
Chapter 246

When Catherine heard the news that there was a woman on the ship with Zayne, she didn't believe it. The soldiers weren't giving away much about who the woman was so she was left having to wait until she came here to find out.

Catherine came up with many answers during the ride. This could be a capture he had to take to the palace, not a wife. 

Catherine did a quick look over at Rose. She wasn't dressed like a captive and was walking around. "Tell me the truth. No harm will come to you for speaking to me. Who are you?"

"I am Rose Hamilton," Rose introduced herself again. "I am Zayne's wife. See," she showed the rings on her finger. "Should I wake him so he can tell you?"

"He is resting? What has that land done to my son?" Catherine asked, worried about Zayne. "Was she introduced as his wife? Did he say it?" She questioned the servants. They would not lie to her. 

After the servants answered yes, Catherine had to believe it.