
Identity exposed

At noon, Ren Xiaosu brought Yang Xiaojin to the 3rd Division's temporary chow hall to get some food. When they came out of the medical center, they saw the students clumsily learning how to bandage wounds.

When Ren Xiaosu walked out of the medical center, the students watched the soldiers at the entrance suddenly salute him in an orderly manner. They said loudly, "Sir!"

The students recalled that the soldiers had allowed Ren Xiaosu to pass through their stations freely yesterday, but they totally ignored him otherwise. Why did they become so respectful towards him today?

Before this, everyone only knew Ren Xiaosu had the black ID in his possession, but they did not show any respect for him.

But after the recon company returned to base, they were full of praise for Ren Xiaosu's performance in the battle.