
The Fight for the Heavens

'A man who stood up against his dreams and went to sleep.' That's the best way he could be described. Living his life with neither any ambition nor any attachment, he lived a cold, lonely life. What will he do if he gains another chance in life, will he give it up like he did before or will he strive forward and make the best for himself?

Purple_Life_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 01- A tragic conclusion

'The heavens lay witness to the scene as the bloodlust being emitted in the Heavenly Jade Hall seemed to affect every single creature, every single particle in the whole 10000 worlds!'

'On one side stood the personification of might, the deity of war, the Sun god!'

'And on the other side with an incomparably calm expression, with a jade-like face and an aura that was calm as water but at the same time sharp as a sword, there stood a youth probably 20 years of age looking at the Sun God with eyes that seemed to reflect the entire universe, the youth was none other than Leon, The Star Breaker!'

'Behind him stood his 12 wives who had dedicated their entire life and being to the man before them.'


'Looking at the youth standing before him, the Sun couldn't help but marvel at his strength as he himself found it difficult to comprehend the depths of the youth who, in the last, 1 billion years was the first to challenge his might and authority!'

' "Puny human! If you do not wish to die then hand over your soul seal to me! I, the originator of Chaos, vow in name of strength, that I will give you a strength so incomparable that let alone this world, in the entire cosmos there would not be more than a handful of people who can contend with you! O puny human, become my slave!" '

'With a majestic voice, the sun offered Leon a chance to become his slave. Although arrogant, the Sun was probably the only one in the Solar system to have the strength to be arrogant in front of Leon!'


'Looking at the Sun with an indifferent expression on his face Leon just said one word.'

' "No" '

'Listening to his answer, the Sun's aura exploded and it madly raged throughout the universe, sending ripples of destruction across the vast 10000 worlds. The mighty aura had the potential to burn the entire omniverse to cinders, but in front of Leon it wasn't even worth a matchstick!'

'The hot swirling aura around the Sun intensified and he said in a hateful voice, "You vile creature! How dare you reject this god's grace!? I will kill you and all of those you love!!! I will exterminate the entirety of humanity! I will… ughk!" '

'The sun was suddenly interrupted by a bone-chilling bloodlust directed at him, looking ahead he found that the one exuding this aura was none other than the Man of the legend, Leon the Star Breaker!'

'It was at this moment, the sun finally understood, it was royally fucked! He had finally touched Leon's reverse scale! He had finally done what he should never have!'


'But even if the sun knew about his impending doom, he just can't give up like that! He will fight, for his honor and for the ones who mattered to him!'

'Taking out his divine weapon, the Heavenly Spear of destruction, the Sun violently aimed it at Leon. The entire heaven and earth shook at the might of the attack but in response to his gargantuan attack Leon barely even moved.'

'Swinging his hand towards the Sun in an extremely slow motion he retracted it back almost immediately and the entire power behind the Sun's attack disappeared as if it had never existed.'

'The sun, baffled looked at Leon with a horrified expression on his face, but this expression didn't last for too long as he suddenly looked down at his body. The moment his eyes fell on the lower half of his body, the sun felt true horror strike his soul'

'The spear of destruction fell out of his hands and landed beside a half-severed body of the sun that was still struggling as if it couldn't believe that it had been severed!'

The Sun finally fell on the floor and looked at Leon with true horror in his eyes.

Leon paced forward to end his misery but suddenly stopped in his tracks as he saw two beautiful women come running towards the sun's decapitated body and started weeping.

Looking at the scene Leon couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He had once again, destroyed someone's home, someone's family.

But even so, he didn't regret his actions.


Looking straight at the Sun, Leon said with a voice full of determination.

'O the mighty Sun, although you did lose to me, I still respect you as an opponent who forced me to use my hand! Therefore, from now onwards your wife and your daughter… both of them are my, Leon the Star breaker's responsibility! These two, from now onwards are my women!'

Declaring so, Leon bent on the ground and kissed the weeping mother and daughter duo before eventually hugging them tightly, filling their entire bodies with warmth and a sense of security.

Looking at this scene the Sun smiled and with a heart full of gratitude towards Leon, he departed for the next world.

And thus, another insignificant chapter finished in Leon's life.

And thus, another legend came to an end with his descent!


Closing the book, a boy, probably 18-19 years of age put away the book he was reading and walked out of the library's children's section.

His eyes shone with determination and ambition and the aura he exuded wasn't any different from that of a monarch!

Just as he got out of the library, he instinctively looked at the sun.

"Don't worry, you lost to someone way stronger", his voice sounded ethereal and mystical.

He continued to gaze at the sun when suddenly a loud noise interrupted his thoughts.


The boy, irritated with the noise, turned backward with a frown on his face.

But just the moment he turned back and looked at what was behind him, his frown turned into horror and before he could even think something, he found himself getting crushed by a truck.


Stretching his hand towards the sun, the boy looked at it, with an almost relaxed expression as if he wasn't suffering from any pain at all, and gradually a smile formed on his face as his body went cold before becoming completely devoid of any life.

The boy died.

This is the first chapter! Thank you for reading

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