
The King Dissappears

The first person to speak out was the Vampire ruler Sima Shun."Why would our bloodline change so abrubtly?"

"It may be due to the influence of the stones father gave us." Human ruler Sima Xinjiang said.

"Than why did father never tell us about the changes the stone will bring to us?" Angel ruler Sima Bing'er asked.

"Maybe even he didn't know what changes these stones will bring to our bodies" Wizard ruler Sima Xiao said.

"Oh come on! Can you even believe that yourself? these stones are tools our father used to help the world. There is no one that knows more about these stones than father himself." Mermaid ruler Sima Qiu'er said.

"You are right. There is no one more knowledgeable about them than father. So we should ask him about it." Fairy ruler Sima Shuang'er said.

"Father never tells us where he is even if we ask. How are we supposed to ask him about it?" Witch ruler Sima Qing'er said.

"Last time I saw him, he was living near the falling ridge mountains." Werewolf ruler Sima Liuxi said.

"How about we go ask him now?" Elf ruler Sima Yuning suggested.

"There is something I want to say. Today I went to see him in the morning as usual but I didn't see him near his house so I went inside and only saw a letter addressed to all of us. That's why I waited till this day because this is the day all of us meet." Human ruler Sima Xinjiang said.

As soon as he said that, the room fell silent instantly.

After a while, Mermaid ruler Sima Qiu'er broke the silence. "Big brother, did he tell you where he was going?"

"No, he didn't tell me about it. I didn't even know when he left." Sima Xinjiang said.

"Then how about we read the letter father left us. We might find something useful in it." Sima Liuxi said.

Sima Xinjiang looked at everyone and seeing that everyone expressed their approval, he took out the letter and started reading aloud.

"Dear children, when you read this, I will not be here with you. There is something I never told you children about yourselves. You nine kids are not my biological children. There is no relationship between you at all other than that I took care of you and raised you. The thing is, after I saved the last humans from the beast army, I felt danger suddenly. So I did a divination and found out a terrifying creature orbiting this world. But due to it being much farther than the moon and the blackness of that creature, we couldn't see it.

I am telling this to you in hope of making you aware of the impending danger this creature brings to this world. Even though I am not someone from this world, I couldn't sit and do nothing. That's why I travelled to the few last settlements of the humans and searched for nine children who has strong physical abilities and affinity towards the stones. First I did this to give this world hope, but I realized that I love you children more than this world. I tried to take you children with me to another world but I don't have that power.

I could only try to make you stronger so that you can face against that monster but I realised that a person with only one stone could not stand against it. Even if you work together, you wouldn't be it's match. I know that all of you have married except Xinjiang and Qiu'er. After you get children, marry them to each other so that you can pass on to the stones. The stones would have already be adapted to your bloodline so you can give them without having to worry about hurting them.

Only in this way can all the stones be passed on to one person. You should know that the stones were not mine because they haven't accepted me. That's why I could give them to you. When I got the stones, a mighty voice sounded in my head as if reverberating through the whole universe saying " everything is connected, only by nine becoming one can true power be seen." At that time I did not think too much about that, but now I know what it means. The stones weren't meant to be taken by one person but nine.

In order to give you children time, I used the last moments of my life to create a barrier around this world. Do not search for me and remember my words. Only by nine becoming one can true power be seen."

Years passed by with everyone living peacefully and the nine rulers obeyed what their master/father told them. The human king and the mermaid queen married each other. They all had children. But they could only get one child because the day the child is born, they lose their fertility. They listened and arranged engagements according to their master/father for their children between themselves.

On the day of their fifteenth birthday, the stones are handed down to them. But due to the stones power being too great for their body to bear, their parents sacrificed themselves so that the stone could merge with them. The child of human king and mermaid queen had it a lot worse because he had to bear two stones. Like this, the eight of them also got married and had children. They also arranged for their marriage since their were two girls and two boys. Then on that sorrowful day that is supposed to be a happy day, their parents also sacrificed themselves.