
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
331 Chs

Chapter 330 It’s him who imprisons the body, but it’s her who imprisons the heart

In the hospital, the door to the ward was pushed open silently, and this time, Shen Er didn't act as a messenger.

 When Bai Yu Xing hurriedly came, he saw that woman.

 He didn't say anything, and Su Meng pulled Bai Yuxing along with her as they retreated into the corridor, the door opening and closing.

 The door opened and closed. The man on the hospital bed, lying on his side, fell into a dream.

 I don't know what was in his dream, but his tightly knit brows showed that he hadn't slept soundly.

 The hand resting on the bedding, wearing a wedding ring.

 The woman approached slowly, eventually stopping in front of the man's hospital bed.

 Clearly visible eyes, her sight fell on the ring between the man's fingers.

 I don't know, what she was thinking.

 Just staring at the ring, looking at a long, long time, looking out of her mind.

 I don't know how long, the man vaguely opened his eyes, and saw the person in the dream.

 He pulled out a pale smile at her, "Dreaming again."

 As if he hadn't seen his best friend for many years, he spoke to her in a tone so soft that it could make water come out of the water, "That's good. You are still willing to come into my dream."

 The woman stood on the edge of the bed, coming to a trance, her eyes slowly moving to the man's face, which had lost as much weight as it had in only a few months.

 Perhaps because of his words, perhaps because of the softness and fondness in his eyes that she had never seen before.

 She didn't want to think about what she could do to show that she hated him.

 Then as her own heart, suddenly bent his head, warm kisses, gently fell on his forehead, "is it a dream?"

 She asked.

 The bottom of the man's eyes showed surprise, and incomparable pleasure, hooked lips: "is a dream."

 She also laughed lightly, as if forgetting the love and hate entanglement between the two, forgetting all the suffering experienced, like a good friend who has not seen for many years, reached out her hand and twisted it on his arm, "Is it a dream?"

 Sudden pain, the man woke up suddenly, surprised and surprised, unbelieving and dare not close his eyes, for fear of closing his eyes, and then open them, she disappeared again.

 "It hurts." He said, "Not too real, you pinch again."

 She picked up an apple from the side and quietly peeled it, and not long after, the peeled apple, was handed to the man's eyes.

 The apple in front of his eyes, exuding the aroma of the flesh, the man's deep eyes, more and more feel that all this, unlikely, hesitant to go to pick up.

 Who knows, he went to pick up the apple, the next second, the apple will not disappear from his face.

 "When will the surgery take place?" She did not pester, in her hand tucked the peeled apple.

 The man was instantly aware of the tightness, a hint of imperceptible tension, "Who's chewing in your ear?"

 "Tomorrow or the day after?" She asked again, not bothering with his chatter.

 "... The day after tomorrow." He looked at her steadily, saying that he was obstinate, in fact, she was more obstinate than he was, and obviously would not rest until she asked a question.

 The woman nodded and shoved the apple in front of him again, "Don't you want to eat? I peeled it."

 She said.

 A "I peeled", the man's heart suddenly a hot, never go to the weak man, at the moment the eyes are a little sour, slightly can also see the reddish circles, he was busy blinking, blinking away that sour, reach out and take.

 One bite at a time, each bite, seems to eat is not an apple, but agar jelly.

 Each bite was sweet.

 His mind was slightly scrambled, unable to guess where she was coming from.

 He ate the apple one bite at a time, and she was at the side, quietly peeling another one for him.

 When he finished eating, the second apple in her hand was just about finished peeling, and she smoothly handed it to him again.

 The man did not say anything, took it and ate it.

 The second, the third ... until the fifth, he looked at the apple in his hand some difficulties, he is no longer love to eat fruit, but also can not eat several consecutively at once, not to mention, he does not love to eat apples.

 "Eat a little more, or no strength." The woman said indifferently.

 His head was full of black question marks, no strength? What no strength?

 He was still desperately using his wits, thinking about her words, when the woman by the bed opened her mouth:

 "Really not eating? Full?"


 He was confused as to what she meant, full from eating apples?

 In addition to a heart full of questions, a face of puzzlement.

 The woman, however, had turned toward the door of the hospital room.

