
The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

During the Third World Ninja War, Namikaze Minato and his younger brother Namikaze Mirai dominated every battlefield, and their moniker 'Konoha's Twin Flashes', spread far and wide, instilling profound fear in their adversaries. The 'Blue Flash' with his Magnet Release, returned to Konoha after three years, only to find his brother and sister-in-law dead, leaving his young nephew to live a miserable life. ... Naruto, who was being bullied, suddenly saw a blond figure standing and shielding him with a gentle smile. "Don’t be afraid, Naruto. It's fine now. Why? Because I am here." .... Note: Needless to say, for publishing more chapters. It would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives and the readers's enthusiasm for this book.

Dienekes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


The next morning, in the grand meeting hall of the Hyuga clan compound, an urgent assembly was convened.

At the center of the room sat Hyuga Hiashi, the current head of the clan. Beside him, his twin brother, Hyuga Hizashi, sat cross-legged on the tatami mat. Surrounding them were their father, the former clan leader and now elder, Hyuga Harushi, along with other esteemed elders of the clan.

Hiashi began, his voice steady but tinged with gravity. "We owe a significant debt of gratitude to Mirai for his intervention last night." He said, inclining his head respectfully. "Without his intervention, the situation could have spiraled out of control."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "I was determined to eliminate the kidnapper, unaware of his true identity. My actions, if left unchecked, might have sparked an international conflict of unimaginable proportions. Yet, Mirai took it upon himself to resolve the situation, even going as far as to kill the Kumo ambassador, effectively avenging our clan, even if that was not his primary intent."

Hizashi spoke up, his tone contemplative. "Mirai's intervention spared us from a potentially disastrous political fallout. The situation was handled decisively, and the message to Kumo was undeniable."

The elders exchanged glances, the weight of Hiashi's words evident on their faces. Hiashi continued, a note of criticism in his tone. "The Third's indecisiveness and his willingness to bow for a false peace have shown a dangerous weakness. In times like these, we cannot afford such vulnerability."

He then addressed the potential fallout. "There is a possibility of a small-scale conflict with Kumo. We must be prepared for this eventuality and stand united."

Harushi, his voice weakened but still firm and resolute, added from his side. "We are obligated to support Namikaze Mirai. His actions have proven his strength and resolve. We must match that with our own. Our clan should never abandon a helper and benefactor."

In the Uchiha clan, another meeting was held between a clone Mirai, Fugaku, and Setsuna, but the atmosphere was totally different. Mirai sat and observed as the usually stoic Setsuna laughed joyfully, his raspy voice not used to such an expression.

Turning to Fugaku, who still maintained a stern expression, though a glimmer of joy appeared in his eye, Mirai spoke. "There's something you need to know about Danzo. He possessed a Sharingan in his right eye."

The room fell into a heavy silence, Setsuna's laughter cutting off abruptly as the mood darkened. Fugaku's eyes immediately became ice cold, barely containing his fury. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fists. 

Setsuna, not maintaining a facade, let his expression twist into one of anguished anger and hate. "A Sharingan?" He growled.

Mirai nodded solemnly. "It's likely from an unlucky Uchiha."

Setsuna's face contorted further with rage. "To think one of our's eyes was desecrated in such a manner."

Mirai leaned forward, his voice steady as he began to describe the encounter. "Danzo should have died from a fatal hit. No, he did die, but somehow he negated his death and came back."

He looked directly into Fugaku's eyes, his gaze unwavering. "I need to know the truth."

Fugaku and Setsuna exchanged glances, their anger momentarily set aside. Understanding dawned upon them, the reason for Danzo's obsession with their kekkei genkai becoming clear.

Fugaku sighed deeply, his stern expression softening just a fraction. "It's the forbidden technique, [Izanagi]" He began, his voice heavy, exposing an ancient secret. "A powerful genjutsu that allows the user to alter reality at the cost of losing the light in their Sharingan, giving the user control over what is and what is not real for as long as its activation."

Setsuna, his face still contorted with residual anger, added. "It's a technique so dangerous and sacrificial that it was buried within our clan's history."

Mirai nodded, absorbing the information. "So, Danzo used [Izanagi] to escape death. That explains his desperation to acquire the Sharingan."

He couldn't help but curse inwardly at the sheer power and versatility of the Uchiha clan. The Sharingan alone was a formidable tool, capable of subduing even the most skilled shinobi. Its next evolution, the Mangekyo Sharingan, could elevate an Uchiha to a level surpassing most Kage. And now, to learn of their forbidden technique that could alter destiny itself—it was almost too much to fathom.

Sighing, Mirai turned to Fugaku and said in a serious voice. "Fugaku-san, I may need your help in the coming days after yesterday's events."

Fugaku, already briefed about the Hyuga affair, nodded stiffly, still deep in thoughts.

In his office, Hiruzen sat tired, closing his eyes for a moment of respite.

Not long after, the door to his office creaked open, and his old comrades and advisors entered. Koharu, her expression stern, immediately asked. "What about the rest of Kumo's envoys?"

Hiruzen opened his eyes, taking a deep breath as he began to prepare his smoke pipe. "They were sent away with the message as agreed." He replied. "They were thoroughly checked by the analysis team, but to no result, as expected. Their minds were protected, and we couldn't escalate things further by hurting them."

Placing his pipe in his mouth, Hiruzen then informed them absentmindedly. "There are whispers spreading, rumors that undermine Mirai and question his actions. The villagers gossip that he jeopardized the peace treaty."

Koharu and Homura exchanged glances before adamantly denying their involvement. "We have nothing to do with these rumors." Homura insisted.

Hiruzen frowned, blowing a cloud of smoke. "Root?" He muttered, the name hanging in the air like a shadow.