
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

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164 Chs

One to go!

When his mothers found out he was participating in the Seven Wizards Tournament, they each sent him a Howler during lunch in the Great Dining Hall. Good thing Soisen was able to silence the surroundings in time when he recognized the strange letter and kept his poker face on or what an embarrassment he would have been.

Hogwarts was currently divided into three factions.

Soisen's faction as champion, having the full support of his House Galegold.

Cedric's faction as champion, where he received the support of Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw Houses.

And the anti-Potter faction as champion, which was pretty much everyone but most of the Gryffindor lions.

Now, it's worth noting that unlike what Soisen expected, Potter decided to keep the contents of the first test in his stomach and didn't say anything to Cedric when he found out about it, so he was very surprised when Soisen told him that the test consisted of dragons.

Something accidentally verified by Hagrid, who could hardly contain his excitement just three days after his arrival.

Since Potter didn't say anything, Soisen was curious as to how he would solve the clue for the second test without Cedric suggesting he go to the Prefects' bathroom with the Golden Egg as retribution for helping him during the first test.

Maybe he should talk to Neville early about the gills?

I mean, Moody's already recovered and this month he's given the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons in years. He was still paranoid, but one learned a lot from constantly being on the lookout for sneaky spells from a madman.

Yes, it seems Moody heard of his impostor's practice at throwing unexpected sneak attacks and considered it valid teaching material, helping to improve reflexes in a practical and continuous way.

Constant vigilance!

-How are you feeling? -asked Silvia as she approached Soisen after finishing dinner, "Tomorrow is the day of the first test and tension can be cut with a knife, even a dull one.

-Soisen didn't want anyone to overhear them and find out that they already knew the contents of the test, so he took Silvia's hand and pulled her towards an empty classroom nearby. "Thanks to our efforts, I know all the dragon species they have brought and I have plans to deal with each one of them," he assured her, "Too bad I won't be able to watch how the others deal with the test until I pass it, you'll have to tell me all about it later.

Yes, the den den mushi in his hands only served to transmit images and sound, but they didn't have a recording function yet, so unless he was one of the first ones out, he wouldn't be able to see how the rest of the champions were performing. And speaking of which...

Should I go tonight and anchor Potter's Fire Saeta to the ground?


Nah, it's fun to mess with him, but really hurting him was never his intention.

-How about we both go to Hogsmeade together afterwards to celebrate your future victory and I'll tell you all about it then over a drink? -Silvia asked with a casual gesture and tone, secretly crossing her fingers so that she wouldn't blush too much to show on her face.

By Merlin's underpants! Where did he get the courage to say it?!

-Sure, I'll dedicate the victory to you in thanks then," Soisen was surprised for a moment by the question with explicit intentions, but agreed with obvious pleasure before remembering something and adding, "But I don't plan to go to Madame Pudipie's Tea Room.

-They won't let us into the Three Broomsticks, remember?

-We can order a few bottles of butterbeer from the Weasley twins and some snacks from the kitchen for a picnic somewhere secluded and quiet," Soisen suggested as an alternative.

Sylvia paused and considered it for a moment. Although the atmosphere was cold at this time of year, she knew Soisen would not find it difficult to establish a bubble of warmth so they could be comfortable wherever they decided to go. And in cold areas there was less chance of them being disturbed....

-It's a date! -Silvia nodded, before realizing that the words she said were not the same words she had in mind to utter. Panicking, she tried to explain herself, but Soisen closed the matter in an overbearing manner.

-Yes, it's a date," the wizard repeated, reaffirming the fact clearly as he took his leave and headed towards the Common Room, hoping that the witch had not been able to hear the beating of his heart, which at the moment sounded like a drum.

Silvia stood in the empty classroom with a blank expression as she tried to process what had just happened.

...The day of the first test...

The champions were in the tents and Soisen entered it after betting on himself at the Weasley twins' stop, by way of reaffirming his determination to win.

It was fun to watch the champions spin around the place, any faster and they would be human spinning tops.

-Champions, please bring your wands so that Mr. Ollivander can carry out the certified inspection before the test," Dumbledore requested as he entered the tent accompanied by the celebrated wand maker and seller, who was excited about the event.

-Interesting, a bold but successful combination from a colleague in the trade," he commented as he examined Krum's wand.

-I see, is it Veela hair? Of course, an excellent idea to manage a greater compatibility," he said with Fleur's wand.

-Ah, yes, Mr. Potter's wand, one of my best works, no doubt.

Each champion handed over his or her wand and it was checked to make sure it was in good condition, with no further modifications or reinforcements. It was the only thing they were allowed to carry when they entered the first test, after all.

-Well, since Mr. Ollivander didn't find any problems?

-One second, Albus! -Karkaroff interrupted as he pointed at Soisen with his dark fingernail, surely not as clean as it should be, "I think someone is still missing, it wouldn't be polite to forget about him.

No way Karkaroff would accept that his champions were examined and some other champion was exempted.

-Don't worry, Mr. Karkaroff, in fact, I did actually finish my part," reassured Mr. Ollivander, stepping forward to explain the situation, "You see, Mr. Galegold does not use a wand when performing magic.

I was going to say he couldn't use them, but that would be inaccurate, as the problem was that the wands could not withstand Soisen's magic and would explode.

-Is that so? -Karkaroff looked at Soisen with evident suspicion.

-I assure you, Headmaster Karkaroff, that I have never needed to use a wand to wield my magic," Soisen confirmed with manners and a calm voice, despite wanting to punch him in the face for the expression he received, "Not only can my friends and teachers at Hogwarts testify, but Headmistress Maxime, Miss Fleur and the students of Beauxbatons have all witnessed this fact.

Karkaroff unconsciously glanced at the Beauxbatons team and saw both the headmistress and the female students nod, implying that they had in fact never seen him use a wand and were aware of this unique quirk.

Suddenly, Karkaroff remembered that Maxime did not seem the least bit surprised that Soisen did not hand over a wand. It also dawned on him that in the duels in which he faced his Durmstrang students, he never used a wand, but he believed he did so to show contempt and superiority.

-I see, I didn't say anything.

Shame on you!