
The Fate System

When Lucious Grey dies a slow death in a dungeon, he thought that would be the end. But fate had other plans. Now, in the useless body of a minor antagonist from his favourite novel, Lucious must do whatever he can to quickly rise in power For the fate of the world depends on it. ------------------------ Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/46xHNXThKd Notice: there will be some strong language and adult themes

Reldy_XD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Chapter 4- Completing quests

"Water shot!"

A small ball of water, no larger than a tennis ball, formed on the tip of Lucious's outstretched hand. Surprisingly, it didn't drip any water as it hovered there.

After aiming at a nearby tree, he fired his spell. The ball of water hurtled through the air rather slowly before hitting its mark.

The spell didn't do much damage and only a small dent could be seen in the tree with a wet patch marking where it hit.

The accuracy is there but its super weak. Lucious had anticipated it to be weak as it's a level 1 beginner spell, but he was still disappointed.

Lucious aimed hit attack at the same spot and fired it again. The dent in the tree was a little more pronounced than it was before but the attack was still pitiful.

After six more shots, Lucious was looking a little worn out, as though he had run a marathon and had to sit down. Strange. I have enough mana to use twelve spells but after a mere eight I feel exhausted.

As someone who had never used magic before, he wasn't used to the feeling of mana depletion. Though he had heard it can be tiring, he had always thought they were just exaggerating.

Lucious stopped casting spells and had a quick drink of water to help recover. When he was done, he thought about casting a couple more but decided against it until his mana recovered a little.

For now, I should do some running around this pond. The perimeter is only 0.5km but that's a whole ass marathon in this body. Lucious didn't know if he could even make a full lap with his current body and stats, but he had to start somewhere.

A couple stretches later, he started to run. He didn't make it very far though as he quickly started losing energy. By the time he reached 0.1km he was ready to collapse.

No, I can't give up just because I'm tired. I won't get anywhere if I do, and father would never let me live it down if he found out.

Taking a sharp intake of breath, he steadied his breathing and activated Savek's breathing technique: first form. With this, Lucious started recovering his energy faster than he was losing it.





0.5km... finally.

As he finished his lap, Lucious collapsed onto the cool grass below him as sweat drenched his body. Though his energy stat was recovering, it did nothing to relieve the mental fatigue and pain that his body underwent from pushing himself.


[Host has completed a hidden quest]

[Run 0.5km without stopping]

[Rewards: +5 stamina, +2 endurance, +1 agility]

Hidden quest? So you mean to say there's a bunch of quests that I can't even see? While feeling annoyed that the system is hiding things from him, he was also happy for the extra rewards.

While checking over his stats, he noticed that his HP and Energy stats have both increased.

[HP: 30/30]

[Energy: 30/30]

Oh? Now I get it. My HP is x10 of my endurance. And Energy is X5 of my stamina. Only MP doesn't follow any specific equation... While surprising, Lucious was too tired to care.

After spending a dozen minutes resting on the grass, he sat up and drank some water while checking his mana

Good, it's already at 50MP again I might be able to finish my first quest soon. Feeling encouraged, he sat up and aimed at a familiar poor worn out tree.

Activating his water shot spell, the small ball of water fired a little faster than before and did more damage.


[Host has completed a quest]

[Raise skill by 1 level.]

[Rewards: +5 stat points, +50 Exp]

Already? Well, I'm not complaining Lucious decided to keep his stat points to one side for now and return to running laps now that the daily quest was done.

He had already decided to prioritise training his physical abilities over his magical abilities as he was simply more familiar with them.


"Haa... do I have to get up?"

After running two more laps, Lucious could barely walk straight. He devoured some fruits and berries before using half his mana on fire shot. This of course caused him to pass out from mana depletion.

By the time he woke up, it was already night, so he went back to sleep and woke up again at sunrise. System, show me today's daily quest.

[Daily Quest]

[Raise a skill by 1 level]

[Rewards: +5 stat points, +50 exp]

...That's the same quest as yesterday's!!! After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Lucious got to work on training his fire shot.

Lucious simply aimed his hand at the cliff to prevent a forest fire and cast his spell. The size, speed and power were the same as water shot, the only difference was that it was fire and not water.

Luckily it didn't take too long before he completed it due to his earlier practice.


[Host has completed a quest]

[Raise skill by 1 level.]

[Rewards: +5 stat points, +50 Exp]


[Congratulations Host. You have reached level 1]

[+10 stat Points, +5 skill points]

"I'm finally at level 1... that sounds depressing to say for some reason." Lucious let out a sigh at how slowly he felt he was progressing.

System, isn't there a faster way to earn Exp? Completing missions was taking too long for his liking and he wanted a faster method.

[Host can kill monsters and other beings for Exp. The amount of Exp gained will vary depending on the strength of your opponent]

So, killing things is another way to go? Sounds fun. He was quite interested in being able to fight again. Despite how he died previously, he was eager to get back in action and fight again.

If he recalled correctly, this forest shouldn't have any powerful monsters. Making it an ideal place to hunt given his current stats.

"Time to fuck up the ecosystem"