 For a moment, a great loss, roiled his heart.

 He wanted to call out to her, but he stopped his mouth ... The day after tomorrow s surgery, what will be the result, God knows.

 He wanted to give her the whole world, wanted to give her happiness, wanted to accompany her for a lifetime ... at this time all became empty dreams.

 Who knows, after the day after tomorrow, he is dead or alive.

 As for why she would appear in front of his hospital bed ... in this late night, just just just just let her be.

 Click - a sound of the door lock unlocking in the cool hospital room.

 He looked at her going and returning, "You ..."

 That woman but has stood in front of his hospital bed, quietly looking at him for a while, he a big man, rare to be seen handsome face a red, "I know you hate me, is this moment you want me to die, as long as you are happy, I am also willing.

 But I don't want to dirty your hands, why don't you wait a little longer until my surgery the day after tomorrow.

 Don't worry, the success rate of the operation is minimal. I owe you, I will pay you back sooner or later.

 You just, stop dirtying your hands, even if you don't care, but I ... care."

 Hearing that she bought a plane ticket, late at night but turned back, but also appeared in his hospital room, and locked the door ... also, he owed her too much, hurt her too much. It wasn't impossible that she hated him that much, hated him to death.

 But this, do not need her hands.

 The woman quietly looked at the man chattering in the hospital bed, and in the next second, reached out towards him.

 "Really, don't dirty your hands for me ..."

 "Hand" word, has not yet fallen, the bedding on the body was lifted, a thin body, then squeezed in.

 At once, soft jade and warm fragrance in the arms.

 He, froze, completely at a loss.

 "You, I ..."

 Her fingers, undoing his coat buttons, rolled over, and sat across his body, with a posture of a bully molesting a folk's daughter.

 "You you you ..."

 "Prickly" sound, buttons collapsed, she leaned over, pink lips kissed his.

 If this, he could still hold back, then he was not a man!

 His mind was empty, completely unaware of what she was doing.

 The body, however, has already responded very honestly, large palms suddenly gripped that thin waist, tilted his head, thin lips blazing response to her.

 Outside the door, Shen Er keenly heard the sound of unlocking behind the door, immediately tense and incomparable, reaching out to knock on the door.

 Then he was stopped by Su Meng.

 "The door is unlocked, in case Madam is unfavorable to Boss ..."

 "You also said it's in case." Su Meng retorted.

 Bai Yu Xing's face was grave: "Fear not 10,000, fear not 10,000, her folding back is a fishy thing, isn't it?"

 "Young Master Bai said the same thing, duck away, don't stop me, Boss is in danger now!" Shen Er's face was full of hostility: "I want to go in and stop ... it."

 Before the words fell, the three of them were outside the door and heard a sound that made people blush.

 All of them had experienced the world, even if they were stupid, they understood what this sound was about.

 In an instant, Shen Er's face turned red.

 "Kicking the door, go in and stop it, your family Boss is in danger." Su Meng teased wistfully.

 Bai Yu Xing, his hand inserted into his pants pocket, was smart enough to silently walk to the end of the corridor.

 Inside the door, it was a small world, as if it was completely isolated from the outside world.

 An end, the woman silently climbed up and quietly put on her clothes.

"Shen Xiujin, we didn't have protection just now." The woman's rough voice, unhurriedly said:

 "Who can say, I here," she reached out, gently stroking her stomach, "is not already the beginning of life."

 "You ..."

 "You know that I hate you so much, and you have said that you owe me too much, and have hurt me too deeply.

 Then you should know how deeply I hate you."

 The stars under the man's eyes, gradually darkened, "Little Tong ..."

 "You are so sick that you are dying, before you die, I always want to get back a little interest.

 I'm afraid that if you die, I won't be able to collect the debt from a dead person.

 The day after tomorrow's surgery, the success rate is very low, if the surgery fails, when you die, I'll let your child, call someone else's father."

 The light in the man's eyes flashed, and he hastily vetoed, "How can that be!"

 By the bedside, the woman just looked at him with a smile, "Of course it's okay, after all, I hate you so much, how can I let you die in peace."

 She relieved him, "Don't worry, your child, won't grow up without a father to accompany him."

