
The Fight for the Heavens

'A man who stood up against his dreams and went to sleep.' That's the best way he could be described. Living his life with neither any ambition nor any attachment, he lived a cold, lonely life. What will he do if he gains another chance in life, will he give it up like he did before or will he strive forward and make the best for himself?

Purple_Life_ · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Chapter 02- Cruel Dilemma

As darkness seeped into my consciousness a feeling of extreme cold washed over me.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself floating in an endless void devoid of all light.

A strange feeling of loneliness submerged my consciousness, I felt as if there was a void inside of me that could suck everything that might come in contact with it.

'Am I dead?', I thought as I tried to come up with a reason behind my current situation.

Actually, maybe I am, after all, getting hit by a truck like that… huu, let alone me, I don't think even the strongest man on earth could have survived a clash that deadly.

My eyes or whatever was left of them wandered through the dark void to find an exit to escape this place.

A tinge of fear developed in my heart that was beating frantically and my breathing became heavier as the time progressed.

I truly was scared of dying from loneliness.

Although I didn't feel anything much right now but if things were to progress this way, I know for sure that I would go insane from extreme loneliness, after all, I was the only one present here with no one in my vicinity.

Never in my life did I ever think that someone like me who hated being in crowds would ever long to see people this much in my life.

My thoughts were in a disarray and my body was shivering from cold, my thoughts slowly but gradually kept on fading away, and I felt for sure that I was going to die when suddenly I felt a weird force acting on me.


For a moment I felt that that force was going to crush me, but this feeling of doom only lasted for a second before it completely disappeared and my entire body that seemed to be tearing apart suddenly felt like it had been sucked somewhere far away.

I lost my sense of time… well, actually I never had my sense of time, to begin with.


A beam of light came into my view and a slight groan slipped past my throat accompanied by a deep realization that dawned over me.

Was I in a coma? I must be, after all, right now even though I can feel my entire body for some reason, it doesn't feel like it's mine.

Whatever I just hope that my hospital bill hasn't exceeded my savings.

As the light pierced through my eyelids I felt a throbbing pain in my eyes and strugglingly I opened them with much effort.

It took me a few good minutes to finally open them and look at my surroundings with much clarity.

Looking around, I found myself to be in what looked to be a… a hut?

Is this a hut?

Where the hell am I?

Slowly getting up on my feet, I strangely found myself struggling to get up.

Could it be because I have been lying for a long period of time and because of that my body feels numb? Yes, it must be, after all, I was in a coma, not to mention that I have been hit by a truck. Me getting up in itself could be considered a miracle.

I got up and walked toward a mirror that was placed a few meters away from me.

The mirror looked old as if it hadn't been cleaned for ages but its shining surface was enough for me to see my current appearance.

As I appeared before it, what I looked at was not myself but someone else, to be precise an obese guy with thick fingers and a face without a trace of any facial hair.

Baffled, I ran my hand across my face only to find out that my hand had been touching the puffy cheeks of the man in the mirror.

'What's happening to me!?'

That's what I had wanted to say but there was no reason for me to lie to myself and feign ignorance.

The fact of the matter is I knew everything from the beginning for some reason, me looking into the mirror was nothing more than an act of finding proof.

Yes, I just got reincarnated.



As the boy calmed down from his initial surprise a serious expression formed on his face and he looked straight into the mirror with a determined look in his eyes.

Stretching his hand, the boy immediately brought it to his face.

*Slap*, a loud slap reverberated in the surroundings and a red mark appeared on the boy's cheek.

Holding back his tears the boy gently rubbed his swollen cheek and a look of understanding appeared on his face.

''Looks like I really have been reincarnated, huh. It would have sucked badly were I actually in a coma.'', he said as he examined the room he was in.

There was a small table on which there was an empty plate with a bit of leftover food. Just beside that table was a bed, big enough to cover his big bulky body, and a dirty curtain that was fixed before the window which was already closed.

There was a small cupboard that looked so old that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it looked like an heirloom. The floor was rough and there wasn't any other furniture in the room or hut if you want to call it that.

Apparently, the boy wasn't living a well-off life, even his clothes looked ordinary and worn out.

The boy looked at the room and then sighed.

Shaking his head, he slowly walked towards the door with unhurried steps as if he was having trouble walking.

"Shit! Walking in this body is so tough!", he grumbled but then suddenly came to a stop and fell on the ground while holding his head as if he was in deep soul-shattering pain.

Clenching his teeth, he tried to endure the pain until blood came pouring out of his mouth. But all his attempts turned out to be for nothing as just a few moments later he fell unconscious.

Sweat poured down his forehead and his complexion turned red before finally becoming deathly pale. His breathing also rapidly increased and his body started shivering.

It looked as if the boy was going to die but then suddenly his eyelids fluttered and he snapped open his eyes.

His complexion got better and he looked in a distance with lost eyes.

"Aziel Amias, the son of the patriarch of the Amias household Brutus Amias who is considered to be amongst the upper layer of experts throughout the entire Holy Tristan Empire. His mother, a dancer whom the patriarch took fancy to ended up dying while giving birth to him. Loathed by everyone around him because of his common origins, and a shame to the current patriarch, he was destined to die as soon as he was born but the patriarch because of his love for Aziel's mother, allowed his newborn son to live."

Aziel said in a grave voice as he held his head and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Fucking hell! I have been reincarnated as a trash young master!"

Aziel's voice full of grief and pain resounded through the entire room as tears formed in his eyes and a part of his soul died knowing that he might never be able to reach the level of his icon, Leon the Star Breaker!

Thanks for reading, I am very grateful for your support!!!

Purple_Life_creators' thoughts