
The First Supernatural (Twilight Fanfiction)

Gi'kali, a normal guy who lived a normal life, yet he loved to fight and sought a world where he can find worthy adversaries. Now follow him as he is reincarnated into the world of Twilight as he starts his amazing journey. However, there were two good things about this and one horrible thing. The two good things were that he was a Unique Werebear, and the other one was that he had three wishes that he used so he could become an ultimate being in this cruel world. But whether it was a bad thing or not, he was accidentally thrown too far into the past as he's now stuck in the year 10,000 BC. Follow Gi'kali as he meets ancient beings and fights them to become stronger until the main storyline begins. (Hello, just wanted to say this is my first time writing a story/fanfiction, so I'm pretty excited but nervous as well. And just a fair warning, this will be my twist to Twilight. It will contain many elements that you wouldn't see in the book or series. Like kingdom building and stuff. Since I"m back from my long absence, I've decided to change this a bit just so some people don't get confused later on. This story will be a slightly slower pace type of story, but sometimes it will either have big or small-time jumps. You have been warned. During his time, he's set upon a journey to find new places, ancient civilizations, legendary beasts, undiscovered races, and more. All the while passing through the various time periods such as the Iron Age, Golden Age, and more. If you guys don't have anything to read, do give my story a try but don't expect it to have good story development and stuff because I'm new, and also because I'm writing this for fun. For the cover, if the owner wishes I put it down, please just message me and I'll do so, URL for cover: https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/395964992239110665/ Also, please expect some grammar errors because English isn't my first language. And last but not least, I do not own any characters of Twilight or its main story n stuff, but I do own my characters and plot. Anyway, hopefully, you will like my story and happy reading! Peace!)

Mike_Cockaka · História
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

2. Freak Of Nature.

Having made my way back inside the forest I sat on the floor and inspected my bloody appearance. I've just killed two apex predators and I feel amazing. I thought I would've felt something else about this situation but I didn't, it seems like something has changed within me to keep me calm and collected.

"This power... This amazing feeling... I can feel this newfound energy strengthening my whole body, and I feel like my speed has increased. This must mean I've taken the sabertooth tiger's abilities..." I muttered as I flexed certain parts of my body causing individual parts to bulge and enhance. It truly felt amazing, nothing I've ever felt before. If I had to compare this feeling, it would definitely come close to the feeling I get whenever I fight.

'It seems I've found another addictive drug...' I thought with a wide grin on my face.

"Hahaha, I just love this world. If I feel this from sabertooth tigers then I really can't wait when I take the abilities of gifted vampires." I said with anticipation building up. But then I released a deep sigh. "Sadly, I'll have to wait for a while. But since my thirst for blood is not calming down anytime soon, I guess I'll go on another hunt until I finally calm down."

Once saying that, I activated my senses to scan my surrounding for any worthy beasts. Now that I know I can take down two sabertooth tigers with ease, I guess its time I step it up a notch. Its time to hunt a Mammoth, one of the many giants of this world.

Just thinking about the future battle with the giant beast ignited my bloodlust again. Immediately I began my search. For the next few hours, I traveled far and wide allowing me to see this beautiful world once more.

Walking past long open fields, pacing over steep hills, deep and dense forests, and going through gorgeous rivers filled with animal life. During the journey, I encountered many ancient and beautiful creatures that once roamed Earth.

Going past the open fields of grass, I saw a pack of large and beautiful Dire Wolves creeping up on their prey while across them was another group of Wooly Rhinoceros minding their own business.

Standing on a hilltop overlooking a beautiful view of the terrain below, in the corner of my eyes, I could see a large Ground Sloth calmly eating the branches of a tall tree. And when I traveled past a few rivers and lakes, I also came across many other creatures that were extinct like the Giant Beaver and more.

All these sightings of the various creatures additionally with the gorgeous and untouched scenery took my breath away. Although I was a bit dissatisfied with being teleported in this time period, right now I came to regret that thought. Just seeing the magical wildlife with the untouched nature was something to behold. It resonated with my soul, it told me just how beautiful our earth was before the destruction of mankind.

