
The Forgotten Crimson

In the world of Avalon, where many monsters have started to pop out, Avalon was once a world with 4 continents, 4 continents that try to oppose each other, the continent Ignis of humans, the continent Sylvana of elves, the continent Ferrok of dwarves, and the continent Aquapolis of Mermaids, each nations has their own specialty, but then they were forced to have an alliance because monsters one day unknowingly appeared. As the monsters appears... dungeons and a new unknown continent appeared as well... They are also known as, continent of monsters, where orc, goblins, ogre, lizards, and many other monsters lives. As monsters appeared, gods as well, and Legends whisper of a hidden civilization, where crimson skies cloak a forgotten magic; whispers speak of a forgotten power, a crimson legacy shrouded in shadow. The Forgotten Crimson plunges you into a heart-stopping adventure alongside Rowan. When the secrets of the past resurface, he is thrust into a thrilling battle against hidden forces. Prepare for a story where danger lurks around every corner and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Rowan unravel the hidden mysteries of the world, he discovered one day, that he can travel through different worlds and realms because of his ??? skill. It's as if he's dreams are always coming true, because of this, all of his schemes has always been successful and none of them disappointed him. Not only that, he has the most ridiculous and insane growth.

RonSupremacy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The One-Man Army (5)

As Rigurd laughed grimly filled with sinister, he imagined how he'd kill Admir and Mephisto.

This is the moment that Rigurd has been waiting for; this is the time for him to settle his grudges against Admir whom he was jealoused the most..

'I've been waiting for 16 years Admir, 16 years! You even dare to stay at my own kingdom!? How dare you! You should've left with Mephisto as I exiled him!'

Rigurd grumbled as he grind his teeth out of anger, he then laughed grimly. It's as if he finally caught the bunny he has been chasing for, for 16 years.

'Ever since I met you Admir, you have been a hindrance for my plans, you always oppose me, you always play the justice while I was left behind your shadow..'

A wave of flashbacks washed over Rigurd, vivid images of him and Admir in their younger days.

'Runeterra Academy was my birthright. I bled excellence, trained alongside the fiercest swordsmen, and pushed myself beyond every limit. Back then, victory pulsed through my veins. I was amongst the elite, a prodigy unrivaled by any swordsman, mage, or archer. But then, the ground beneath my feet began to crumble.'

'My triumphs turned to ash in my mouth. Every accolade felt hollow, a pale echo of the past. My father's approval, once a distant star guiding my ambition, transformed into a mountain I could never scale.'

'The halls of the academy, once a source of pride, echoed with a haunting silence. A chilling insecurity gnawed at me, replacing the relentless drive that once fueled my every action.'

'The more I strove for recognition, the further it seemed to recede. Frustration morphed into a suffocating sense of despair. In a blind attempt to reclaim my lost sense of accomplishment, I made a terrible decision. A decision that would shatter everything.'

As memories of Admir flashed before Rigurd's eyes, he was filled with anger, he wants to kill him immediately.

After Rigurd took his time, he then ordered 14 of his High-Holy Knights to pursuit Admir and Mephisto, he then ordered, that he's coming because he wants to slice Admir himself.

"You've done a great job, I will promote you as High-Holy Knight once we return."

"My pleasure, your highness."

"Also, inform all the High-Holy Knights to come here."

"Understood, but I'm afraid to inform you that there are only two High-Holy Knights currently here your highness."

"Two? What happened to other two?"

"You ordered them to purge a village, but they haven't returned yet..."

"Alright, 2 will be enough, and you, you will come with us..."


"Yes, your highness."

There are only 4-6 High-Holy Knights per kingdom, and in some cases, there are only two High-Holy Knights in a kingdom due to financial problems.

And in the Kingdom of Ronterra, there are four Kingdom which are:

Seren Alucia (female): High-Holy Paladin

Appearance: Seren has long, flowing silver hair that she keeps braided for practicality. Her eyes are a calm, clear blue, reflecting her unwavering faith. She has a toned physique honed from years of training, but her movements are graceful rather than bulky.

