
The Fight for the Heavens

'A man who stood up against his dreams and went to sleep.' That's the best way he could be described. Living his life with neither any ambition nor any attachment, he lived a cold, lonely life. What will he do if he gains another chance in life, will he give it up like he did before or will he strive forward and make the best for himself?

Purple_Life_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 03- The Descent of a Master

"Fucking hell! I have been reincarnated as a trashy young master!"

Aziel's voice full of grief and pain resounded through the entire room as beads of tears formed in his eyes.

A part of his soul died knowing that he might never be able to reach the level of his icon, Leon the Star Breaker! Nor will he ever be able to have a harem of jade beauties fawning over him!

Gritting his teeth Aziel ran towards the mirror once again but unfortunately stumbled on his way.


"Ow, ow, ow!!! Shit! I sprained my ankle just now!", cursing out loud Aziel tearfully looked at his foot which looked a bit swollen.

Clenching his teeth, he held back his tears and somehow got back to his feet.

Walking limply, he turned towards the mirror once again and stood in front of it.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Aziel issued a light sigh and shook his head.

'This guy's face looks good if I am being honest. He kind of has the feminine look that might help him get chicks in the future, but looking at his physique, the chances of him getting laid is undoubtedly 0% , unless he goes to the red-light district, of course. Sigh what should I do?', Aziel thought as he carefully assessed his current self.

It was then that his eyes suddenly fell on the borders of the wooden frame that was containing the mirror.

A weird inscription was printed on the borders and it gave off a mystical feeling to Aziel, as though there was something in the mirror that can guide him to achieve true divinity or something.

Aziel instinctively stretched his hand toward the mirror surface and touched it before instantly retracting it back as if he had been electrocuted.

Shaking and rubbing his hands, Aziel looked at the mirror once again with an expression full of shock. His eyes widened until they became full moons and he instinctively jumped backward.

Looking at the mirror with extreme caution, Aziel tried to move his feet and run away from the room but he found himself unable to move let even run away from the room.

His feet were thoroughly stuck to the ground.

It was then that a voice resounded in the entire room,

"At last, you've come, my dear successor'', the voice sounded ethereal, to say the least.

Tracing the voice back to its source a faint faceless shadow formed on the mirror's surface.

''My successor, it has been more than 1500 years since my true body had left an inheritance in this 'Mirror of Absolute Trust', and for all those years I have been searching for a successor!", the voice resounded once again striking a feeling of reverence towards the entity in the mirror in Aziel's heart.

"And it seems like my patience hasn't been for nothing!", the voice said as a pair of eyes formed on its formless body.

"And now, I will bestow upon you… ah? What the fuck!? Who the hell are you? You fat bastard!", the pleasant voice that sounded ethereal and godly just a few moments ago turned into the vulgar swearing of some street beggar.

Apparently, the entity in the mirror was enraged after it finally got a good look at Aziel.

The entity had been sealed in the mirror for around 1500 years. No matter how one looks at it, 1500 years is a very long time. Even the current 4 Divine Empires' history only goes back to 2000 years ago or so.

So, 1500 years is definitely not a small number, one could actually say that it was a big enough number for the entire world to go through numerous changes.

And after 1500 years when it had finally found a successor, the senior got shocked to see that the one standing before him wasn't a man with a sword-like aura and jade-like face or a girl with an ice-cold aura that seemed to freeze even the heavens, no, it was actually some talentless, obese guy who hadn't even reached the First Stage of Primal Realm even though he looked like he was at least 15-16 years old!

How can an existence of his level ever give away his precious inheritance to someone like Aziel who couldn't even be considered a shitstain in his eyes?

"Quick! Get away from this honored one, I don't wish to see your face!! Also, make sure to hide this mirror properly otherwise if it were to break, my precious inheritance will be lost!", the shadow said impatiently as it turned around to leave when suddenly a voice called out to him.

"Ayo, shadow guy, where the fuck do you think you are going!?", the voice full of scorn and disgust sounded in the shadow's ears and it abruptly turned towards the source of the foul words, Aziel!

"Good! Very good! It's been so long since someone tried to talk to me this way!", the shadow said and two beams of red light emitted from his eyes and struck Aziel directly on his chest.

Taken aback, Aziel tried to run away but he found himself unable to move.

Looking at his struggle, the shadow said, "This is my Absolute Slaughtering Beam! Let alone you, even the mighty dragons would shiver before its might as what it attacks isn't the body but the soul itself!"

His voice reverberated in Aziel's ears filling him with shock and despair.

'Attacks the soul!? Shit! From all the novels that I have read I know for sure that damage to one's soul is practically irreversible and dying from the attack could be considered the lightest consequence of this! In the worst-case scenario a person might become mentally crippled, in simple words, an idiot!', a chill ran down Aziel's spine as he recalled all the cultivation web novels he had read in his past life!

For the first time in his life he regretted reading those novels!

He closed his eyes in fear, not daring to look at his grim reaper, and silently waited for his death to come, but even after waiting for some time nothing happened to him.