However, I'll be honest, whenever I saw a creature I did want to fight it but as soon as they sensed me, they immediately made a run for it. I think my aura is too noticeable, which made me put it down a notch. Although I could run them down I decided I would fight them another time, right now my target is a Wooly Mammoth.

After running around different locations for hours, unfortunately, my search bares fruitless. But when I was about to give up, I finally found a herd of mammoths. I was exhilarated upon the discovery and wanted to fight them immediately, but something stopped me from doing so. For some unknown reason, once I saw the baby mammoths playing with their parents, it immediately reminded me of my family. The time when I with my little sister would play pranks on my parents. Even though it wasn't the perfect family, I still missed my past family.

"Tch, I can't attack that now can I," I grumbled in annoyance and then turned around to search for another herd, but for some God damn reason even though I find another herd, I still couldn't bring myself to do it. Whenever I see those little furry balls of innocence, something within my heart would pull me away like a puppet on a string. It was probably the beast within me but I ignored it.

Not being able to fight them even though I walked for miles just for this moment, it was starting to piss me off, but eventually, I calmed down and decided to search for a solo adult Mammoth. Sometimes in life, you gotta compromise.

Another few hours of searching around different terrains, at dawn, I entered a forest full of snow. Despite me basically naked, the coldness didn't affect me at all. Probably because of me becoming a werebear now my body temperature burned any coldness that tried to attack my skin.

While I Ventured inside this snowy forest for a while, a certain smell attacked my nostrils. A scent I knew all too well. The thick smell of blood.

"It seems I missed something pretty interesting," I said as I inhaled this sweet scent.

Immediately, I started following the source of the smell. And there I came across an opening in the forest with many trees destroyed and scattered everywhere. Yet what I saw caused me to frown. In front of me was probably what I assume used to be a village of some kind. Sadly, it was totally unrecognizable because of all the primitive huts, wooden pieces of equipment, and campfire were all destroyed. They were scattered everywhere, however, there was something else that littered the ground. Something quite unfortunate. There on the cold and snowy ground laid bloodied bodies of cavemen, women, and children scattered everywhere. Their wounds didn't look like they were the cause of sabertooth tigers or any other predator. Some looked to be squashed to a meat paste, most seem twisted in a gruesome way looking like deformed humans, and some had massive holes on their chest almost the size of their whole torso.

Seeing this scene I was pretty neutral but mostly disappointed that I missed something fun. Even though it's a sad scene to witness, I knew that this is wasn't the modern era anymore and this is how the world works. You either be the strong and rule, or you become the weak and die. But having said that, once I saw the children who were either squashed like a paste or had their bodies twisted in a disgusting way, it caused me to frown deeply.

Slowly walking towards one of the deceased children, a little girl who seemed to be 5 years old, I crouched down looking at this poor child. "Sigh... You died too young, you could've lived the rest of your life to the fullest, doing things that could've made you happy or helped your village. But sadly you were killed... You can rest now..." I gently said as I closed the eyes of the little girl. Then I stood up and looked for clues as to what predator could cause this amount of destruction.

Not long after, I found it. Whatever beast did this left two obvious clues, in front of me there was a trail of collapsed trees leading towards somewhere. And on the ground, there were massive footprints to help me identify what beast caused this. The insane width of the destroyed trees trailing towards the beast and the massive footprints proved that this beast is undoubtedly huge.

"I think I know what animal might've caused this," I said as I walked towards the large footprints to inspect it, I then crouched and put my finger on the mud and sniffed it.

*Sniff* With my eyes closed I took a big sniff of the scent, and all the information went to my head allowing me to identify and track this beasts scent within a millisecond. However, when I confirmed what creature it was, my eyes opened in a smile.

"Haha... this is gonna be a good fight," I mumbled with anticipation. "Let the hunt begin..." I said as I began to follow the trail. Fire violently blazed within my eyes as I now know what creature caused the death of those innocent children. The least I can do for them is avenge them.

After a few minutes of following the trail and scent, I finally found the beast. Instantly my heart started beating rapidly while my blood began to course through my body towards my brain. The adrenaline was kicking in as my body painfully ached, telling me to attack the behemoth in front of me.

