A broke man. A football fan. What will he do when transmigrated to past? Armed with the knowledge of the future, follow John on his journey to create the greatest football dynasty.
Sean watched as John returned from the conference room looking like he is coming back from a war. He saw John was muttering something but was too far to listen, but it looked like he was cursing. John was a good kid, but he never grew up. Maybe it was because his father spoiled him too much. But ever since his father passed away, he was acting differently. He worked hard in the acquisition of the club and even though he wasn't very good, he was learning. He acted like he was a totally different person. He was finally growing up.
"I don't think I can do this again, it seemed like someone paid them to work against me." Sean listened while John complained.
"Well, their bosses did pay them" Sean replied in a rare attempt of humour.
"Oh, I didn't know you could make a joke too" John said in an exaggerated manner.
"There are lots of things you don't know about me" Sean replied.
After the last few months trying to get the deal done together, they had formed a bond. Sean could see that John respected him genuinely. Sean started working for John because of his relationship with his father. Sean didn't want John to invest his money in football initially because football is not a particularly profitable business. Only the top teams make the most of the money, but because Amanda said that she will support John if he took losses, he went ahead with the plan. Maybe she knew that John is going to succeed or she just wanted John to do what he liked, Sean will never be able to figure out.
They went outside the stadium and sat in Jim's cab who was waiting for them.
After the car started, John said, "Hey Sean, I want to make changes in club's management."
"What do you have in mind?" Sean enquired while taking in the scenes along the road.
"I want to remove the current structure of a director and a manager making all decisions and want to follow a more holistic approach."
"In England, a manager has too much power to make decisions. That's okay if you have a manager like Sir Alex Ferguson or Wenger, but in small clubs like ours, managers come and go. They recruit players that don't fit in the tactics of the new manager and the squad ends up a mish-mash of different types of players that don't fit in."
"That is true. But what do you propose?" Sean said, clearly interested.
"I suggest to follow the example of the German football. I want to remove the director position altogether. In it's place there is going to be a Financial director who is going to be responsible for club finances and making deals and a Sporting director who is responsible for decisions concerning club's performance on the pitch." John said. It looked like John had prepared and planned to make changes at the club.
"That's a good idea but you are the new guy on the block. In English football, a manager has the power to make decisions on the sporting aspects, that's tradition. Are you sure you want to go against it?" Sean said, trying to gauge John.
"It's better to go against the flow than remain stagnant." John said with resolve.
"Well if that is what you want, go ahead." Sean said with a satisfied smile on his face. While tradition should be respected, sometimes you have to go against it to succeed.
"So, Sean, I was thinking to give you the position of the Financial Director. I think we can acheive big things together." John proposed.
While it was a bit sudden, Sean had been expecting this and he had already made a decision.
"I accept." Sean said with a slight smile on his face to John. Maybe it was stupid, because Sean already a stable job that paid well. Sean had worked very hard to reach where he was. Maybe it will all come crumbling down.
'I think it's alright to be stupid once in your life' Sean thought while the car drove on.