
The beginning of a new era.

Ryan sat down in class not particularly listening to the teacher but just staring into the air. A girl from across the room, Lona, looked at him as she concentrated on his wavelength. She had the power to read people's minds that's how she won the annual tournament of power for the past five years consecutively. So long as she could read your mind once, she could hear your thoughts from wherever you are. That's how she also helped the police to prevent crime. Ryan on the other hand, had only power. He was the king of losers. And I literally mean losers. He listened to the teacher as thoughts raced through his mind. 

Lona tapped into his thoughts. She listened carefully. 'Man, what a day! Losing each and every time got to my neck so many times that I actually gave up on trying to win. Dad said that this was normal that I haven't yet awakened. But then again he's never been proud of me unlike my twin sister. She got everything she ever wanted since mom died. And Dad might as well have sold me to an orphanage but he didn't. He kept me home as a worker. That's why people famously call me the king of losers.'

Then Lona heard another voice. It was that of a male but it wasn't Ryan's. 'Well u did win that title.' Lona was shocked at this discovery. She couldn't wait to share it to her friends. Especially Tina because she had the power to amplify people's thoughts. Even though that was helpful at other times it wasnt very helpful. Lona folded a piece of paper and threw it towards Tina. Tina looked towards Lona's side. "Tina try amplifying Ryan's thoughts I swear its hilarious," Lona wrote on the piece of paper. Tina nodded and she was able to amplify his thoughts. 

Ryan was confused at what was happening. He could hear himself talking to two people. He did usually do that but those conversations were in his head. He didn't hear them. 'Bro you used to like Lona right?' a voice asked . Everyone in class looked towards Lona and her face flushed red. "Yeh for sure," Ryan answered. 'Then what happened?' the voice asked. The classroom was quiet. Tina was trying to undo her power but it didn't work. "She's way outta my league," Ryan answered. Before the conversation could continue, "Tina!" the teacher shouted. This stopped Ryan from continuing his conversation. "Stop that this instance. In fact to the principals office young lady!" The teacher shouted and soon the two of them disappeared down the hallway. 

The good thing about everyone's powers, is that they had a limit. A limit due to energy used and range. Once Tina was out of range Ryan's thoughts stopped being amplified and the class went quiet. Lona face was still flushing red. She avoided looking towards Ryan's side. Ryan just looked outside the classroom. "Say isn't that an S-Tier Beast over yonder," Ryan said to himself. Lona was still listening to him. Her eyes widened with fear and she looked outside the window. Nothing. There was nothing in the vicinity. 'Bro, why care u already know you can't win. You would be the first one to die,' the voice said. 

"You're probably right then that means there's no need to raise an alarm," Ryan said. 

'In any case no one would believe u if u tried to tell them,"

Lona began to panick as the S-Tier beast came into range. "Hey everybody get ready there's an S tier beast coming this way," Lona shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Well that was fast Ryan said to himself.