The behemoth in front of me, eating the branches of the tree calmly with no problem, is a Mammoth. This one wasn't your ordinary Mammoth, this one was very different. The Mammoth was many times bigger than me and its counterpart, probably the biggest I've ever seen. It was also armored with thick and greyish wooly fur, while it was armed with two dangerous, long, and damaged tusks that curved from its mouth pointing towards the sky. Furthermore, I noticed on the body of the beast that it donned a couple of deep and nasty scars on its body. Most likely battle scars.

'Well, this mammoth's definitely seen better days. But damn, this thick pressure that its radiating is no joke. No doubt, this one is a veteran who's seen many battles. Regardless, this will definitely be a worthy opponent.' I thought in awe as I gawked this mighty beast. I now know how it could win against that village, this beast was pretty similar to me. It was a freak of nature. This further raised the intensity for my thirst to battle.

Unfortunately, I was the only one excited because the giant Mammoth wasn't even looking at me. Thinking it was probably because my aura was kept tightly shut, I instantly released my aura. And without a second passed the giant Mammoth jerked its head towards me, once it saw me I could see its eyes darken while I can feel its emotions changed into deep anger and hatred. Whatever trauma this beast experienced must've been horrible because it was so thick and caused me to be a bit uncomfortable. Although it's unfortunate, I still need to take this beast out. So I can avenge those innocent children and because I need to upgrade myself again.

"For those children that you killed, I've come to take your head. Come, I'll do you a favor and end your misery," I said haughtily as I motioned the beast to attack with my hand.

As if it could understand me, the giant Mammoth released a fearsome trumpet that shook the heavens. And instantly it started charging at me with an otherworldly speed that made me raise an eyebrow but then regained focus. You might wonder why I wasn't in my bear form when I become stronger whenever I transform, but I wanted to test out whether my new increase of power can allow my human form to withstand this magnitude of attacks. Furthermore, I had a feeling I could crush this mammoth with my human form if I really tried.

With every stomp of its massive feet, the earth and trees greatly shook, while it was getting closer to me by the seconds. My heart pumped uncontrollably, my muscles itched with impatience, and my bloodlust intensified. But I remained at the same spot despite my entire being screaming at me to attack.

That was until it was a meter away from me, that was when I struck. "ARRGH!" Instantly, I gathered all the strength in my legs and leaped into the air with lightning speed, and with a deafening shout and crazed expression on my face, I pinpointed my right arm and quickly channeled all my strength in my right arm and with all one movement, I clocked my right arm back and struck the center of the mammoth's face.



A loud impact erupted similar to when a person hits a brick wall and another noise of something breaking echoed. Due to my newfound strength, my fist crushed the massive trunk of the mammoth causing it to fly away to the side and slam hard onto the ground. Although it was a beautiful strike, this only happened because this beast let its guard down.

"Now this should teach you to not look down on me. Come, I know you're not gonna go down that easily." And just like I said, the behemoth slowly got up with a pained trumpet. When it stared at me, its eyes were blood red. I knew then that this behemoth understood its mistake and things will get more entertaining.

After it gave me that death stare, it instantly got back on the attack, and this time I can feel its much more serious than before.

"That's more like it, but too bad I'm gonna end things here!" I roared as I used all of my strength to burst out of the ground, instantly appearing in front of the behemoth again and then struck it.


With another sound of hard impact echoed throughout the forest, only one came out unscathed. When I connected the hit, a smile appeared on my face, however, my expectations didn't happen as I felt the behemoth take my punch as if it was nothing, and with me being dumbstruck, the behemoth used this chance to use all its momentum to smack me with its hard tusks.




All in one movement, I was sent flying and crashed upon a thick tree, like a paper doll. I was utterly dumbstruck of what just happened.

'...Well... that was... unexpected...' I thought with shock as I laid on the destroyed tree. This hasn't happened to me yet, so to experience this was something new to me. When I punched the skin of the mammoth, it felt like the hardest metal I've ever felt. I didn't even know how that could happen. But while I was in shock, the behemoth just stomps its feet and released a mighty trumpet. Proclaiming itself as the winner and pretty much telling me to not look down on it as well.

