
The Forgotten Prince lives again

Asher should have easily been the Crown Prince but after falling into the tricks of politics he lost his position to his cunning, ruthless, younger brother Garrett. He lived his life is misery under his brother who took the throne with bloody hands and used his power to kill all of Asher's allies and terrorize the citizens. "Isn't it beautiful brother?? Crimson red colors the once bleak white streets of MY empire." Asher shuddered as he looked into his brothers bloodlust consumed eyes. they were no longer the eyes of the boy he once loved. They were the eyes of a true demon. "You'll never get away with this!" Asher screamed as he struggled against the heavy iron chains. The pain was nothing when he was consumed with righteous fury but no amount of adrenaline would help him. He was starved, beaten and sleep deprived. He lived in a small damp dungeon with only enough food and water given to prolong his life. He couldn't fight no matter how bad he wanted to. Garrett smiled a cruel, wickedly amused smile as he approached his flailing brother. "Oh dear older brother, I already have." He laughed as he grabbed Ashers hair firmly and drug him to the window to show the scene of chaos he had displayed. Heads of nobles and commoners alike reheated the stone walls of the castle. The most prominent were his friends and his once precious fiance, they were displayed the most cruelly. Asher trembled at the sight of it all. The smell of blood and smoke permeated the air as it carried the screams of the suffering. "H...how could you... how could you do so this to your own people?!" Garrett pulled Ashers face inches from his, his face cold and dark as he looked at his brother. "They were never my people." before Asher could say more Garrett lifted him up with a twisted grin. "If you love them so much, join them. " without much effort he through his brother or of the window. The sound of Garrett's maniacal laughter and the anguish of his people rang in his ears as he fell to the pits of despair. His final thoughts, a wish. If there is a God, please. Let me go back and make things right. Before his last breathe a gentle voice called out. "call my name and your wish shall be so." He didn't understand it but a name came to mind. With all his remaining might Asher called out. "CALLAN!" with that Asher found himself in a dark space, the only light coming from a white dragon. He bowed in respect but the dragon lifted his head. "I hadn't your wish, on the condition you worship me." Asher nodded. anything to save his kingdom and his people. The dragon nodded and Asher found himself hurled back to his youth. determined not to lose, Asher changes over night. "I won't lose to you again Garrett. "

Taylor_Lloyd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter One

I awoke in a cold sweat. Curse these damn memories! It had been a week since I transmigrated through time to my life before Garrett could talk. How easy it would have been to take his life, I thought about it, but I wanted my revenge to be sweeter. The years of loneliness and pain I suffered needed to be paid in full. I found it hard to adjust to my old life. I had all my adult memories, everything I ever learned or excelled at were useless in the body of a six year old. My mother, the empress, was concerned about my health and mentality. I couldn't blame her. I was once a loving, attentive child who doted heavily on his family but after the life I led blinded by that familial love I couldn't do it. I still lived my mother though, she was never to blame for my misfortunes. She was a victim herself. My first step in this new life was to protect my mother and bring vengeance to those who wronged me.

Garrett had yet to walk yet, his time was far to come. His mother, second queen Adelaide, was still high on father's praise but I needed her to be greedier to get the sweetest revenge. I could start my revenge on father for his blatant disregard and foolish actions that led to the kingdoms ultimate demise. No. I was too young now. I needed a way to protect myself and my lovely mother.

I looked around the room to see her asleep on the lounge. Since I came back in time she hadn't left my side. She was always this way, loving and attentive. How could father not have been satisfied with such a wife? The moment he brought in Adelaide was the decline of my life. Mother and father were a political marriage between two kingdoms. Mother was a princess from the north, their kingdom known for their might was thought as savages and my mother was scrutinized but she was different than they expected. She priced herself intelligent, graceful and caring. Despite winning the heart of the empire, father found her to be a useless princess from a savage kingdom. My conception was miraculous given his contempt. rumors spread in my youth said mother tricked him into bed but Garrett revealed the truth. My mother was coerced into his chamber during a drunken fit by the Queen Mother. the result was a forgotten prince and a greedy mistress as a queen with a demented son.

I couldn't fix my father, he was frivolous and indulged himself in the pleasures of man. That wasn't something I could fix. Nor did I care honestly. His death was nothing to me. It was too soon to meet allies, some hadn't even been born a year at this time. No my best chance was to get out of the castle.

I got out of bed and draped a blanket on my mother, her face was thinner and her eyes had become baggy with worry. She and I were all we had in this god forsaken place. No. We had family in the north! of course. The north would a perfect place to hide away for the time being. I looked at my mother's face, my heart heavy at the thought of leaving her but if I wanted to save my her, my dear ones and my kingdom. I had to go.

"Don't worry about me mother, I'll be strong enough to save you. I promise."