she once knew so she could not trust him to not work with Graham. 

"I must go," Rose whispered, turning around to peep through the crates to find the right time to run.