Seeing this, I knew the bear inside me was enraged by such taunts. "Haha, very well. I guess that was my fault." I said with laughter as I stood up and brushed off the pieces of bark on my body. Although I was hit pretty hard, it didn't hurt that much. It just felt like I was hit by a truck if I had to compare it, nothing much.

Then once I got up, I looked towards the behemoth with a deep frown while an animalistic growl escaped my mouth, "That was a mistake on my part, but you should know, playing around ends here." I said as I walked towards the behemoth, instantly my body started to boil while steam escaped my body.

The crazed behemoth just charged again with restored vigor, clearly intent on killing me this time. With every stomp, the ground shook uncontrollably while it was getting closer towards me. Witnessing this, I grinned widely as I shouted, "COME ON THEN!" I roared sprinting towards the giant behemoth in front of me with a crazed expression of my own. My whole body and mind were going berserk, this feeling is what I love the most.

As we were both getting closer and closer for an inevitable clash, right before we were 1 meter apart, I instantly transformed into my mighty black bear form. The crazed eyes of the behemoth shook with surprise, and with the element of surprise, I struck first. I quickly grabbed both tusks with both of my paws and with one movement like lightning I stepped to the side and used all my strength to use the behemoths momentum against itself as I pulled it hard onto the ground, twisting its neck in the process as it crashed on the ground.


The behemoth tried to resist but it was too late as it crashed onto the ground causing a deep trail dug up dirt to follow suit as it slid on the ground painfully. Instant seeing its weak spot, the neck, I quickly used this chance to finish this battle. Unfortunately, the behemoth used its trunk to grip around my ankle and pull me away with an amazing force that caught me off guard.

Flying away for a few meters, I rotated my body in midair before landing. Landing on the ground safely, I dug my claws into the ground causing me to slide. Once I stopped, I looked towards the behemoth and snarled angrily as I saw the behemoth use this chance to stand up.

'This bloody beast is proving more difficult than I thought.' I thought with annoyance as the behemoth stood up with a trumpet. Eager to clash once again. Naturally, I felt the same way, I quickly went back on the attack. But now I knew that this beast would most likely have tougher skin/fur than mine but I also had faith in my claws and teeth to get the job done.

With a big launch, I swiftly reappeared beside the behemoth. The behemoth didn't see me for a second but when it did, it tried to swing its tusks at me once again. Unfortunately, I saw it coming a mile away, and with a swift dodge, the tusks missed. However, right now its face was exposed. Instantly, with a roar, I used all my strength to strike its face, making me claw out a chunk of its face and right eye. Upon contact, the behemoth swang to the direction I struck while it screamed in extreme pain as blood sprayed out in the air. Despite the damage I caused, it only enraged the behemoth even more. Even though it lost a side of its face and right eye, it ignored the pain and quickly struck its tusk at my ribs. Causing me to let a pained roar as I was forced a few steps backward, I can feel one of my ribs was greatly fractured but the pain was quickly erased as adrenaline numbed the pain.

'You're one crazy mammoth I'll give you that.' I thought as I admired its action to ignore the pain to use that chance to strike me. It was a pretty bad trade-off considering I will heal in time and it will permanently lose half its face, but nonetheless, I respected that fearless attitude. Yet, the beast inside me was feeling something else, it was enraged from getting hurt and it demanded the mammoth's head.

With a distance between us, I started circling the behemoth in front of me with a deep snarl filled with anger, never had I been hurt twice until now. And this definitely hurt my pride. My mind was clouded from rage while my entire body demanded I get revenge. And revenge I'll get.

"ROAR!" I roared as I went back to attack, this time we clashed head-on with a loud impact. I used all my strength within my paws to stop its charge, causing us to suddenly halt. And with another roar, I started pushing it back little by little. The behemoth's eyes shook greatly with surprise as it witnesses this black bear smaller than itself push him back. Unfortunately, I couldn't celebrate too long because the tides quickly turned around as this damned bastard regained focus and used all its strength and started pushing me back. I panicked a bit but with great reluctance to admit, I knew its strength was greater than mine. I knew that strength wouldn't get me anywhere so I had to think up of another way. Otherwise, I would lose if I kept going on like this.

