
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

The invocation part 2

Micheal was awaiting his date, he stood at the entrance of the church situated in the city center. His attire comprised of a classic black and white suit, a traditional black wool felt top hat, and short black leather shoes.

Upon Aurora's arrival, he acknowledged her dazzling appearance. She was dressed elegantly in a black dress, paired with short black heels, and a distinctive black felt hat adorned with ribbon and feathers.

Micheal couldn't help but express his admiration, "You look magnificent, Aurora". Expressing a mutual sentiment, Aurora replied, "Likewise". Naturally intrigued, Aurora then inquired about the evening's agenda. "So, where are we going this evening?" she asked.

Unveiling his grand plan, Micheal answered, "We are heading to the most frequented restaurant in the entire city."

"Ah! Are you referring to the famous Lenter restaurant? I heard it's always crowded and securing a reservation there is exceedingly challenging." Aurora responded, clearly excited about the evening ahead.

They commenced their journey towards the street, momentarily pausing to wait for an approaching carriage. "Where are we heading?" asked the coachman. Michael instructed, "To Subel Street," soon after which the horses initiated movement, carrying the carriage forward.

Alice, deeply concerned, questioned Reo, "Is this a certainty? Is it safe?" Reo was in the midst of etching a large square in the heart of the room. He responded, keeping his focus on Alice's anxious face, "Certainly not." "Then why persist?" Alice countered, receiving an answer from Reo, "If we manage to establish contact with a being steeped in history, we eliminate the necessity of hunting for new diary pages." Alice pressed on, "I comprehend your reasoning, but won't this jeopardize your life?" A deep sigh escaped Reo before he responded, "I appreciate your concern, but I sincerely doubt Professor Burn would incorporate a perilous invocation into his dairy— a diary which he desired to be discovered."

"Very well," Alice conceded as Reo concluded his task of drawing a square. He solicited for four candles and a lighter which he subsequently utilized to ignite all the candles. He then strategically positioned them on all corners of the square drawn.

"I harbor some reservations about this," Alice voiced out apprehensively.

Unfazed, Reo queried her cause of alarm. In response, she retorted, "Imagine a scenario where something untoward occurred to you as a result of this invocation. Have you considered Amelia?"

"Rest assured," Reo reassured her before emphasizing that his sole task was to adhere to the instructions.

With no other alternative, Alice surrendered in her attempts to dissuade Reo. She proceeded towards the kitchen island, flipped open the top drawer laden with an assortment of kitchen gadgets, and drew out a knife.

The coachman announced their arrival, adding that the fare was 30 semi coins, Michael promptly retrieved 3 multi coins from his pocket to settle the cost of the journey. Aurora, taken aback, stated, "This isn't the Lenter restaurant." Her confusion was evident as she surveyed the stairs bordered by trees on either side. Michael, unperturbed, confirmed her observations. Admitting that he had indeed made reservations at the restaurant, he explained that it was still too early. Hence, he had decided instead to bring her to a shrine.

With the prospect of navigating the stairs in heels daunting, she doubted her ability to tackle the task. Seeing her apprehension, Micheal seized this as a chance to help. He crouched down, offering her a piggyback ride. Taken aback by the unexpected proposition, she hesitated—worried about the spectacle they would create.

With uncertainty in her voice, she asked, "Are you positive you can carry me?" Without hesitation, Micheal confirmed, "Yes." Reassured by his confidence, she cautiously climbed onto his back. With her secure, Micheal began the ascent.

Inquiring with curiosity, she asked, "Michael, how do you manage to achieve this?" His response was intriguing, as he shared, "From my childhood, I discovered that I had the capability to fortify my legs using elemental energy, enhancing their strength. Although, it's not always beneficial. In the past, I frequented this shrine with my mother prior to their inexplicable disappearance. I maintain the hope that, one day, I can uncover their whereabouts, provided they are still among the living. Or at least, identify the individual responsible for their vanishing."

Expressing her empathy, Aurora reassured, "Michael, I am truly sorry about the unfortunate circumstances of your family. I sincerely hope you can eventually unravel the mystery surrounding them." As she gently placed her head on his shoulder, his heart began racing and he quickened his ascent of the stairs.

Certainly, Reo, here is the knife." Alice cautiously handed the knife to Reo, despite her apprehensions. He reassured her with a sense of confidence that everything would turn out fine, but his assurance did little to calm her worries. Without hesitation, Reo deliberately cut his own finger with the knife, leading Alice to express her concern.

"What in the world are you doing?" she asked anxiously, observing the sight of Reo's bleeding finger.

Unfazed by the pain, Reo proceeded to walk around the four corners of the square space. Blood dripped from four different parts of his body, his two feet, the cut finger, and his two elbow. The sight of it underlined the gravity of their situation, the irreversible nature of his actions.

"There's no turning back now," Reo said, looking at Alice. His words hung heavily in the air between them. "Time to wish me luck."

Alice watched him with a severe expression of worry etched on her face, as Reo positioned himself within the square. He sat down and started to meditate, his eyes closed as he began focusing his energy inward. Thoughts of 'Crystella' filled his mind as he sought control over the situation, hoping for the best outcome.