

Looking at Shi Song who appeared out of nowhere like a ghost, Lin Fan felt as if his soul was about to escape from him body, he had difficulty breathing.

"What are you getting all anxious about,

"What do you want.."

"Well, before talking, shouldn't outsiders be dealt with," saying this, Shi Song waved his hand in front of the shaking old Wang's eye.

Immediately old Wang fell unconscious, before his body slammed to the ground, Lin Fan quickly held his body.

"What have you done to boss!"

"Don't worry I am just letting him rest for a bit,"

"Now back to our business, I sense something different about you kid,"


"Your aura changed a little, It's minuscule but still noticeable," said Shi Song with a frown on his face, he had a hunch, but wasn't entirely sure.

In order to be sure, he took out a blank paper talisman from which seemed out of nowhere and announced, "I'll be borrowing some of your blood,"

before Lin Fan could respond he felt a slight prick on his thumb, and a small amount of blood flew from his cut finger.

'You have got to be kiddin' me, blood flew out of it's own accord!'

It didn't last long before the blood landed on the talisman, Shi Song preceded to write on the talisman what seemed to Lin Fan as some random gibberish.

Immediately after Shi Song finished, the talisman started floating in the air, a few seconds later It was devoured by flames before turning to ash.

Shock flashed in Shi Song's eyes before joy overtook his surprise.

"Kid, you have awakened?,"

"Awakened? what does that mean?"

"Let me explain, there is a slight chance for mortals to awaken to their potential, Under certain conditions their bloodline could awaken, and In your case I believe it was my Mind Haze spell, I think I failed my spell execution which rendered it ineffective, my qi in return was absorbed by your blood, therefore awakening your bloodline, you were lucky though, you could have directly died from Qi poisoning,"

"Why don't I feel any different now though? I don't feel power coursing throw my veins or anything similar as in stories"

"That's because you didn't embark on the cultivation path yet, you are now nothing more than a Martial Student, you can't sense Qi yet,"

"Listen, how about this, I won't end your life, however you need to join my association,"

"Join your association?, what do I do there?"

"Are you dumb, this is an association for cultivators, what do you think you can do there?"

"Can I earn money there?"

"Naturally, money is not a problem for cultivators, a mission of the lowest star rank can get you up to 5000 dollars,"

Lin Fan was tempted, that sum of money could get his family out of their predicament , but he knew that nothing came without a price, 'I could very well die on those missions'

he gazed at Shi Song before replying, "I don't have a choice do I?"

Shi Song burst into a laugh after hearing this, "It's a good thing that you know,"

Lin Fan gave a glance at old Wang before saying, "What about boss, I can't just leave him here,"

"Don't worry, he will wake up soon,"

"Let's go, I will take you to the association,"

Lin Fan didn't have any choice, he wasn't sure if this is a blessing or not, becoming a cultivator seemed exciting but it had it's dark sides as well.

'Will I turn into a killing demon as well,' this was the question floating in his mind.

Does becoming a cultivator mean discarding your morals, Is the real question here.

Following Shi Song as they left from the stall's back, he couldn't help but ask, "What about the customers, they will surely notice something is wrong,"

Shi Song tilted his head while giving a small snicker, "You care too much about this job, just forget about it,"

'It's not that I care about it, I feel guilty for what happened to boss,' thought Lin Fan

"Where is the association anyway?"

"You will know very soon,"

'at least excite me a bit or something,'

While walking, Lin Fan heard a muffled crying sound coming from the nearby alley.

a lady seemed In the verge of breaking down, she was surrounded by three hoodlum like men, they didn't even spare their thighs, plastering them with shiny pants that seemed shiny enough to illuminate the area.

"This beautiful lady, I Guang Laozi, am a gentleman, dating a man of my demeanor is surely a blessing, don't you guys think so," asked Guang his subordinates, awaiting there grand speech that they prepared long ago.

One of his subordinates cleared his throat before responding, "Future Sister-In Law, Guang controls the area around here, you can ask around, If there is someone who doesn't know of Brother Guang, you can come slap my face later, becoming his girlfriend is truly a blessing. He is a dragon among men. Abandoned since young, he had risen from ashes like a Phoenix…"

Guang looked at this subordinate of his while thinking, 'Little brother turtle surely is a literary talent, his choice of words are exceptional, letting him help me pick up ladies doesn't seem too bad of an idea,'

Lin Fan watched all this unfold, 'Gangs nowadays found knew ways to hare-, pickup girls ?'

Shi Song felt that Lin Fan is not following him, turning around he asked, 'Why did you stop,'

In which Lin Fan responded, "A bunch of hoodlums are harassing a woman In this alley, why don't you help her?"

"Why should I?" said Shi Song without batting an eye.

"Because you can?" replied Lin Fan, shocked at Shi Song's irresponsible voice.

"Listen kid, I am no Samaritan, I don't go helping people left and right, I am no hero as well,"

Lin Fan started shacking at Shi Song's nonchalant attitude,

"Unless you help her, I won't be joining any sh*tty organization!" blurted Lin Fan out in anger.