As I was getting pushed back, I noticed its enraged and large face in front of me and its tusks beside it. Then an idea came into my head that made me smile, 'Sorry big fella but your rampage ends here.' And without hesitation, I implemented the idea. When the trunk tried to grip around my body, I used this moment to slash the trunk causing a deep wound to appear while the behemoth screamed in pain, then I quickly jumped and had both my feet on the tusks and then began my barrage of strikes on the behemoths face.

"ROOARR!" I loudly roared as my claws penetrated through the hard fur and flesh of the behemoth, and when I ripped my claws out, chunks of flesh flys out in the air with blood following through. This caused the behemoth to release cries of pain as it felt everything I did to its face. Unfortunately for the behemoth, I didn't stop my attacks. While destroying the face of this behemoth, my mind was overtaken by my instincts, adrenaline coursed rapidly throughout my body, and I was loving every moment. It might seem disturbing but I was in my element right now, witnessing pieces of flesh being ripped out while blood poured nonstop, I was genuinely delighted. This was the drug I've always loved.

The pain was too unbearable for the behemoth as it came to a halt and immediately started swinging its head around in a desperate attempt to throw me off, unfortunately, it was useless as I still held on. Continuing my barrage of strikes. Seeing that this wasn't working, the behemoth was full of despair, then it tried to use its trunk again but as soon as it came close, I quickly took hold of it tightly within my mouth. Biting really hard while blood filled my mouth causing a trail of blood to fall down the side of my mouth, the behemoth released another scream filled with agony while it tried to release its trunk from my clutch, but its attempts were all futile. With every movement, I only increased the grip on my mouth.

Now the behemoth was really desperate as it swang around frantically. Then it saw the trees and used this chance, it charged towards the trees in hopes of getting me off its face, however, despite me crashing through several trees, I still didn't release my grip as this didn't affect me at all.

However, it definitely did annoy me, 'Just die already you damn monster!' I thought as I didn't cease my attack. But really though, how tough was this damned mammoth. This beast was nothing compared to the previous Sabertooth tigers that I last fought. And not only was this bitch tough but it was the only beast that I've come across that wasn't afraid to challenge me. Although I was complaining, I was actually loving every moment.

Then after an eternity of desperate attempts to get me off, after I dug deep into its brains, it finally stopped moving and with a final wail of pain, it dropped on the ground lifelessly. Crashing on the ground with a loud thud that shook the ground.

'Sigh... finally,' I thought as I ceased my attack, resting my bear form on its head, confirming that I've finally slain the behemoth.

"Seriously though, this monster was a freak of nature..." I said as I got off the behemoth while changing back into my human form. Although I was hurt, my body quickly recovered.

And not long after, I was suddenly assaulted by a familiar feeling. My body was filled with newfound power from the beast that I just killed. It coursed throughout my body as I felt my already incredible strength increase furthermore, and among other things became enhanced again. But the most notable thing I noticed increase way more than the others, was my skin. I felt that it would change everything, my skin was completely remade into something far sturdier and stronger than before. A lot stronger than any known metal. If I had to compare, it felt like I could take on any explosives even if they exploded right at my face.

"Hahaha, now, this is what I'm talking about," I said with a deep grin while I savored the new changes happening throughout my body. Yet, I could only win due to my special claws and teeth. If it was any other predator, they would most likely die.

After a few minutes of savoring the amazing feeling, suddenly, my stomach started to rumble.

"Huh? Oh, that's right. I haven't even eaten anything yet, I was too focused on quenching my thirst for battle that I seemed to forget about everything else." I muttered as I held my stomach, and then searched around me to find any possible food. I then noticed the giant corpse of the mammoth and just agreed to eat that.

"Ugh... might as well. Now I just need to find a town where I can buy- Oh, fuck..." I said in despair as I forgot I wasn't in the modern time anymore, but thrown back in time when lighters, pots, and more weren't even invented. Now knowing this I began to panic. I wasn't afraid of dying from any creature, but, I was definitely afraid of dying from starvation.

