
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 3

Vincent's Family lived in the Capital near the royal castle however they did have a few rooms reserved for their use in the castle. They also would often travel to many of the kings domains where they would stay at reserved estates belonging to the crown for high ranking officials that come in the kings name. With James being the Chief Minister its no surprise that he usually was the one in these estates. Having nicknames such as the kings right hand man or the Kings favorite bureaucrat definitely made his relationship with the king very clear to all.

James would usually take a carriage ride from his home to the royal castle which was where he usually worked, but he normally didn't take anyone with him however in recent days Vincent would come with him nearly every day. At first James was fine with it until one day he got a complaint from non other than his majesty the king himself telling James that the 5th Princess Victoria somehow got her hands on a wooden sword and dig a big hole in the center of the royal garden alongside his son. To make it worse even after getting a stern talk with Vincent the kid still failed in not getting into trouble alongside the princess. Only two days later Vincent and the princes were found doodling animals on the kings the back of the kings throne. At this point James would've stopped bringing Vincent to the castle and the king probably would've banned him from entering too however Victoria got too attached to Vincent and refused to eat or exit her room until her father promised Vincent would be free to visit whenever he wanted and that he would also come for a visit the very next day. Back when it happened the king was completely shocked as his quite daughter and calm never threw a tantrum was throwing a tantrum, the biggest tantrum any of the princes or princesses ever did since all his very first days as a father. His the not knowing what to do the king actually yet relevantly agreed to his daughters request. Both James and the King both felt helpless at the whole situation however the king was unwilling to experience such a major tantrum again.

However James had a plan in the making in the last two weeks. Today was the day he started to being his plan into action. As Vincent joined his dad on the cartridge James spoke to his son.

"Vincent I have some news I think you shall find interesting.

Vincent: "is it news I find uplifting?"

James: "Indeed I think you shall."

Vincent: "Am I getting a pet dog? I told Victoria that not just people like to play in the mud and that dogs also like playing in the mud!"

While James face grew ugly he managed to bring out if a surprisingly neutral voice.

"No its not a dog. Also please stop with encouraging the princess to play in mud its unfitting for a noble boy such as yourself and even more so for royalty such as the princess."

Vincent: "Dad if I want to commit any meritorious deeds the best way is during times of war! I must lead troops or atleast fight really well and if i'm not used to mud than how could i fight on the battlefield!"

James: "How much of that is the truth and how much of it is rubbish that your using as a excuse your using to play in the mud? You know what I don't even want to hear your answer as i ought to return to the subject at hand. The News i have for you is in fact related to you learning to fight. I have arranged for a instructor to instruct you on bow to fight using a sword and maybe later on also a shield. He'll be waiting for you in the castle."

Vincent "THAN DO I GET A REAL SWORD!!! It reminds me dad I told Victoria that you can play dress up with a sword just like you do with a doll by selecting a sheath or scabbard and also by customizing said sheath or scabbard in a way that would look pretty. Do you think she'll like my new sword? Will I get a scabbard‽"

James let out a long sigh before helplessly responding to his energetic son.

James: "I'm not even surprised anymore, and no your not getting a sword. No your also not getting a scabbard. You will be training with wooden swords i cant risk you getting injured in training especially since i was the one giving you most of your training to this day."

Vincent was making a sad face when he then asked.

"Aww am I really not getting even a scabbard? Also what dose you training me have to do with me not getting a real sword"

James: "my skills with the sword are considered good but for someone on the battlefield they are severally lacking. Your tutor will be the real deal but i fear you'll be injured if I give you a real blade. Even if not from him you might try to block but lose control and slash yourself or something of the sort. I shall give you a metallic Sword only when i personally deem you ready to wield one."