
Ruthless Stardeath

Slagar wasted no time after he got to his feet before breaking into another attack on Stardeath. He could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth from the internal damage caused by his injuries. He used his only remaining left hand to manipulate the Warp into a gigantic red bolt of lightning.


He hurled it like a javelin directly at Stardeath in the air. Arcs of red lightning torched the ground below as the beam of concentrated high energy collided with Stardeath's Necrodermis body frame.

"ARGH!" Stardeath shrieked in pain.

His scream was like a banshee wail, causing the Material world to recoil from him as if he were an abomination that was not welcome in it. The warp lightning was thick enough to reach the core of his being, causing damage to the thing that all C'tans call their soul; a black mass of churning ferrofluid-like ball.

Without another moment to lose, Slagar closed the gap between them and channeled his remaining will and concentration into his Warp Titan's left hand. 

*Unintelligible muttering* 

Slagar muttered runic incantations under his breath while trying to maintain consciousness. Around his titan's left hand, appeared a triangle incantation circle that spun rapidly. Around the body of Stardeath, thick ethereal pylons appeared and chains wrapped around Stardeath's body before the pylon shot into the moon's ground like an anchor.


Stardeath shrieked loudly and began to struggle hard against the chains. But then he suddenly stopped and looked coldly at Slagar, who continued to place two more pylons with chains around the C'tan into the ground.

Slagar panted heavily and his concentration was fuzzy from exhausting his energy manipulating the Warp. There was always a cost to manipulating the energies of the Warp and now it felt like he hadn't slept for a week, barely trying to keep his eyes open and focus on completely sealing the C'tan target.

"Well done." Stardeath congratulated with anger simmering in his voice.

Slagar's titan shrugged his shoulders happily at its comment.

"This body is finished," Stardeath muttered coldly. As a huge amount of energy began to gather on his body.

Black and purple energy simmered on him as cracks in space began to spread rapidly through the space on the moon. Slagar quickly performed a battlefield divination and his eyes condensed.

"SEND A TRANSPORT, NOW!" Slagar yelled into his communicator.

He then turned and forced his Warp Titan to run as fast as his tired mind could manage away from the self-detonating C'tan. His heart was pounding as he couldn't believe the ruthlessness of the C'tan, obliterating itself. The cracks spread across the atmosphere of the moon faster and faster, even spreading directly through the moon itself. Slagar hurriedly jumped onto the still-moving transport ship and left the atmosphere as quickly as possible.


Stardeath let out a final screech before its soul emerged from its body, before fading out of existence, blending into the natural radiation and molecules of the Materium. 

Slagar looked back down at the moon and could see large cracks spread across it began to collapse in on itself. At the center of the collapsing moon, there was a gigantic ball of 'zero space' where the body of the C'tan Stardeath used to be. The entire planet was quickly sucked into this ball before it exploded back outward like a shotgun shell.


The moon shattered and its pieces scattered across the surrounding space, colliding like asteroids into the ships that were in orbit above the planet. The Necron ships, after receiving the teleportation of the Necron forces on the moon, used the momentary pause caused by the destruction of the moon, to enter the Webway.

Slagar stared at the space that used to have a beautiful moon, full of life, deep in thought. He had failed one of his objectives. He rubbed the stump he now had on his arm, walked into the medical ward of the transport ship, and began some preliminary treatment. He closed his eyes and prepared to take a short rest.


Slagar arrived on one of the two remaining Old One command ships and sent a report of the situation back to the High Council. He then immediately went to find Gork and Mork for questioning. He had found the two giants in a 'debate' about which of the two of them did the most against 'that weird skeleton'. He spent two hours until he got the information he wanted.

But the answers he got, shocked him. Gork and Mork were indeed the two souls that his Teacher had created in an experiment. This being confirmed begged the question; how did Weklor get his hands on these two? Only his Teacher and himself knew about the location of their experiments.

'Could Teacher have told Weklor where they were?' Slagar thought but immediately dismissed it.

He remembered that he specifically mentioned to Slagar that he had only shared these locations with himself. So this meant... could Weklor have searched his mind to get this information?

A chill went through Slagar's body as he considered this. He looked back on Weklor's behavior ever since the Great Spirit went missing. And he realized, Weklor was not upset about his departure, he even seemed... pleased about it.

The second set of answers Slagar received from Gork and Mork, was that his Teacher had prepared the two Korks with infused knowledge of sets of technologies. Not only this, but he also infused instructions and information on how to handle basic things in life. To Slagar, who knew his Teacher's genius, he knew that he didn't do this without reason. Perhaps, he was preparing for a situation in the future... one in which he wasn't there. Slagar might have despaired at this thought, except that the two Korks were convinced that their 'Popz' was still alive and out there somewhere. 

The Old One command ship he was on split from the fleet which was pursuing the fleeing Necron fleet. He would head back to the High Council and give a further detailed debriefing of the events and the information on the C'tan. One thing had changed, however, he would not be able to look at his old student Weklor, the same way as he used to.


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