
The Forger

born from nothing Jacob has to build everything from scratch, with the only thing motivating him being family... and power. follow Jacob as goes from a common Village blacksmith to the forger of metal and fate, with an undying soul he will forge his path. English is not my mother language so please expect some mistakes. thank you.

ZombiePat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Tie me Down.

Leon's POV

Sitting in my study I was reading reports coming in from all over the continent, reports that detailed strange occurrences.

I was reading about discoveries of strange new creatures, weird cave activities and weird happenings in the night skies, these where signs I had seen these things.

Ten years ago I had dreamed of devastation, rising of new races, monster and beasts. But that didn't matter, what mattered was how this would push man kind to the brink, but at the same time we would rise to be stronger than ever.

we would harness mountains bursting with mana, and fight off a myriad of species. We would make our own haven.

The rise of magic would bring us great ingenuity, it would promise us power, and only a limited few could harness this power. I had come to call that day Mana calamity.

I was a gifted but my power was only limited to my dreams, I didn't have the strength or speed that came with the title, instead every few years I would dream of the future.

Although it sounds grand I only get a limit number of flashes before am tapped out of mana again, and then I would wait again.

Currently I could feel my body brimming with power, I new I was ready to dream again, but I was confused in the past it had taken five years to refill my reserves, but it had only been two years since my last use.

'the mana in the air must be getting more concentrated.' I quickly came to conclusion.

Deciding not to waste anytime I call in Yvonne and give her orders not to let anyone disturb for the rest of the day.

Getting comfortable on my chair I easily doze off, working the whole day made it that easy.


After more than two hours my mind finally calms and I can feel my dreams get more vivid, the first image came; fields of wheat growing with a magical glow. Second image; monsters of red skin being massacred, I new these were my men, they held cyan coloured swords that glowed with an otherworldly tint to them. Third image; in the air a man I was very familiar with stood on a black great sword, he was surrounded by many weirdly shaped swords, the floated around him as if they were alive. Fourth imagine; at what looked to be my city gates a wall raged on, massive creatures lay dead on the ground some had wings had fur and some were serpents they all had large blade wounds on them, at the middle of this entire image a man stood at the middle battered and bleeding with wounds that would kill any man, yet he still stood straight, with one Sabre floating besides him and a wave of monsters rushing at him.


Like a nightmare I was pushed out of my own mind, I was covered in cold sweats after that.

I was confused at my own visions, why was I still here, I should have been in the capital, ruling!


Omni POV

What Leon didn't understanding was that his dreams didn't see the future instead they span all possibilities, never being limited to one time line.



It has been a few months since Sana and I had our talk, obviously she was pregnant she quite happy about the news.

I had a guess about my wife, I think she feels worthless when she's not helping. Ever since we moved in with the count every basic need was taken care of by the many maids around the mansion.

This was good and all, but my country bumpkin of a wife was not taking it so well.

She lived to work and it seems to be had to take out that mentality, because of this she now yearned to have kids instead.

Honestly am not complaining, fucking is one of the few interesting things to do in this world and if my wife wants it fuck me for saying no to fucking her.

My hope was that she would realise that there was no need to keep going, in fact I planned to give her an ultimatum.

I loved a big family like the next guy, but there was know way I was going to have a whole freaking football team.

Five would the limit for me.


It was another day and, I had woken up with a goal.

The plan was simple make smaller weapons to use e.g kunais, shurikens and throwing knives. (Are kunais different from throwing knives?)

I had already upgraded my [Curse] to level 4 and I could now move my Sabre in the air. Going from zero to a hundred was still impossible so if I wanted a velocity attack I would still have to throw it.

But the case was different with daggers and kunais, although they couldn't move as fast as I could throw, their sharpness made up for.

I officially had a long ranged attack, the only thing left was to practice. Of course that didn't take long because half way through training I realised that I could change the weapons mid flight.

I went from aim practice to control practice. I had placed a piece of coal at furthest corner of the room, the plan here was to hit it by making my throwing weapons turn.


'Fuck.' It was another another miss, I have been going at it for more than three hours and soon the maid responsible for keeping me out of the smith after work hours would be arriving soon.

Through out the whole process I come to learn that the shurikens were the best throwing tools, they were light and easier to turn mid air. Every other tool I had tried was either unbalanced and make unexpected curves through out it's flight path, or would use up too much of my mana.

Soon the door to my smith was opened as the lady came in, a spinning shuriken flew past her, it then slowly curved right before hitting the wall.

The maid stood there shock on her face, "did that thing just make a turn?" She murmured.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked in worry. If that shuriken had touched her it would have [absolutely] gone through her.

After helping her get over her shock she informed me that the count wanted to see me.

It has been a good while since I have talked to the man of the house.


Walking up the stairs I found the head maid Yvonne, she stood in front of an open door to the study.

"Took you long enough." She said with a frown.

'I swear this woman doesn't like me.' I thought giving her a dirty side eye.

Walking inside I found the count doing something? He was drawing on maps, very detailed maps.

"Ah, Jacob you finally made it." Saying this the count stood up and walked over and gave me hug.

'is he on crack? Does crack even exist here?' I thought as huged him back.

"My apologies I had to take a quick bath." I said explaining the reason for my tardiness.

"Doesn't matter, please sit I have much to discuss.

As he goes back to his sit I notice another person in the room. Standing next to the counts sit a young woman was watching me.

The count noticing my curious gaze decided to explain. "This here is my first daughter, Matilda. Please great the guest."

The young lady called Matilda was a little shocked hearing this, but she still decided to look at me and give a simple head nod. "A pleasure." She said.

"Sir Jacob-" hearing this I couldn't help but mentally interject 'sir?!'

"I will get straight to the point, I want you to join my family, officially. With that said I would like to offer my daughters hand to you." He said in all seriousness.



'It's safe to say she wasn't informed.' I thought jokingly.

One was angry while the other was simply confused.

'what is this old planning?'