

Eveline and Saerom, two young women burdened with a past they cannot escape Find themselves on the run Their lives entwined with a mystery that stretches beyond their comprehends. As they attempt to glimpse the truth. . . They become targets themselves, Saerom and Eveline faced an impossible choice: flee or confront the truth. Their journey leads them to The Gates of Westallia Palace where they seek refuge under the guise of maids. Here, in the shadows of grandeur, Eveline and Saerom embark on a new chapter in their life One filled with potential friends, foes, and perhaps even lovers. But as they navigate the intricate web of palace intrigue, they cannot shake the shadow that follows them. . . Will Eveline and Saerom find the courage to face the unseen path ahead Join Eveline and Saerom on their journey of discovery where the line between ally and enemy blurs, and love may be the most dangerous secret of all

Saeandevie_garden · História
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


*Saerom pov*

Lying in my bed, a yawn escaped the mouth of mine.

"Thanks alarm clock, you can leave now"

I muttered loud and clear, gesturing a lazily wave at Lexi, the sub-head.

A tired Eveline found the humour in my remark and chuckles. As I glanced at her, a smile played on her lips. I wandered into whimsical territory, imagining her as some sort of hairy beast, due to her wild morning hair.

Turning my attention back to Lexi, I couldn't help but notice her intensely glare at me, filled with fumes.

With a mischievous glint in my hazel eyes, I couldn't resist letting out a snicker, much to Lexi's growing irritation.

Instead of addressing me directly, one of her minions, Vicky, dared to speak up.

"How dare you, you insolent maid, apologize!"

She demanded, her tone dripping with indignation. 

"Yeah, Apologize!" Armengard added

The audacity of their offense, amused me even more

I rolled my eyes before replying with a careless sigh,

"Do not feel like it."

Vicky attempted to retort, but Lexi's hand interrupted, silenced her.

"Enough... you three, see you in Michelle's office,"

She commanded, her authority cutting through the tension like a knife.

With Armengard's loud slam on our door, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of our situation.

As I plotted back on my bed, I noticed Reem beside me, her legs collapsing on the floor, gasping for air, like she held it through the whole situation.

Across my bed, Eveline sat with half-opened eyes, bewildered, murmuring,

"Huh, what happened?"

As Reem voiced her concern, I turned my attention to her puzzled sea-green eyes.

"What should we do, Saerom?"

she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"W-will we be fired?"

Gathering my thoughts, I contemplated our predicament. In the same moment, I was wondering what the breakfast would be for today.

"Maybe, we will,"

I admitted, trying to inject some levity into the tense atmosphere.

The shock in Reem and Eveline's voices echoed in the room, but I couldn't help but grin cheekily.

"Well, we have to hurry, sinc—"

I glanced at the clock, calculating the time left.

"—we have 5 minutes to be ready at Michelle's office, and you girls know how Michelle can be."

The mere mention of Michelle's name sent shivers down to our spines, conjuring images of her fiery demeanour. Quickly donning our uniforms

I decided on a hairstyle, opting for loose curls held back by a hairband, accentuated by dangling earrings.

As I caught my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but smirk at my own allure.

Damn, I look too good

I thought, satisfied with my choice.

We stood outside Michelle's office, the weight of impending trouble hung heavy in the air. Me, Eveline and Reem, a trio of nervous musketeers, contemplating who should take the daunting task of knocking Michelle`s door.

A mischievous idea flickered in my mind.

I pushed Eveline forward, and urged

"Be the brave one, Eveline."

"Why me? You should do it,"

Eveline objected, her blinking eyes betraying her fear, but I know her stubbornness refused to admit it.

The debate between us escalated into a bickering match, either of us unwilling to yield, akin like two rats.

"I-I will do it,"

Stepping forward with trembling determination. Reem, our quiet hero.

With three solemn knocks,




The weight of our fate echoed through the corridor. The silence that followed was palpable, each moment stretching on with mounting tension

"Come in"

Michelle's authoritative voice broke through, granting us entry.

As we entered, like three guilty children facing a stern reprimand from our mother.

I couldn't help but notice Lexi's mocking presence, her eyes rolling in disdain. Her subordinates' stifled snickers only fuelled me even more, as I shot them a deadly glare.

Michelle's stern gaze met ours, her disappointment palpable in the air.

Reem, Eveline, and Me stood before her, shame weighing heavy on our shoulders as she addressed us.

"Reem, you too are into this, I didn't expected this from you"

Michelle shook her head, her voice, tinged with disappointment

When Reem's name was mentioned, a wave of shock washed over us. Me and Eveline exchanged a knowing glance of something we must do, silently agreeing that Reem wasn't part of this mess.

Our knees hit the ground in unison and a loud sound abrupts from it.

"Please, dear Michelle, don't do this to Reem,"

I implored, my voice laced with desperation.

Michelle's eyes widened in bewilderment, clearly taken aback by our unexpected defened for Reem.

"This is not Reem's fault, it is our fault,"

Eveline declared, her tone firm with resolve. I nodded in agreement, my heart pounding, as we continued our plead.

"She tried to help us wake up in time, and we neglected her words and. . . dragged her into this mess,"

I confessed

"If you want to dismiss someone, then. . . dismiss us, not Reem,"

Eveline pleaded, her voice quivering with sincerity.

if it means losing our job, defending our dear friend, we would do it in a heartbeat.

Reem's eyes shimmered with gratitude as tears threatened to spill over, touched by our unwavering loyalty.

Eveline and I exchanged a glance filled with a mixture of determination and fear, bracing ourselves for Michelle's response.


Michelle begin ,

"WE are sorry!..."

