
The First King of Beasts

On a normal evening, a voice appeared out of no where to give an announcement all over the world, this same evening was also when Dustin was run over by a car while running way from thugs. Dustin however woke up unharmed, and learned that the world was about to go into ruins basically, and that some humans would be taken away in a few days as 'earth's warriors'. As it would turn out, on the D-day, Dustin is one of those that were taken. But, this might turn out to be an opportunity rather than a curse, as some night before this day, something interesting happened. [System activated] [Starting assimilation... Complete] [System online] [Congratulations player for being the first to awaken. Rewards will be given] . . . Author here! So, I have one thing to say. Things are not always what they seem, so don't be too quick to draw conclusions.

Killix_Kreed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
116 Chs

Dustin's Shadow Clone

After increasing the intelligence stat, Dustin found a place later to lay his head and sleep, as to see if the effects would happen after he slept. He had strong hopes that this would be the case, so he placed the results on that.

After he woke up, Dustin immediately came to his senses on why he even slept to begin with, so he just sat down there on the spot waiting for something that would indicate that he had become more intelligent happened, but just like expected, there was no such thing. He wasn't just going to know whether or not he had become smarter, so he needed to do a test.

The fact that Dustin didn't finish school was also a problem, since he wouldn't know some mathematical questions to structure and ask himself, so the process was dull. Instead of that, he tried to do something within his grasp, so he tried understanding how the ignition of fire using fire magic works.