
The Fate Of The Egyptian Gods

In Egypt, Hayman Son of sneaky and materialistic parents will be advised one day by his father to marry the daughter of one of his rich friends to make the family rich. The latter refused for the pretext that we do not get married for the money and rather for love so he refused the offer. This annoyed his father who who will call him useless in front of his brothers and ordered them to beat him to death and throw him in the Nile for him to die. However after his jet in the Nile, he was saving by the Egyptian gods Osiris and Sobek who participated in the creation of human beings and it was too good to be true. Who could have imagined that a poor person like him would meet these divinities ever seen by humans before? Is his fate linked to these Egyptian deities?

Senpai_Kami · Fantasia
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11 Chs


At the beginning of the world, in an alien time in history, a time difficult to place on a timeline, a golden age when one thing seemed to be the only one wandering . This thing according to the legends was the sun God nommed RÂ/RÊ who was half-man half-falcon, he was born at the beginning of the universe in other words when there was no form of life and it was a gigantic empty ocean . This being could give the world the possible and the impossible. He created planets, animals, trees, stars, seasons, years and so on until the universe was beautiful to live with. After accomplishing all this he had to go to sleep in the "SUN" which he embodies as a god but there was a concern if he went to rest in the sun no one will take care of the earth he had built and she would be ruined. Thus he decided to have heirs, this one will give birth to CHOU, God of the Air and to TEFNUT, Goddess of Water, who unite and give birth to NOUT, the Goddess of the Sky and to GEB, the God of the Earth. The latter unite in turn, their children are OSIRIS, ISIS, SETH and NEPHTHYS, destined to unite as well. OSIRIS is one of the five main gods, he is the God of eternal ascension and his wife ISIS is the goddess of healing between them give birth to HORUS the God of the sky represented by a falcon and ANUBIS the God of death represented by a jackal. OSIRIS was destined to be the ruler of Egypt, that is to say the pharaoh, however this place was also coveted by his brother SETH the God of chaos represented by a jackal, the latter being jealous of him assassination and killed him to take the throne. But this crime did not go unpunished HORUS the son of OSIRIS decided to avenge his father in a duel he massacred SETH and became the ruler of Egypt and the god of the pharaohs which was assigned to his father. SETH after being defeated became the God of thunder and lightning.

After them appeared several other Gods like THOTH the God of science, magic, writing, music represented by an ibis. There was also SOBEK the God of crocodiles who lived on the Nile in Egypt, and also MAAHES the God of war and protection represented by a Lion. THOTH was him the messenger of the sun God "RÊ / RÂ" to whom they are all grateful and praise. It is true that these deities are powerful, they always have an obstacle that they still cannot overcome, it is the serpent God of destruction, of the night, of the arrogant and evil forces named "APOPHIS", he is the only god who has never agreed with the actions of the sun God RÊ / RÂ according to him the creation of humans is not necessary and they must be eradicated, he wants to stop and destroy the process of creation of RÊ and wishes that the world returns to its original state, that is to say without human life forms or other living beings but only with that of the Gods. As a result, he has been fighting the God RÂ/RÊ since the dawn of time to set up his project of destruction. Unfortunately he never made it as he only failed against the sun God due to his insane power and always lost whether night or day for centuries. He had thus sealed in a prison in the oceans by the God RÂ/RÊ for millions of years but Ra after having entrusted the earth to his descendants to go and rest in the sun forgot to reinforce the durability of the prison to prevent him from thus leaving when he left the earth the prison in which he had put APOPHIS weakens and he finally leaves with the aim of completing his plans by annihilating the divine creation before the return of APOPHIS who rests for him for three thousand years before his return to earth.

APOPHIS being awakened after being sealed for one million years began to wreak havoc in Egypt by destroying pyramids, several sacred buildings and relics to announce his return and bring down his hatred on all the creation of the God RÂ/RÊ. OSIRIS the God of ascension to eternal life in Memphis alongside his son HORUS the God of the pharaohs in the royal palace with his wife.

OSIRIS heard news coming from a messenger running around worried:

"Lord OSIRIS the enemy of your ancestor the Sun God after one million years of sealing managed to escape from the prison because it weakened because of the departure of the god RÂ towards the sun".

OSIRIS: "Where is he now and what is he planning messenger?"

MESSENGER: "My lord it seems that he is towards the desert and that he proclaims to take revenge on the God RÂ and to destroy all that he has fashioned, He said to inform all the descendants of the sun God including you that he will be back with his army and that he will bend the creation of this world and return it to its original state thereby he claims he will be back in four weeks".

To be Continued...

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