
The Avatar is back

The room was heated with the anger of Kayne,a boy young enough to be a son scolded a man like a child.His voice was heated through the walls to every room.And Tenzin remained still to hear every word he had to utter.As usual as a monk,he was calm no matter how many time his toned or early stage arrogance annoyed him.

"Calm down Kayne, remember he is helping us."Yohn said with his mouthful of any crumb and moisture that ever settled on the plate.He would gulp down without suffering a choke.At least it was one talent he developed in his days as a beggar.Despite the steaming ire of the context at hand,he would fuel Kayne up knowing the fear of him spilling the secrets of the occult.

"Help us?I didn't ask for his help,he brought me here,more like a kidnap.He was gonna fight me....oh wait he did hit me"He voice toned down to deep dark accent.His eyebrows fell to a rendezvous below his forehead and his eyes shrinked.

He looked down into Tenzin's eyes,he wouldn't hit him back for it,it would mean shit to him and his ego.He saw that his mind was lost in anger.He calmed and sat back down.

"Aang would have done better if he was alive"he said as he wallowed.

"I deeply sorry for your loss Kayne,but we tried our best,the situation was too drastic to own a space for thinking.We apologize for the trouble we've caused you and the others in the city"Tenzin said.

"I am not a representative of the city Tenzin, apologize to the people first"Kayne replied.

Tenzin stood up gently.The words from Kayne gave him a better understanding of what reality was outside his perception.

"Fine.. I'll make sure to compensate the people in the streets and you if that's needed"Tenzin said politely.

"Forget about me,you can't give me what I want"said Kayne.

Lin sat in her office,the room was dark and the desk was clouded with paper works without an orderly manner.Her head supported with a stand of her elbow and her face rested in her palm.She had no idea where to search and how search to find the person Kayne.It hit her knowledge that the airbender at the temple responsible for exhaustion was an air bender.This was weird.It would be impossible for an earth bender to use air unless he was an avatar.And as far as he knew Korra their current Avatar lived still.This left her puzzled,she had no choice but drop that case and focus on the freed convict.

Zit,the firebender who lived in the middle of the city.He was arrested being an arsonist and a thief responsible for the lost of a fire ending scroll in a the Republic city Library.He wasn't well-heeled.But he had enough to be called a friend of the earth prince of Republic city.He was bailed multiple times and his last commited was attacking a bank at the day with the president himself present in the residence.This put him in a tight spot with a sentence of years in prison by the court.

After his escape he was immediately arrested for in the swamp and according to the police he didn't show any signs of resistance but rather gave in so easily.

It was also reported he was being backed by a few group of people protesting of his innocence despite all he had done.It was evident the people knew nothing about his bad deeds towards the state.They rather out cried about him helping them with food.

But this would be no business of the police until it became a part of a case they needed to investigate.

She rested her back and yawned extremely.Elevated from her seat and suited up to draw curtains on the day's work.She was caught in the falls of the night and lights of the city were flew higher into the darkened skies like becons.Of course crimes dwelt still and it was the job not only the avatar but anyone with good heart to stand for right to fight back.

Lin left the room closed and left the keys in the hands of an officer.She walked down the hall looking all worn out in the face and numb in the feet.She armoured up approached the window.She took a long start at the world before her,the world she dedicated her life to protect from crime and evil people was at least in a good shape for now.


The radio screamed in a static scratches.

"All units,there is reported gun fire at an unspecified location.It suspected to been located in the red light district,the building is said to be in smokes."said the man of the speaker.

"Beifong responded to the call.

"Beifong here,Roger that!!"she retrieved the phone,and twisted her bones to stretch.She walk back away from the window towards the elevator,her hands paused motion.She stop to think,the elevator would be slower if she used it.

She turned to the window and ran towards it.She dodged a couple of people in the way,jumped and broke through the window glass.She threw her hand and swung with her metal ropes towards the mission.

She landed on the top of building,the location had land marks said in the report.She couldn't point out the building and saw no sign of an officer swinging by.They lost track as well she.She stomped her feet and closed her eyes.She sent vibrations throughout the buildings.The whole city within her range was clear to see,even with her eyes closed.

It was trick learnt from her mother,Toph.She quickly spotted the building in an instant.She reported to the other units and went straight for it.

She leaped from the side of the building and swung right into the other by the window.The men were masked like equalisers with sacks in their hands.They had kidnapped some people and we're headed for the elevator.She launched attack on them and took down three men but the rest slipped away.

The elevator door shut and they were gone.She metal bend the door open and jumped into it.


The kidnappers heard her weight stomp on top of lift.They were filled with fear that instant.One of them rushed to the buttons and pushed the buttons with fidgeting hands.

Beifong stomped twice,her dance was interrupted with gunshot from inside.This delayed her and the men ran out of the elevator when it stopped.She wear off the roof and jumped in when she came out the men were down.

A mysterious person was taking them down one by one with earth bending.She joined in the fight and helped the stranger.After a period of kicking and punching the fight came to an end.

One last man stood and attempted escape.The stranger shot fire at him and rise his body up with the earth below him to knock him into the roof leaving him up unconscious.

"Who are you?"Beifong yelled towards the stranger.Despite her assistance being helpful she would put trust in him since it could be another one of the men pretending to be on a good side to escape.

"Lin relax it's me."She sounder feminine as she took of her mask.It was Korra.

"Long time huh?"she said with a broad smile.

"Korra,you should be resting,this my job to take care of"said Beifong.

"Hello?,it's me the avatar,you don't expect me to sit down and do nothing?"She replied.

"Fine."She said whilst turning to walk away.

"I'm glad you helped but I got more work to do"beifong said earth leaping away to the next way out of the building to the next.

Korra ran towards her."Heard Tenzin got a new kid at the temple,Jinora wouldn't shut up about him"she said.

Beifong wasn't glad to hear this.She was glad that Korra would soon hear about her ass been kicked by a boy.

"Maybe you should pay them a visit and leave me alone!!"she sounded grumpy.she said.

"Oh Cmon Beifong,don't tell me you have a grudge with him as well now do you?"Korra had no idea her words were turning out irritating that ever but she wouldn't stop to tease Lin if she knew that was what she was doing.