
The Flash: Godspeed

So this is how I die? That was the first question that came to my mind when I was struck by lightning in the middle of the night while I was walking home from work. My name is Nathaniel Lang, I am 23 years old and as you have guessed from my name I'm half-American and half-Chinese. Before I got into my current crisis I was someone who inherited the good genes of my parent with my dad being a blonde handsome man and my mother is a beautiful black-haired Chinese woman who had many men chasing after her when she was young and with both of their perfect genes created me who was considered the most handsome guy when I was in high school but not anymore. I had shoulder-length blonde hair, a very handsome face and a very athletic body. Because of my good looks, I was very popular with the girls when I was in high school and it was the same when I became an adult which made me the enemy of any man who has a wife or girlfriends, especially those I used to work with. Thinking back to those days were I used to enjoy life with no care at all makes me feel a little happy even though I am about to die but all in all it was a good life that I led before my tragic end especially when I remembered how I screwed my boss's wife in the bathroom earlier today. Now thinking about that makes me think that what happened to me was the handwork of karma, it's no wonder they call her a bitch. Cold! As I was reminiscing about my life, I felt my extremely damaged body go cold and my consciousness began slipping into the darkness. I knew immediately that death has finally found me and was about to take me into her cold embrace, although I don't regret the life I lived until this point the only regret I have now was not being able to f*ck my crush when I had the chance. Damn! Thinking about how I spent my life bone the girls of other guys and never got the chance to f*ck the one I truly loved made me feel like sh*t but there is nothing I can do about it now, can I? With that thought in my head, I fully let myself into the embrace of death and died with a smile on my scorched face as everything went dark for me. #### This is the life of Nathanial Lang, are world famous womanizer that died from a lightning strike while on his way home and was reborn as the twin the twin brother of the world's fastest man alive or so he would have became if Nathanial hadn't been born. #### A/N: Hello, this is my second story and I'm still working on the other that will come later. If you want advance chapters you can visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy.

UchihaIzuna · TV
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 18.


"This is the place."

Nathaniel arrived at the place where the accident that killed Tess Morgan happened and started looking around to find anything suspicious but he didn't.

"Well, I knew I would find anything but that isn't why I'm here."


Nathaniel bends down to the ground before bringing out his right hand and covering it with his speed force energy before touching the ground with it. The moment his hand came into contact with the ground, his eyes sparkled in white lightning as visions of the past and future of anything that has happened or will happen on the road started coming to him.

Nathaniel developed this ability after his level crossed fifty. This ability is something like precognition where is able to see the past and future of anything that he touches and he is also able to select which part of the past or future he wants to see.

With this ability activated, Nathaniel was able to see everything that had occurred on the day that the accident happened and it also provided him with some answers to his questions.

"Alexia told me that me that in the original timeline, the particle accelerator was supposed to go online in 2020 but it happened early in this timeline because of Reverse Flash or should say, Eobard Thwane."

Nathaniel came to know everything about what had transpired at the time the accident happened and the perpetrator of the whole accident was Reverse Flash or as he came to know his real name is Eobard Thawne. Even though Nathaniel came to know all these, there were still questions that he wanted answers to. Why did Eobard Thawne created the particle accelerator ahead of time? Why does he want Barry when Barry is his enemy?

"SIGH! I can't find answers just standing here..."

Nathaniel dashed off towards Central City after he had gotten what he was here for and the moment he got to Central City, he headed straight to his house or more specifically, the basement.

"Alexa, who is Eobard Thawne?"

The moment Nathaniel entered the lab, he asked Alexia to give him all the information she had on Eobard Thawne.


Nathaniel could currently be seen sitting behind his desk in his office and in front of him were two pictures. One was a picture of reverse flash and the other is a picture of Eddie Thawne, Iris's boyfriend.

"Eddie is Reverse Flash's ancestor, huh."

After a series of questioning and an investigation into the background of Eobard Thawne, Nathaniel finally got to know that Eobard that is someone who is from a very far future and he is a descendant of Eddie Thawne.


While Nathaniel was thinking to himself, the bracelet on his arm suddenly went off single an alert for a crime in progress.

"What's the situation, Alexia."

Nathaniel hit the lightning symbol on the bracelet to shut it up before Alexia appeared on the desk and he asked her about the situation.

[There is a robbery at the Gold City Bank and the criminal is a Matehuman. He is Clyde Mardon who the police thought died in a plane crash on the day the particle accelerator exploded.]

Alexia started playing a video of the ongoing robbery taking place at the bank. From the video, you could see that the confined space of the bank has been covered in a very thick fog.

"Got it.."

Leaving behind those words Nathaniel dashed out of Mercury Labs in his suit and headed towards the direction of Gold City Bank.


'Now that I know the identity of the yellow speedster, which one of them kill Mom that night? Earlier I theorized that the dark speedster must have followed me since he wanted to kill me but what if he too became annoyed at my future self and decided to kill my mother with the Reverse Flash or by himself? I need more answers and evidence to prove Dad's innocence, I need to go back to that night.'

While dashing down the streets heading for the Gold City, Nathaniel started thinking to himself as finding out about Reverse Flash's also brought up new questions and theories about who murdered his mother that night until he came to a conclusion to go back to that time when the murder took place.


With the decision to go back in time made, Nathaniel stopped running but he didn't forget about the robbery taking place at the bank as he made a speed clone before he stopped running.

"Alexia, contact Alex and tell her that I will be gone for a while as this is my first time travelling so I don't know how long it will be there."

Nathaniel told Alexia to inform Alex about his departure as this will be his face time will be his first time So without any experience, he can't just disappear without any warning could he?

[As you wish, Nathan.]

Alexia responded and did as instructed leaving Nathaniel to his own devices. Nathaniel got down to a suitable position for him to run and then closed his eyes as he focused on his connection with the speed force.

'Think of where I want to go, where I wanna be and let the speed force guide me... Hmm!'


Nathaniel opened his eyes after a few seconds of closing them to show them glowing in bright white lightning before dashing off at a speed that is five times the speed of sound with the aim of tearing a hole in the very fabric of space and time to time travel.

Nathaniel's speed was fast enough to accomplish his aim without increasing his speed as a portal open up in front of him as he run through without thinking anything of it.

Nathaniel entered thinking he was going to the time when his mother was murdered but what he saw after exiting the speed force was far from what he was expecting.


[Earth 38]

About a hundred kilometres away from National City. On a well-maintained farmland that is located on the western side of National City, something supernatural happened that scared shit out of the owners of the farm.

It was a normal evening when all of a sudden the space above the cornfield suddenly ripped open creating a misty-like portal and from the misty portal a white streak of light bolted out of it heading straight for National City.

The white streak was non-other than Nathaniel who has just exited the portal he entered from his earth without knowing that his destination has been changed from time travel to dimensional hopping.

National City.


Without stopping to check his surroundings Nathaniel continued running until he reached an alley somewhere in National City when he stopped.

"System, I didn't time travel did I?"

[No host, you dimension travelled instead and you are currently in National City on Earth 38.]

"Earth what?!!"


https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.