
The Fate of an Extra in a Doomed World

"Where am i? "Adam thought when he found himself in a dark space after dying. Then he heard a voice which is void of any emotions telling him that "you have endured enough child . i will grant you a second chance live it to it's fullest". when Adam found that he is transmigrated into the novel he read[The Destiny of AUZEROTH] as an extra who does not have any entanglement in the novel. He cursed the god who transmitted him 'enjoy to it's fullest my ass' i am dead in this life without doing anything. Thought Adam will Adam succumb to the fate of the novel or fight against it. Let's follow our extra find it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys author here. this is my first novel so please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes. the story will start at slow pace and pick up pace in the following chapters. read some chapters before dropping it. happy reading guys.

EXTRA_WRITER000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"is this it? how life is supposed to go. i haven't enjoyed the life to it's fullest and now dying with full of regrets" thought Adam dying at a age of 28 due to debts piled up and money lenders took his life. his parents died at his young age 17 leaving him with his parents debts and a single shitty apartment outside the city . due to his debts he dropped of out of university and started doing part time work . No one helped him as he always got the short stick of his life.

The part time does not give him enough money to pay the debts which his parents owed and for daily needs. By doing 2 to 3 part time jobs per day his health deteriorated. He does not have a single friend to talk. upon 28 years of life he hasn't dated anyone. Adam has brown hair, black eyes and dark skin which is dried up to show a skeleton. which clearly shows that he is not taking any healthy food for years.

The only thing that gives him interest in his shitty life is the web novels he reads online. which takes him to a fantasy world and live the life the way he wishes. 

"what a doomed world it is. there is no way of saving it " thought when reading an novel and stopped it when there is an commotion happening outside of his apartment. where an visitor knocked at Adam's door.

when he opens the door there is myriad of emotions showing on his face fear, shock, surprise which he unable to hold.

The visitor who is 6 feet tall guy with black hair and black eyes spoke" bitch when are you giving the debt u paid " and hit him on the stomach. 

Adam fell on the floor of his apartment unable to get up after the punch. The black guy held Adam hair in his hand and yelled" I am giving 1 week to pay up or else i am selling your body parts choose wisely" and hit his body until he can no longer endure it and faint as he went of from the shitty apartment.

Adam after fainting he got up after 20 minutes and removed the clothes which have blood stains on it and went to part time work . after todays event happened in his apartment he visited the clinic for injuries .

The doctor treated his injuries with some first aid as he doesn't have enough money for treating him properly and left the hospital with some bruises on his body and some pain suppressing pills.

After leaving the hospital . Adam went to the general store and brought a ramen, and bunch of cigarettes to smoke with the money he has in his pocket and went to his apartment.

After smoking the cigarettes and Adam ate the and slept. before sleeping he thought about the life he lived and thought 'if there is a second chance i want live it to it's fullest' and closed his eyes. next week the black guy who hit him in his apartment came and demanded money. Adam asked for some time. The black guy hearing Adam answer beat the shit out of him until he fainted and dragged his wrecked body along with him to his place.

when he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a very old creeped room which is reeking of rats smell came into his vision. he heard the voice of two people talking " we can take his heart and his kidneys which can be fetched for good sum".

Hearing this Adam fear came over his body and struggled to run. Alas he can't due to being chained on the bed.

 The two men who are chatting came to him due to the noise of the chains on his bed. Adam saw the same black guy kidnaped him coming to him with another man who has shade of brown and black eyes and black hair with some white hair indication of old age and wrinkles on his face while wearing a white coat resembling him as a doctor.

"oh! you are awake good now you didn't pay the debt i am taking your parts as a part of our deal" said the black guy while smiling creepily.

"No i don't want to die please give some time" spoke Adam while begging him.

the plea of Adam didn't reach their eyes and they began to give him sedatives " any last wish?" said Doctor.

" any one save me please i don't want to die " shouted Adam while losing conscious . 

When Adam woke up he found dark space in front him and thought 'so that's it how i died what a pathetic way to die' thought Adam . Then suddenly he was sucked into an unknown place. where there is a huge castle in front of him which we see in some fantasy novels.

After opening the castle door there is huge corridor in front of him. At the end of the corridor there is a huge throne of 10 feet which is beautiful with some beautiful designs on it. There is a person sitting on the throne. Adam cannot see him fully as his eyes are unable to perceive him.

The person sitting on the throne spoke which is void of any emotions " child you have endured enough . I will allow a second chance for u . so live it to the fullest" after that person spoke i don't have anything as my mind is blank . and full of thoughts about 'what is he talking'.

As seeing that I am not saying anything he proceed my soul to the black portal having some strange energy over it. At the last moments i mustered courage and spoke to him" why me? " 

 the person on the throne said " I have seen u struggle for every day of life and even surviving the struggle for years you have strong determination to live and thought about giving a chance for you".

"There is no free food in this world. As I have experienced it first hand .Tell what u benefit from it" as i have said with a serious look on my face. Not believing one thing he told.

"Believe me child there are no strings attached to you. you don't have to carry my orders or save the world. as i have said live a happy life in your second chance " after saying that as process of portal is completed i am sucked into it.

After Adam went through the portal of reincarnation there emerged a figure from back of the throne and spoke " are u sure of the choice u made . because this is the last chance for us"

" whether the choice is right or wrong time tells that . i have no regrets about it. we have to believe in him ANANKE" said PHANES the primordial god who has golden wings and wrapped in snake coils. while showing his elegance and beauty .

" I don't know what's special about him. even to give your powers about him" said ANANKE whose appearance is in serpentine form with out stretched arms around the universe

" I trust him. lend him a part of your divinity powers to him"

"Are you certain about it . once it's given we can't take it back . you do know that right?".

" trust me and give him yours like i have given mine. with that we will have an biggest anomaly even fate cannot predict his future" smiled PHANES at him.

" let's hope what you said is true. But i will test him if he has will to resist the power i bestow on him and choose what's best for him or choose the strongest one like others and destroy himself" said ANANKE as his lips contorted slightly upward and giving a part of his energy sent it through the portal which Adam has gone. After doing that ANANKE took his leave from PHANES castle.

"he is my Trojan horse who will wreck havoc in this timeline " murmured PHANES smiling slightly while closing his eyes.

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