"No, no, no. This cannot happen to me, I cannot die like this..." I said with panic as I walked around aimlessly. But then I remembered I was a werebear which could mean I would be able to eat raw meat like a normal bear. In theory. Yet, I still took that chance, without hesitation, I went for it. Immediately I changed into my bear form while I reluctantly approached the bloodied and deceased mammoth. With its blood, bones, and bits of brains scattered everywhere, it didn't look that appetizing. But I can't complain right now.

With courage, I ate a piece of the mammoth. I tasted the raw flesh inside my mouth, the gruesome, warm, and metallic taste of blood hitting my taste buds. It was utterly disgusting. I thought my bear form would magically make me able to eat raw meat like a normal bear, making me think I was eating delicious chicken, but all I taste is disgusting blood and raw fucking meat. Yet the worst part of all this was the bloody fur stuck in my mouth.


I quickly spat out everything. "Urrghh... Hell no, that's definitely not an option. How the fuck do bears and lions eat this shit? Are they just born to love raw, squishy meat, and warm, metallic tasting blood? That's a no from me..." I complained as I cleaned my tongue from the foul taste. I loved to fight and see blood, but that's 100% different from pretending to be a blood-sucking animal.

Right now I needed fire to cook this meat and tools to cut it with. Searching through my memories, nothing came up to help with that. But while searching through, I realized I seem to have memorized everything I watched or read. It felt like there was a library inside my brain full of information. I even remember everything I learned in kindergarten, primary school, high school, and university. Even every youtube videos that I've watched about random stuff, I remember clearly. Books about random stuff that I read just for fun, I also remember clearly.

Finding this out, I was quite excited. This means, that I hold the knowledge that wouldn't even be thought of until the far future. I will definitely have the head start.

Armor and swords? That ain't shit compared to any firearm blueprint that I have inside my head. Even though I've only caught a quick look at it when I browsing the web in my past life, somehow I remember it clearly. Even the documentaries that I watched randomly on youtube about UFO sightings and among other things, I remember clearly.

However, just because I have all this amazing information inside my head doesn't mean I have the actual experience to build them. So obviously I will have a hard time. And unfortunately, there were many things that I didn't watch as well, like for example, any survival tutorials or how to make a campfire, etc. Upon this realization, my once high spirits came crashing down.

"Sigh... All this new information isn't gonna feed me now is it..." I grumbled as I sat down, my stomach rumbling again.

But once I was in deep thought, something popped up in my mind. I remembered the group of idiotic cavemen that I saved before and a smile appeared on my face. I now found my life saviors, and I've decided to head there. The spot where I saved them. Even though they were cavemen and not that well educated. I also knew that they would have access to fire and other tools. Hell, they'll be professionals compared to me when it comes to creating fire and skinning this beast, so obviously I was going to seek their help.

Although there might be a chance that they won't live near that certain area, I can only imagine they would live close by. Also, I can just track their scents down, so there's that option as well.

'Not only did I save them, but I'll also bring them this massive supply of food that could probably last them months. I have no worries at all.' And with that thought in mind, I set off to meet those cavemen again while I dragged the large carcass of the mammoth behind me. However, I noticed it was night time now, and roughly estimating how far it is from here, I think I'll make it there the next morning with my speed.

"Alright cavemen, be prepared to receive a guest," I said with a smile as I walked into the night dragging the deceased mammoth behind me.


-Grok The leader of T'chulu Tribe POV-

When I lost consciousness, I was inside and surrounded darkness. Everywhere I looked was darkness.

"W-where is this...?!" I shouted with panic as I looked around me.

"My child..." A voice that was as deep as the abyss called out to me. Causing me to spring in shock.

"W-who said that?! What do you want with me... and where am I..." I asked with a shaky voice as I frantically looked around this dark space.

"Hush child... there's no need to panic. I'm not you're enemy." The being said as it revealed itself with a blinding light. Instantly this being in the form of bright light appeared, causing me to block my eyes in pain.

"ARGH!" I groaned in pain as I blocked my eyes. Then afterward the lights seemed to dim down and I removed my hand. However, what I saw greatly shocked me.