Slowly and hesitatingly, he opened his eyes and looked at the entity in the mirror who was looking back at him with a stupefied gaze.

"H-how!?", the shadow's voice stuttered and came out as a scream.

Looking at him Aziel finally understood one thing, 'I don't understand a thing but looks like I am immune to that attack of his. Is this because I have transmigrated? Well, I don't really care. I guess I'll just go with the flow!'

"Hehehehehe, what happened? Did something go wrong with your Absolute Shattering Beam~?", in a voice filled with mockery Aziel looked at the shadow in the mirror and made fun of the entity in the mirror.

"You…", although the shadow was furious, in the end, it couldn't do anything to Aziel.

The Absolute Shattering Beam was the only method of attack that was available to him and even that didn't work on someone like Aziel. One could only guess how terrified the entity must have been feeling right now.

In the end, he had no choice but to let Aziel go, even though he had just disrespected him a few moments ago.

The shadow once again tried to move away but this time too, Aziel stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey hey, old fart! Where the fuck do you think you are going, hah?", his voice full of ridicule sounded in the shadow's mind and his indistinct features somehow twitched to form a frown.

Turing towards Aziel he said,

"Little brother, we have no prior grievances then why do you keep on disrespecting someone as noble as I?", he asked as he once again regained his ethereal tone.

Looking at him a sneer formed on Aziel's face and he said, "Just the fact that you called me fat is enough for you to be burned in purgatory for 10,000 years! Not to mention that you also tried to kill me just a few moments ago. And what the hell do you mean by 'little brother', hah!? I am the young master of the Amias household! Talk to me with respect!"

The shadow felt like it was going to lose control and attack Aziel in a fit of fury, but then realized that this fat bastard was completely immune to his attacks, so he should rather not anger Aziel anymore, after all, body shaming fat people has always been a taboo of the fat people society that has existed since the dawn of time.

So, suppressing his anger the shadow said,

"Young master, this old one knows that he has offended you, but please believe this old one when he says that he had no intention to harm you. I know that after what I did to you, you have the full right to seek vengeance but… please understand this old one's situation, I have waited for more than 1500 years in search of a successor!"

"So, when this old one finally found young master, he… got exhilarated from joy, but the moment my eyes fell on young master… I… uh… couldn't control myself, as the young master doesn't look like a Magus, so I somehow got angry. I hope young master would be magnanimous enough to let go of this old man and not further brood on this matter…", the shadow said in a voice full of guilt and shame.

Looking at Aziel's facial features, the shadow finally relaxed as he found Aziel's chubby face relaxing and becoming more and more emotional as the moments passed.

There was complete silence in the room that was broken by Aziel's somewhat tearful voice.

"1500 years… it's been so long… don't you feel lonely…?", tears flashed in his eyes and he stopped midway.

Looking at his crying figure, the shadow sighed and looked at his sobbing figure.

His gaze softened and he felt a pang of pain in his chest.

'This child is so pure… a pity that he isn't strong… otherwise… I might have given my inheritance to him. I shouldn't have attacked this child, I truly am a sinner...', the shadow thought and answered Aziel's question.

"Yes, I was lonely, so lonely that many times I felt death would be a way better outcome for me, but somehow, I held onto my life, after all, I didn't want my legacy to end in such a way. Even though I have no successor, I want myself to be remembered even after my death. That's why I created this inheritance so that someone worthy would come and inherit my strength."

With a voice full of loneliness and grief the shadow told Aziel about his struggle.

"I am very sorry mister, but please be assured, after today you will not need to endure this loneliness", Aziel said in a determined voice as he wiped off his tears and emotionally looked at the shadow.

Hearing what he said, the shadow's ears perked up and it expectantly looked at Aziel.

'Perhaps this young man knows someone of exceptional talent, no forget it, even if it is someone with ordinary talent, I would be pleased to find a successor and finally pass on! As long as it is someone with even an ordinary talent, I am fine.', the shadow thought and gratefully looked at Aziel.

Never in his lifetime did he ever think that a day would come where he will have no choice but to hand over his legacy to someone who might not even qualify to become his servant!

But now, the only thing this old man wanted was to pass on and meet his loved ones in the afterlife.

Aziel on the other hand pat the dust off his clothes and came close to the mirror.

The expectations in the shadow's eyes increased ten-fold when he saw the confident expression on Fuyuki's face.

Aziel looked at the shadowy figure with a newborn determination in his eyes and kneeled on the ground.

"I, Aziel Amias, present myself to accept senior's blessings!", he shouted in a voice that seemed to shake even the heavens and the mighty earth itself.


Culitvation levels:-

1) Primal- Muscle, Bones, Viscera, Meridians, Metamorphosis

2) Mana Circulation- 10 subdivisions

3) Mana Condensation- 10 subdivisions

4) Mana Amplification- 10 subdivisions

5) True Beginning- 10 subdivisions

6) Origin Returning- 10 subdivisions

7) Ascension- 10 subdivisions

8) Monarch- 10 subdivisions