
Chapter 168

"Good to see you back and you are without Rose which means she found her family. Daughter of a lord," Finn said, surprised to know they were travelling with someone so important. "What is her family like? Are they good people?"

"I wouldn't have left her alone with bad people," Zayne answered. "Explain more of what you heard."

"Thanks to what you asked from the king, the town guards have been out in numbers along with all the soldiers. The town guard's place has been turning away common folk and only seeing those with status. He's trying to paint a turd as good as he can and present it to us as a diamond," said Finn.

"I am not fond of this kingdom. He will try to make use of our numbers and make us join in his wars. This kingdom is not worth fighting over in this state," Liam said, approaching the large map they had spread out. Their ships waiting were marked out. "It has potential but not with the current king."