"I-is that... U'lar Katou..." I gasped while my eyes almost popping out.

In front of me was the God that my tribe and most other tribes worship. A Deity in the form of a gigantic human with two animal heads while holding a spear made out of light essences, something we believed to be the essence of life. And on each head, there was a wolf and the other a bird. The wolf represents war and hunting, and the bird represents agriculture.

This Deity U'lar Katou is the God of many things like life, hunting, farming, and war. This was the great God we always prayed to receive blessings for safe childbirth, plentiful farming field, plentiful spoils on our hunts, or to bless us with strength before the battle. And now to see this mighty Deity with my own eyes I didn't know what to do but bowed down instantly.

"Praises to the U'lar Katou!" I shouted in worship, afraid to anger this Deity.

"There is no need child, stand." U'lar Katou said as it gestured its gigantic hand towards me, then magic flowed towards my body and made me stand. Which also shocked me.

"I have a request for you."

"A request? For me? W-why me?" I asked deeply confused.

"I have seen your dedication to your tribe and family, and also seen the way you lead your men into glorious battle while teaching them ways of farming. All these merits are things I cannot overlook. Especially when you stand out from the rest of my children." The being said with a smile on both its animal faces as it sat down cross-legged. Planting its light spear on the dark ground.

"R-really...? I stood out to you...?" I said with deep shock but also felt extreme happiness. Then quickly added, "Thank you U'lar Katou!" Then tried to bow down again but was stopped.

"Enough of that." U'ar Katou said as his magic stopped me again. I can never get enough of that magic, it was quite amazing. Then U'lar Katou continued, "As for the request, I assure you it won't be difficult. What I want you to do is follow this certain... 'Being'. This newcomer that has recently appeared that is beyond words different from anything I've ever seen."

Hearing this I was not only shocked but also afraid. I was shocked because I was given a task from U'lar Katou himself while I was afraid because he said it was another 'Being'. Could this mean it wasn't human like us? I didn't know.

"W-will I be safe... U'lar Katou?" I asked nervously. U'lar Katou looked at me for a second before laughing.

"Haha, there's no need to fear child. This newcomer doesn't seem to be hostile, at least from what I've seen not towards you so you have nothing to fear. And I don't need you to do anything dangerous other than joining this 'Beings' journey. I just want to see who and what this newcomer is, that's all."

At first, I was curious as to what he meant "Not towards me" But I decided to ignore it. "Sigh... Okay, I will take your words U'lar Katou. Where do I seek this being?"

"Oh, you won't need to worry about that. Because this newcomer is coming to you. I suggest you wait in your village, and also, I recommend you bring your tribesmen with you. I have a feeling your lives will change forever with that Being."

"Oh... Okay. I will do as you say U'lar Katou. Praises to U'lar Katou!" I said with extreme determination. I was really eager to please my God.

"Hm." U'lar Katou mumbled with a nod. "Very good, now I can rest assured. Since you've accepted this task, I will give you and your tribe a blessing. As to what it is, you'll have to figure it out yourselves. Now, good luck to you and your tribe, I wish you all the best. And also, for your own safety please don't provoke this newcomer. Even I don't know how strong this Being truly is." U'lar Katou said with a little warning and then disappeared. And I disappearing as well.


Instantly I woke up and what greeted me wasn't the dark space but the clear blue sky, and some trees that seemed to walk past me.

'Huh? Where is U'lar Katou...? Am I back to the real world?' I thought confused as I looked around me. Then I saw my current situation, my remaining and injured men have strapped me onto a flat wooden log and tied some vines around me so they could pull me. And below the flatten log I was on, there were two thicker vines that dragged the bloodied corpses of Sabertooth tigers from before. But seeing my injured men pulling me and the deceased sabertooth tigers along, and that they didn't leave me behind, I felt my warmth in my heart.

However, with just the slight movement I screamed out in excruciating pain, "ARRGH!" I felt both my shoulders were burning me alive. Undoubtedly from my wounds that the sabertooth tiger inflicted on me.

