
The fate of the gifted

Sone Chi, the world's strongest cultivator, stood powerful on his throne with the power to change the world with a twist of his wrist but is now a powerless cultivator with no soul realm He lost his kingdom and was sent a hundred years into the future, he has to start a new life and grow up in a world that he is not from, a world where only a hand full of cultivators live all struggling to develop their skills with now knowledge, Sone hold the key to restart his divine empire but it all changes when he finds out that his past can still hunt him in the future, he has to raise from a soulless cultivate to the greatest person to walk the earth even stronger than his past self in ten years  

CloverXIIV · Fantasia
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22 Chs

Love and rage

We took a bath in a river by camp of course not together, I went fast as Sone watched if anyone was coming and we switched posts but as I watched I couldn't help but blush thinking of him naked and wet, only god knows how sexy he is when wet, I couldn't get those thought out of my no matter how many times I shook my head, I couldn't calm my heart down Mika, 'what are you even thinking, stop that ' I slapped myself '

This was one of the effect when you cultivate a lot on your first time , your feelings get all jumbled up strengthening the werid emotions in you never knew you had

I tried to clam my self down by saying he is married but that thought brought a big question mark who is he married to and isn't he too young to be married?

" Yeah am done we better go before they leave us behind"

Holy shit, he was shirtless and was wet with his six absses that didn't look like they were there yesterday, his dark eyes shined with power and his hair was wet with water dripping down his body

" Okay," I said with a high nervous tone and turned so that he couldn't see the effects his body had on my face

" hahaha" he giggled and my spine shook a little, I tried to calm myself down as we left for camp,

" Master Sone, your back, " the hooded girl said, she had changed to a pair of gray pants with knee-high boots and another hood that perfectly covered her face, she carried folded clothes and two pairs of shoes

" Master Zangi sent you some clothes," she said and handed him half the clothes, "you too" she handed the other clothes, " he prepared horses for you two and wants to talk to you"

' So Master Zangi was this determined ' I thought I was going to ignore him and hope he forgets about me but it seems he won't so I might as well go with him and find what he has to ask ' I looked as the girl left for us to change,

" you go first, " Mika said and left

" hi, am Mika, I didn't get your name back there" I introduced seeing the apprentice standing by the horses,

" Hey, aren't you going to change?" she answered avoiding my question

" Sone is changing first, we can't change together" I responded and my face blushed red thinking of us changing together

" why not, you took a bath together" she answered and my face flashed even more red, the thoughts of him being naked flashed all the blood to my face

" aa, we didn't" I answered my voice shyly and lowered

" wait you aren't his girlfriend," she asked, I thought I had made it clear yesterday when I said weren't together

"no, we are just friends" I tried to avoid her gaze, I hated this feeling that I had when thinking about him naked it always made me uneasy and strange,

" That's sad, you two would make a good couple" she added to the uneasy, 'can't a girl have a friend how is a boy, that reminds me, I had to ask him about his marriage, but that would look like I wanted something I never wanted, maybe I should just keep quiet ' she kept quiet so did I we were both staring at the tree where Sone was changing until it got awkward

"Do think you know what master Zangi wants from Sone, " I broke the silence

"I don't know but he seemed to want to know about his cultivation knowledge" she answered and Sone came out wearing a dark purple shirt, black leather pants and large boots,with a purple cloak that went down to his feet,

I went and changed but I still had that weird feeling knowing that Sone was also in this same place naked, I couldn't get that image out of my mind which had now started having strange thoughts,

" let's go," I said after dressing up

" Master Zangi is there a problem?" Seli asked seeing the master standing outside the carriage after they had finished packing his tent,

" No, I am waiting for someone," he said seeing the approaching horses,

yesterday Master Zangi sent Seli to go get two more horses she had questions about this but she kept her mouth shut and did it anyways and now she was going to know why

" master Zangi, " Sone said riding one of the horses she spent her entire mourning trying to catch clean and train

" what is it you so badly wanted me to say that you are willing to make your servant sleep with me just to get me to talk" I teased, and Seli at his side angered and the hooded girl blushed with anger

" Young Master Sone, I wanted to know about the cultivation technique that you used yesterday," he said,

" then we better start moving, it will take a while to explain " I laughed, so she told him and am guessing he had no clue of it and wanted to know after all the only way for him to stay the most powerful master in the southern City is through knowledge

At the back of the camp Fei , Mo and one other friend looked on in envy

"Fei, did you see that Grand Master Zangi brought horses for Sone," one of Fei's friends said to him,

" yeah, Sone must think he is pretty special because he beat me but he has something else coming to him," Fei said with a dark shadow forming in his eyes,

" What!!!" Mo asked with caution for what fei was upto this never felt like the friend he knew, there was rage burning all around him

Fei had already started recultivation after his soulforce was drained by Sone, he had a secret scroll, that strengthens from the power of rage and anger, the scroll of the first prince one of the seven hell scrolls, this scroll is Ten times more powerful than the normal flaming scrolls that we're taught in the Moonlight sect, it was passed down from devil to devil until it landed in his greed hands