"girls, I-"

"We, know, that we don't deserve being here"


Michelle's voice rang out, slamming her hands on her desk, cutting through the tension like a knife.

We flinched at the sharpness of her tone. Even Reem`s one tear rolling down, slid back to her eye.

"I appreciate your efforts to aid Reem"

Michelle began, her tone softened with understanding

"but we-"

Michelle interrupted us with a raised hand, cutting off our apologies.

"Since, Reem wasn't part of this mess, she will not dismissed and return to her duties"

Relief flooded through me like a soothing balm as Michelle's verdict fell in our favour. Eveline and I exchanged once more, a glance of shared gratitude, our worries momentarily lifted.

In the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Lexi and her minions rolling their eyes, their disdain evident visibly even from a distance. Turning back to the center of the room, I found Reem beside us, her eyes shining with tears of relief.

Without hesitation, we pulled her into a tight embrace, our collective sighs of relief mingling in the air.

It was a moment of shared triumph, a fleeting reprieve from the harsh realities of our situation.

But our celebration was short-lived, shattered by Michelle's pointed words. As she gestured towards Eveline and me, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach, dread pooling within me like a heavy weight.

The reminder of our precarious position sent a shiver down to my spine, the fear of dismissal looming over us like a dark cloud.

Gulping anxiously, I met Eveline's gaze, finding mirrored apprehension in her eyes.

We had put ourselves on the line to defend Reem, but now we faced the consequences of our actions.

The realisation hit me like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the sacrifices we were willing to make to keep our jobs.

We seriously need this job, no matter what

A determinate reason burning within Me and Eveline.

As the weight of Michelle's words hung heavily in the air, my heart raced with anticipation.

I glanced at Eveline. A small bead of sweat glistened on the side of her face, evidence of the tension that gripped us both like a vice.

The room seemed to pulse with an ominous energy, the weight of impending consequences bearing down on us. My gaze flickered to Michelle, her expression unreadable as she deliberated our fate.

"But, as consequence either the two of you must be fired or come with a reasonable punishment,"

Michelle's voice cut through the silence, I saw a glimmer of hope amidst our despair.

Relief flooded through me at the prospect of a choice, and I could sense Eveline sharing in that sentiment beside me.

"That`s not fair-,"

Armengard's blurt shattered the fragile calm. Lexi shot her a warning glare, silencing her with a swift gesture.

But now was not the time for distractions. Eveline and I needed to focus on finding a solution, a punishment that would satisfy Michelle's demands without costing us our jobs.

Suddenly, Eveline's eyes lit up with determination, she usually does that, when her mind is racing with an idea. I watched as her expression shifted from uncertainty to confidence.

"I have an idea, Madam Michelle,"

she exclaimed, her voice ringing out with newfound resolve.

Michelle propped her chin onto her hand, her expression curious yet doubtful, as she raised an expectant eyebrow.

"Go on,"

Eveline took a deep breath, her voice steady as she began

"You see, Michelle,"

Her gaze met Michelle's unwavering eyes.

"Since neither of the maids likes preparing breakfast early in the morning. . ."

Michelle nodded slowly, her attention fully captured by Eveline's suggestion.

"Why don't I and Saerom take on the duty of preparing breakfast for them for a month?"

Her eyes bright with anticipation

What a brilliant idea

I thought, as a swell of pride filled within me. Silently cheering for her. I couldn't help but curl my hand into a fist in a gesture of encouragement.

You got this, Eveline.

The anticipation in the room was palpable as we awaited Michelle's response, each moment feeling like an eternity. And then, just as tension reached its peak, I caught the sound of laughter behind me.

My senses heightened, as I turned to see Lexi, her amusement barely contained.

The interruption even drew Michelle's attention, and for a brief moment, the tension was broken.

I didn't know the wicked witch from the west could laugh like that.

Lexi's eyes widened in surprise, a blush tinting her cheeks momentarily.

What a distraction this was.

I redirected my focus to Michelle, still waiting with bated breath for her response.

"Regarding the punishment which Eveline suggested,"

Michelle began, glancing at Eveline through her lowered brows.

The anticipation in the room was palpable as Michelle deliberated. My heart pounded in fear as I waited for her verdict.

"...Sounds reasonable enough and may be you twos punishment,"

Michelle concluded,

I placed a hand over my chest, exhaling slowly as I attempted to steady my racing heart. Opening my eyes. I saw Reem and Eveline celebrating.

How ironic it was, of us celebrating to get a punishment. . .

oh well, it was better than being fired.

Meanwhile, Lexi gritted her teeth, clearly displeased with Michelle's decision.

"Now, go back to your duties, everyone,"

Her authoritative voice cutting, our joyful celebration.

"Oh, one more thing,"

she added before anyone could move.

"Duke Akai and Duke Zella will be coming today, to the mansion, to welcome the new employers. I need the estate to be at its best—"

"Oh my heavens, the sires are coming to us!"

Vicky exclaimed, as she hastily tidied her hair with her hands.

"both of them,"

Armengard added, joining in on the excitement.

Lexi's glare silenced them instantly.

"Girls, calm down,"

she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. They shrank back in embarrassment, realising their mistake.

"Yes, Madam Michelle,I will inform the other maids about this information and make the necessary preparations,"

Lexi replied formally, smoothly diverting Michelle's attention away from her subordinates' blunder.


Michelle acknowledged, turning her gaze toward us.

"Did you all get that, ladies?"


We responded in unison, straightening our postures and raising our chins, as if we were soldiers.

"Good, good... Now get out of my office,"

Michelle concluded, dismissing us with a wave of her hand.

"All of you."