
The fate of the gifted

Sone Chi, the world's strongest cultivator, stood powerful on his throne with the power to change the world with a twist of his wrist but is now a powerless cultivator with no soul realm He lost his kingdom and was sent a hundred years into the future, he has to start a new life and grow up in a world that he is not from, a world where only a hand full of cultivators live all struggling to develop their skills with now knowledge, Sone hold the key to restart his divine empire but it all changes when he finds out that his past can still hunt him in the future, he has to raise from a soulless cultivate to the greatest person to walk the earth even stronger than his past self in ten years  

CloverXIIV · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

a blast from the past

In my previous life before I died my body was interlocked with that of my wife as we kissed filled with passion when a mysterious figure appeared in the room and drove his sword through my chest, I pulled it out and healed quickly.

The man had a murderous aura that was strong than a heavenly rank.

He attacked but dodging his attacks weren't had, with the time attribute I turned that minute into a time void, a lot of time loop where I could make time move forward and back and even freeze it at will, the man still defied the laws of time-fighting me in the time loop, everything wouldn't move more than a minute ahead but we kept fighting in the loop and when the minute end another clone would appear, the void started to weaken after two minutes when they're where already two of our clones, but we kept fighting dodging his swords attacks jumping over the swings and throwing an attack at every chance I get

He was as too powerful and my energy was drained when I made the void, it would stop all opponents but he somehow defied the laws of time and my main advantage was removed.

I held up for a couple of minutes when his sword finally hit my chest throwing me fast into the wall one of the old paintings of my wife fell on me and that was the last I saw of her, my soul realm burst and I woke up on the streets a hundred years later

My wife in the photo was no different from the girl in front of me, it was like I was looking in a mirror of her past only her hair color had changed but the difference between them wasn't seen, her big clear sea blue eyes, round flawless face with a pure aura, images flashed through my mind a teàr dropped down my face, I wasn't going to let whatever kill my family before doing it again

" Sone what is wrong," Yami asked

Sone's face changed completely after I opened my hood, he never expected it to be me, his eyes lightened up as if happy then dimmed in tears as if he was in a lot of pain

" Sone, what is wrong ?" Master Zangi repeated, he was worried he was willing to do anything to start Yami's cultivation as she was his only granddaughter and the date of the Zangi family

' If I was Sone is right, then this would change everything ever since the fall of the divine empire people with snow-type cultivation have drastically reduced, only a hand full still exists, and their soul force is weak but during the divine empire, as he was just a child, he witnessed the true power of a winter mage, his mom was just as stronger as his dad, but they all lost their lives protecting the divine empire during the time of chaos. If Sone knows the secrets of the ice attribute, he never cared where Sone found it, if he taught it to any person from the Southern city then that would greatly impact the city, 'by knowing this Sone is now a very important person in the Southern City and will from now on get very special treatment, he and his entire family and nothing bad can happen to him

" Am fine " I waved the tears away from my face and brought my mind back to the past, I still couldn't believe how much she looked like my wife but for her cultivation to grow more than a bronze rank she will need special requirements, things that weren't in the south

" Young master Sone, " Master Zangi addressed, Sone was a very important person in his eyes, anyone with new knowledge in the fallen cities is treated with at most respect no matter the age

" Since you know her attributes can also know a cultivation technique to build her attribute," he asked

" Yes but their things it needs that aren't in the south, only in the far north, in the ice peaks," I said and every cell quiet

, the ice mountains are very far from the southern City and too dangerous to go, a journey there might take at least four months back and forth and yet a six-day journey had already led them to have already been eaten, and other attacks that the masters eliminated before, they got near the camp, also climbing the mountains are impossible, not even a gold master can't climb its high peaks and you can't fly up with the clouds populated by ice dragons

" That is too far, no one has gone there ever since the divine empire fell, "

" Yeah, we can't go and come back a life " Master Zangi added

" True, the journey is a suicide mission but "I laid my eyes on the ground and rubbed my head, where less can you find ice-type beasts and herds?

An idea popped up but before I could say anything the ground started vibrating the others were not far behind and had caught up, Zang Yami instantly put on her hood and stood up

" we will discuss that later" Master Zangi's face calmed down as he turned and walked in their direction

" Sone do you think that you can help me " Yami, said

her voice said gloomy and excited at the same time

" if what I want wasn't taken then I should be able to help you " she held my hand with much gratitude

" Thank you Sone and if you need anything am here and you have the trust of the entire Zangi family" she hugged my hand even tighter pressing it against her chest

" The others are here " Mika came into view and announced and angered seeing how Yami held my hand and she let go seeing Mika's frightening gaze

" Ow and keep my identity a secret " Yami added as Mika approached

" Hey, " she said trying to control herself, and walked to the soul stone " so is this the legendary soul stone " she touched the stone and a light rumble was heard within the stone

" Ow, I have a soul force " she was excited but still concentrated more energy into the soul stone and the stone started to glow a little as a spark danced within it it got brighter

" flames, " I examined the glow " the white Sea of flames, " my eyes widen, in my previous life two people had white flames, most time it is yellow or red but white flames had a hidden quality to them, if nurtured well, it can grow bigger and hotter than other flames but it has a slow growth rate which makes people think that it is weaker

" Sone, have you tested ?" she asked, leaving the stone, in my previous life I had a time attribute it would make no sense if I had a flame attribute in this life but since she asked I held the.

my eyes turned white, the stone had a lot of energy in it the energy that couldn't be processed by a normal person, it was linked to hundreds of other crystals and all the energy they collected was stored within them, my body absorbed the energy like a sponge nonstop, I burst through all stages but my soul realm never expanded, it was only a ten holding a heavenly rank soul force, with power my soul realm would explode and kill anyone instantly

"you're the last protector, " the voice from my soul force said and the stone threw me off the land

" Sone are you okay," Mika asked, my soul realm was extremely full, if I didn't start building it now it was going to burst

" Am fine " I felt like I had eaten too much and couldn't stand up

" Sone are you all right ?" Yami asked again,

When Sone held the crystal something different happened, it never lit up, instead, it darkened and turned black, with no energy emitted from it, if you lack a soul realm it wouldn't glow but what does it mean when it turns back, is it some sort of flame or something.

Master Zangi went to welcome the new arrivals and didn't see the phenomenon

" I need to work on something " the energy in my soul realm was too much, I had to strengthen and build my soul realm now

" Do What ?" they asked

I stood on my feet and " increase my soul realm " I walked close to the stone and on the ground was a small piece of it, it must have broken when I touched it, I pick d it up and examined the small crystal, black as coal, and no soul energy in it,

" do you have the spirit stone of the sand dragon," I asked and Yami nodded " bring it and the parts of the demon horses we kept, and a pot " I walked where we had tied the horses and settled down, I didn't know what got into my soul realm but if I used it it would I probably burst, from the pressure, after some time the girls brought the things and I started the expansion, mixing herds with soul energy fusing several items until the pot started to produce vapor, with this my soul realm would increase to twenty but I this was enough to provide space for whatever was inside it

I sat by the pot slowly building my soul realm Mika kept watch as Yami went and stood next to her grandpa as they watched people test their soul force, nothing was surprising Mika had the strongest soul force so far, but once Fei touched the stone