Abilities: Seren is a master of defensive combat, wielding a radiant shield and longsword. Her unwavering faith grants her powerful defensive magic and inspires courage in her allies.

Garen Oakheart (male): High-Holy Guardian

Appearance: Garen is a towering figure with a thick, dark beard and deep brown hair tinged with grey at the temples. His face is weathered from years of service, etched with lines that speak of experience and determination. His physique is broad and imposing, a testament to his rigorous training.

Abilities: Garen is a formidable warrior, wielding a massive warhammer with unmatched skill. He possesses incredible strength and resilience, serving as an impenetrable wall against any foe.

Elara Dawnbringer (female): High-Holy Arcanist

Appearance: Elara is the youngest High-Holy Knight, has auburn hair that she keeps in a short, practical style. Her eyes are a piercing green, reflecting her sharp intellect and unwavering focus. She has a slender but athletic build, honed from years of magical training.

Abilities: Elara is a master of light magic, wielding radiant energy for both offensive and defensive purposes. She can heal wounds, smite foes with blinding light, and create protective wards.

Cyrus Stormforge (male): High-Holy Blademaster

Appearance: Cyrus has short, jet-black hair and sharp amber eyes that radiate an intense focus. Their face is youthful but framed by intricate tattoos that mark their accomplishments. They have a lean and agile physique, honed for swift movement and deadly precision.

Abilities: Cyrus is a peerless swordfighter, wielding a pair of enchanted blades with unmatched skill. Their movements are a whirlwind of deadly grace, able to disarm and defeat opponents in a blink of an eye.

Each High-Holy Knight has their own title they're specialized with. Example, for Cyrus, he has given High-Holy Blademaster for the reason that he specializes on swordsmanship and blades.

If you have 2 words as a title like "High-Holy Blademaster Valley" it means, you have achieved a great feat for you to unlock a '2-Word' Title, but '3-Word' title is different story, if you have three-words title, it means you have the highest rank of a High-Holy Knight in holy knight's order.

After the mysterious ??? guy informed Garen and Elara (The remaining two High-Holy Knight). They immediately went to King's Hall and received Rigurd's order.


After the Rowan opened up the dimensional door that Admir left for him, he was shock to see the city that always appears on his dreams.

'Wha... this city! This city is the one that always appears in my dreams! The City of Light!'

The City of Light is an interpretation of Rowan, he interpreted what he saw in his dreams, he saw a nice city, full of lights and full of people, it's as if that it's on a different world and he wants to go there badly...

But there was something in his guts that's telling him that enterring that dimensional door is too risky and might give him a lot of troubles.

'I want to enter! But I feel like that it's too risky to enter in this door... Well, whatever I will just enter this door.'

'But first, let me put an item here that's imbued with my mana so that I can teleport to it anytime..'

Rowan then used the ??? Body Swap Teleportation. After he prepared for his enter, he first appraised the door using his ???'s Appraisal, but he couldn't, instead he got a headache that stopped him from appraising the door, it's as if he can't appraise it or he's yet to unlock a skill in order for him to appraise that door...

'Okay! Time to go! Here goes nothing! I will just return after an hour exploring this world!'

Little did Rowan know, this dimensional world is slow-paced... If you enter this dimensional door, the time works differently.

After Rowan entered the dimensional door, the dimensional door then closed trapping him inside, but thankfully, Rowan is pretty clever and memorized the chant and memorized where the location of the door is.

After entering the dimensional door, instead of a dungeon that Admir entered before, he was in a completely different place, he was on a city of modern world, a nice and birght city, full of people and unrecognizable things that he didn't know what it was first..

'This is it! This is the city that always appears in my dreams! This world is different! This isn't Avalon, this a different world!'

Rowan unknowingly travelled through different world. A world a lot different from Avalon, this city is unknown for Rowan yet.

But then a red screen appeared, a screen that Rowan has never seen before.

'Greetings traveller, you have entered the world named Earth'