
Chapter 232

"Isn't this too much?" Rose asked, sitting still as she was told to do by her mother and sister. "It is to be simple."

"Rose, you should know by now that simple does not go too well with this family for big ceremonies like this. Where does time go? It was just yesterday that I was sitting in the palace with the future queen and now we are preparing you to be a princess. Again," Anna added. 

"It is not about becoming a princess. She will be his wife and Zayne, her husband. You must also leave tomorrow. I had wished for time to slow down but it is moving fast. Hold still," Madeline said as she fixed Rose's hair.

Rose also wished to know why time was going so fast. The wedding planning had felt so slow but the day for the small wedding had come fast. It was nearing time for her relationship with Zayne to take the next step and then she had to say goodbye to her family.