"Grok! You need to stop moving. We just applied those medical herbs and maggots on your wounds, so don't move around too much. You'll feel better tomorrow." One of my men said as he came running towards me, pushing me back down. This man wasn't too tall nor too short but he had brown hair, and with a well-built body. And in our standards he was handsome.

This man is Aru and my best friend from young. He has always had my back in everything, from farming, hunting, and battle. He was always there. He was also there when I challenged the past leader for the seat, it was a messy brawl and he had my back. Although he was weaker than me, I still wouldn't underestimate him. If I had strength then he had the speed. And most importantly, He's the little brother of my partner and uncle to my children, so we were pretty much brothers.

Seeing him I smiled, "Aru... where are we going..." I said with difficulty.

"We're going home, Grok. We found a shortcut but it'll be a bumpy ride for you." Aru said as he helped someone to lift me from a tree root so I wouldn't bump it. Then carried on helping to pull me along with my other men.

Seeing the remaining men, my heart ached a lot and caused me to remember the tragic events. "Aru... and you guys... I'm sorry, we shouldn't have attacked but I still lead us..." I said with deep regret and guilt.

"Shut up Grok, I and the boys understand what we were getting ourselves into. And it was our choice to do so, you don't need to blame yourself." Aru replied with a heavy sigh, it most likely affected him as well. But he was always the one to hide his emotions.

"No... I can't just let it go like th-" I was about to say until Aru interrupted. "Grok, we all understand. Enough with it... At least we got out alive from the help of that gigantic black bear." He muttered with a daze, with a lingering fear in his brown eyes.

"Hell yeah, that black bear was unbelievable. Where do you find Bears like those?!" A man added with admiration.

"I'm pretty sure that was the spirit of U'lar Katou looking after us. Praise to U'lar Katou..." Another man added with a prayer.

Aru just shook his head while continuing, but I was different. I remembered what happened at the end, I saw everything clear as day.

'That wasn't a bear... that was a shapeshifting man...' I thought in deep fear. Recalling the past event caused a shiver to run down my spine while I groaned in pain from it. Then I remembered my new mission, the new mission to join a mysterious being that we're going to meet soon.

I looked at Aru and wondered if I should tell him now, but I decided I'll tell him later with the rest of our tribe.

"Aru... how long do you think until we arrive?" I said as I struggled to move for a bit due to my wounds.

"It would've taken a few moons to get back home from the past route we took, but this new shortcut A'lek found, we should be there by next morning," Aru said as he looked towards the sky. I also followed suit. And from the position of the sun, it was almost dawn.

"Alright... that's good to hear. And I have news I need to tell everyone when we get there, can you wake me up upon arrival?" I said weakly, I could feel my body was about to shut down. I needed rest.

"News? What sort of news?" Aru asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll tell you once we get home..." I replied weakly.

"Hmm... alright, go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up once we arrive."

"Thanks, Aru. I'll reward you the old shaman once we arrive..." I joked as I knew he really disliked the shaman.

"Hmph, you do that and I'll reopen your wounds," Aru replied while baring his teeth in anger. He and the Shaman had some history together, it was quite troublesome but something funny to me nonetheless.

"Haha... alright, I think I can't stay up any longer... I'll see you then..." I said as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Yeah, you do that," Aru replied nonchalantly.

And with that said, I closed my eyes allowing the sweet feeling of sleep to embrace me.

Hey, thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. I tried my best to describe the fighting and I thought it was pretty good. But if it wasn't that good, please feel free to leave a comment as to how I can improve and stuff. And if you find any grammar mistakes, please feel free to correct me.

Also, right now I could only finish one chapter. The reason why I couldn't finish more is that I had to completely change everything I had originally planned for the story. And right now I'm currently still planning out how the story is gonna play out, but I at least have a rough idea for now. I'll be honest, I had a major headache the whole week from this, but nonetheless, I think it will be good. I just hope ya'll be patient with me and please expect one chapter a week. But if I have more time, maybe 2.

And if anyone is curious about what days I will upload new chapters, it will be Fridays or Saturdays. These are the only days I'm free from any work.

Anyway, hopefully, you'll understand, and thanks for reading. Peace!

Mike_Cockakacreators' thoughts