

Once upon a time, Lucifer Morningstar One of the Gods that ruled over heaven held a rebellion against the other Gods. He was cast out by the Gods and sent down to rule Hell for all of eternity. After many millennia, Lucifer got bored and decided to go on a vacation.

Lucifer: Hmmm, Where would be a good vacation place?

Lucifer thought to himself as he decided where to go. He eventually decided on a place called The "City of Orario".

Lucifer: Ah this place looks good. Kinda weird to have a dungeon right in the middle of it. I guess it makes sense though.

With a flap of his wings, he took off to a planet humans call Earth.

Lucifer had arrived at The City of Orario. It wasn't much to look at considering the giant walls blocking the view from outside. Lucifer was waiting in line to get into the city.

Lucifer: Jeez how long is this gonna take?

4 Minutes Later...

Lucifer: Finally I'm at the front

Unknown: What's your race and purpose for entering the City?

Lucifer: What? No name? I'm planning on settling in. Kinda like a permanent vacation.

Unknown: Civilians don't wanna hand out personal information so we stopped asking.

Lucifer: Is that so. Ok, as for Race hm, I suppose Deity? God? Either one I suppose

Unknown: You're a God? I suppose your gonna start your own familial?

Lucifer: I suppose I am and sure why not. Also, may I ask your name?

Ganesha: Sure it's Ganesha nice to meet you.

Lucifer: Oh It's you! Sorry but I gotta get going here's the 1000 Valis for the entry fee. Bye!

Ganesha: Wait! At least tell me your name!

Lucifer ran into the city prepared to start his vacation on Earth.

Hi friends, This is my very first story so I'm sorry if it completely sucks. I wanted to read a story like this but could only find like 4 with very few chapters so I decided to write my own. Anyway, that's it for now I hope you liked it. Also if you have any tips or suggestions on what should happen feel free to lmk, with a comment or however this app works lol Bye.