
Chapter 116

Two days quickly passed since the visit to the market and since then, Rose did not get the chance to tell Zayne of the misunderstanding. She was puzzled by what to say to him. Should she let him know that she didn't want him to leave? That she would miss him and his touch at that time brought on strange feelings.

It was now that Rose wished Janice was around for her to talk to for advice. Mary was present but Rose did not want to bother her. 

Rose wore the pink dress she had been saving for a moment when she might attend a party and put on the white mask Zayne had bought for her. Her hair was braided and pinned up as best as she could do it with flowers she found around the camp,

Rose kept touching the flowers, wondering if she had done too much for a party. The flowers hid the fact that she was not wearing jewels like others, but maybe they looked childish.