 The man's eyes sharply: "Of course! My child, of course, will have a father to grow up with him."


 The Day of the Surgery

 The weather was cold, the sky was overcast, and there was no brightness in sight.

 In the hospital's garden, the cold wind was bone-chilling, she sat on a bench, wrapped in a heavy scarf.

 Su Meng was holding a cup of hot juice, stomping her feet in the cold, "You too, there is still heating in the hospital, you have to sit outside in the cold wind."

 She just wrapped her scarf a little tighter and tilted her head back to look at the gray sky.

 "Thinking about what?" Su Meng leaned over head first, following her example, looking up at the sky, "There's nothing to see, it's foggy."

 "I'm thinking, I came back again, did I do something wrong."

 Su Meng sniffed and snorted, "That night you ate everyone up, at that time, why don't you think about it, did you do wrong to come back. It's only now that you think about it, isn't it too late?"

 "Consider me brainwashed. Can't think for a moment."

 Su Meng tugged at the corner of her mouth and changed her words, "Hey, honestly, that day you were in the airport, what did you think about alone and finally changed your mind?"

 "I didn't think of anything, I just thought, he hurt me too much, I hated him so much, at least I've been entangled for a small half of my life, I came back just to participate in the last bit of his life. To give him one last ride."

 Su Meng disbelievingly pulled the corners of his mouth ... just to see if Shen Xiu Jin died, the tragic situation before death, need to get on the bed?

 It was clearly to make Shen Xiu Jin have something to hold on to and not dare to die easily.

 "You know it, I especially hate him, and I am also afraid of him.

 Six years ago, he sent me to prison, and there were iron bars everywhere for prisoners.

 Not long ago, I woke up one morning, and I was locked up again in a space full of bars, and he had put the windows of the house, all around the security windows.

 To me, it looked no different than the bars in prison six years ago.

 He was trying to imprison me even by any means possible. He was sick to death before he finally let go.

 I believed him when he said he was tired of the game and tired of me.

 What is it now?

 He's dying of illness, so he lets go.

 That makes him look like he's in love?

 You're right about one thing. I was at the airport, and all I could think about was what you said to me. I was running away, all the time.

 Non-stop running away.

 Not just from him, but from Jane's family.

 I fled to Erhai, in the end, because I want to pay the debt of life owed to A Luka, or in the name of A Luka, to escape from all that unpleasantness myself.

 That man Shen Xiujin, he imprisoned my body, and myself, I imprisoned my heart."

 The woman stood up, "Alright, go back. It's a bit cold."

 Su Meng was still immersed in that woman's monologue, she sniffed and stood up violently, "You still know it's cold, go, go back."

 She chased after her, the hot juice in her hand, and forced it into Jane Tong's hand.

 Corner entrance, face to face unexpectedly mounted a familiar person.

 "His surgery isn't over yet?" Elder Shen opened his mouth first.

 "The surgery is complicated, let's wait a little longer." She also picked up the conversation, but did not want to say more to this old man in front of her.

 Saying one more word called her uncomfortable.

 "I heard you guys got divorced?"

 "You are so well informed."

 "It's good to be divorced, huh."

 The old man grunted disdainfully and walked around her, propped up his cane, and walked away.

 "You wait." She chased after him, "The matter between you and my grandfather, do not involve me in the future, I do not owe you. If you still want to collect the debt, you can go to my grandfather who passed away.

 Well, my position has been made clear. You go well, don't see me off."

 "You!" The old man behind him was furious, Jane Tong had already walked away.

 Su Meng chased after him, "What's going on? The Shen family still has a grudge against the Jane family?"

 "There's nothing going on."

 "Then you ..."

 "I see that old man is not good."

 Su Meng then behind her, cocked a thumb at her, "You're good."

 Shen family and Jane family, Shen old man and Jane old man between the grudges, then it is best with the two old man buried in the ground together.

 As for her, she was not willing to mention it again.

 The third day after the operation

 In the intensive care unit, the man on the hospital bed, there is a reaction.

 The slightest reaction was enough to make all the waiting and worried people dance with joy.

 On the morning of the tenth day

 The man in the hospital bed, opened his eyes, "Where is she? Is she gone again?"

 The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to rotate the only eyeball he could, looking around, but he didn't see the person he was hoping for.

 Bai Yu Xing took his temperature, while saying in a good-natured manner:

 "Walking in front of the ghost gate, count your life, you still think about a woman who doesn't have you in her heart?"

 "Sure enough ... gone ah." In the man's eyes, the lonesomeness at this moment, calling people to look at the heartache.

 Bai Yu Xing rolled his eyes:

 "Gone you will not go after ah?"

 "She hates me. I don't want to do anything that would force her to do it."

 Bai Yu Xing seemed to have seen a ghost: "Crap, say, are you some little ghost from the Yellow Springs who burrowed into the body of Shen Xiujin's Great Demon King?"

 Nineteenth Day After Surgery

 He was able to get out of bed and walk around slowly with the help of bystanders.

 On the twentieth day after the operation

 He met the person his heart had longed for.

 "The day I woke up, Bai Yuxing said you were at the wedding." After he was excited, he was silent again, his heart was like a thorn in his heart, he wanted to pull out the thorn, but this thorn, touching it hurt like a heartbreaking pain.

 "Lu Mingchu ... is good to you?"

 "Well, quite good."

 An astringent pain in the man's eyes, hastily lowered his eyelids, pretending to be generous:

 "Congratulations. Finally, you won't be hurt by an asshole like me anymore."

 "Well, you are indeed quite an asshole."

 "Little Tong ... I'm sorry." He struggled to say those three words.

 "What do you need a cop for if being sorry works?"

 He was dumbfounded and could hardly retort.

 "Shen Xiujin, do you know, how much I used to fear you?

 You imprisoned me twice.

 You built cage after cage for me.

 The prison six years ago, that was one.

 Not long ago you enclosed your home into an airtight, so-called burglar-proof windows, and the iron bars of the prison, in my eyes, there was no difference.

 Do you know, at that moment, how scared I was?

 Shen Xiujin, in my life, you have built two cages for me. You say, how should I forgive you again?"

 He was once again dumbfounded, and only now, after hearing her sob at every word, did he repent that he desperately wanted to keep her, but thus unknowingly did one thing after another that traumatized her.

 Now, she is someone else's wife ... slowly pinched up his fist, very painful and painful, painful and difficult to control.

 "I'm sorry ..." He was very tired of only saying "sorry" him, but at the moment, he looked through the word bank, but also could not find a more apt words.

 The woman stared quietly, half a long time: "Lu Mingchu's wedding, the bride is not me." She spoke faintly.

 Fiercely, the man looked up in surprise: "The bride is not you?"

 She shook her head, "Your grandfather personally selected the candidate. I just went as Jane's representative to attend to cope with it."

 "Then you ...," he suddenly seemed blessed, regardless of whether others were willing or not, his large palm tightly wrapped around the woman's slim palm, great joy after great sorrow, his mood was still difficult to calm down.

 "Little Tong," he looked at her, he knew, this request of his, was shameless, but she wasn't married, and he didn't want to suffer once more, the despair he felt when he learned she was married.

 "Little Tong. Listen to me tell you a story."

 He said, "Once upon a time, there was a fool, his name was Shen Xiujin, once upon a time, he was very happy, because by his side, there was always a girl, called Jane Tong, who always loved him.

 But then, he was unhappy. This fool hurt the girl who loved him so much.

 It wasn't until one day that it dawned on him that a long, long time ago, he had fallen in love with this girl.

 And by this time, the girl was too hurt by him to love again, and he lived in regret every day."

 He narrated slowly, raising his eyes to look deeply at the woman across from him.

 As if in front of the gods, he was deliberate and serious, his sincere plea another lifetime vow:

 "Little Tong, who stands before you now, is the fool in the story,"

 For the first time, he was frank and unbelievable, deliberate and sincere:

 "Standing in front of you, I am ready to live with you for the rest of my life, but also ready for you to leave at any time."

 This time, he didn't have a strong and brutal move, no means of coercion.

 He just gazed at her, his dark eyes sincere and pure, as a man, to the love of his life, making a vow and revealing his heart.