
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 38:

It was another day in the forrest as Vincent woke up ontop another tree once more. While he may have gotten good at survinin the forrest he was sick and tired of the experience.

He foraged for food, hunted a bird or two, used magic to collect some water to drink and so on. He kept moving in the smame general direction for about a month by now yet he didn't find any sign of civilisation.

Today Vincent walked through the forrest once more. Yet his surroundings were unexpectedly quiet. Not the birds weren't chirping and the bugs weren't buzzing. Infact not a single animal was in sight. The silence was staring to get earie. The only sounds Vincent could hear were his own.

No ants, Now Wolves, No pigeons. Nothing could be seen. This day was definitely not a ordinary one. Vincent started to think he was losing his mind. He climbed up a tree to look around his surroundings from a higher vantage point.

Once he was up there he could see a swamp was ahead of him snf beyond it were even more trees with a large hill or possibly even a small mountin behind them.

Vincent: "Maybe i can find somthing around the swamp."

Vincent climbed down the tree. It took a short while to actually get to the swamp but once he was therw he found it to be a lot wider than he first thought. Oddly enough the swamp was just as quiet as the forrest around it. Vincent walked around the banks of the swamp. The water was green and disgusting, he couldn't see the anything beyond the surface of the swamp.

Vincent: "I am definitely not going to drink that."

The terrain around the swamp was oddly muddy. His feet nearly sank evey step he took.

Vincent: "This will take a while to clean... This isn't worth it."

Vincent stepped away from the swamls banks as he approached a nearby cave he found while shouting out the swamps surroundings. However just as he was about to step in the cabe he atlast heard a sound. A stick snapping behind him.

Atleast a sound! Vincent turned around only to become horrified by what he saw. A skeliton stood infornt of him. Its body had no flesh no muscles no anything other than bones. Yet it held a sword and it was moving. Its was clearly capable of sencing his presence and it seemed to be hostile.

Vincent: "Eh hello do you happen to know were are we?"

The skeliton seemed to be unable to eithrr hear or understand what Vincent said as it kept walking towards Vincent. The skelitons body may not of had anything other than bones but it was able to move and it was as big as a adult. Vincent on the other hand may of had flesh and muscles yet at the end of the day he was just 10 years old. Living in the forrest for a this month may of had made Vincent more mature but his body barely changed.

The skeliton lifted its sword and slashed at Vincent. Vincent lifted his blade and parried the attack yet the force of the collision still pushed Vincent a few steps back. The skeliton was unrelenting as in immediately continued with another attack. Vincent retreated backwards to avoid the slash but his back was now against a tree. Vincent tried to counter attack the skeliton yet it just blocked his sword with its own. In that clash Vincent noticed that the skelitons swords was too made of bone.

The skeliton tried repeating its previous attack yet Vincent Dodged to the side and tried to slash it in the knee. The sword hit the bone but instead of sclicing through it got lodged inside. Vincent was forced to go back and abandon his sword or risk being cut in half by the skelitons sword. Vincent took out his Knife yet it was nowhere close to being as long as Titerron and in a battle of blades such a difference in length could meen the difference between life and death. Alex had done well to ingrane thay consept into Vincent's head. Due to this Vincent decided to back away. When the skeliton gave chase Vincent used water hook to sumon a ball of water and than he threw it at It was another day in the forrest as Vincent woke up ontop another tree once more. While he may have gotten good at survinin the forrest he was sick and tired of the experience.

He foraged for food, hunted a bird or two, used magic to collect some water to drink and so on. He kept moving in the smame general direction for about a month by now yet he didn't find any sign of civilisation.

Today Vincent walked through the forrest once more. Yet his surroundings were unexpectedly quiet. Not the birds weren't chirping and the bugs weren't buzzing. Infact not a single animal was in sight. The silence was staring to get earie. The only sounds Vincent could hear were his own.

No ants, Now Wolves, No pigeons. Nothing could be seen. This day was definitely not a ordinary one. Vincent started to think he was losing his mind. He climbed up a tree to look around his surroundings from a higher vantage point.

Once he was up there he could see a swamp was ahead of him snf beyond it were even more trees with a large hill or possibly even a small mountin behind them.

Vincent: "Maybe i can find somthing around the swamp."

Vincent climbed down the tree. It took a short while to actually get to the swamp but once he was therw he found it to be a lot wider than he first thought. Oddly enough the swamp was just as quiet as the forrest around it. Vincent walked around the banks of the swamp. The water was green and disgusting, he couldn't see the anything beyond the surface of the swamp.

Vincent: "I am definitely not going to drink that."

The terrain around the swamp was oddly muddy. His feet nearly sank evey step he took.

Vincent: "This will take a while to clean... This isn't worth it."

Vincent stepped away from the swamps banks as he approached a nearby cave he found while shouting out the swamps surroundings. However just as he was about to step in the cabe he atlast heard a sound. A stick snapping behind him.

Atleast a sound! Vincent turned around only to become horrified by what he saw. A skeliton stood infornt of him. Its body had no flesh no muscles no anything other than bones. Yet it held a sword and it was moving. Its was clearly capable of sencing his presence and it seemed to be hostile.

Vincent: "Eh hello do you happen to know where exactly are we?"

The skeliton seemed to be unable to eithrr hear or understand what Vincent said as it kept walking towards Vincent. The skelitons body may not of had anything other than bones but it was able to move and it was as big as a adult. Vincent on the other hand may of had flesh and muscles yet at the end of the day he was just 10 years old. Living in the forrest for a this month may of had made Vincent more mature but his body barely changed.

The skeliton lifted its sword and slashed at Vincent. Vincent lifted his blade and parried the attack yet the force of the collision still pushed Vincent a few steps back. The skeliton was unrelenting as in immediately continued with another attack. Vincent retreated backwards to avoid the slash but his back was now against a tree. Vincent tried to counter attack the skeliton yet it just blocked his sword with its own. In that clash Vincent noticed that the skelitons swords was too made of bone.

The skeliton tried repeating its previous attack yet Vincent Dodged to the side and tried to slash it in the knee. The sword hit the bone but instead of sclicing through it got lodged inside. Vincent was forced to go back and abandon his sword or risk being cut in half by the skelitons sword. Vincent took out his Knife yet it was nowhere close to being as long as Titerron that was still loged into the skelitons foot. Vincent heard a cracking sound similar to thay of s branch gettinf snapped as he saw the skeliton lose balance and fall. Unfortunately its foot was intact yet it was clearly cracked. Vincent ran to the skeliton and tried to stab ot with his knife before it could get up. Unfortunately Vincent was not used to fighting such opponents and especially not with a knife thus his stab when through the skelitons empty rib cage doint no damage.

The skeliton got up and continued to march towards Vincent as if nothing happened. Titerron fell out of its foot faling onto the ground yet it was not behind the walking corpse. Vincent knew what he had to do. He charged at the skeliton dodged its blade slid past its feet grabbed hia trusty sword off the muddy ground and slashed at the skeliton that was still turning around to face him. The only problem is the lasp part of fhe plan failed when the skeliton deflected his slash using its sword. Vincent didnt care as he mustered his stregth to attack again before the skeliton could strike him with a counter attack.

The sword hit the skeliton in the skull as it suddenly halted. It soon colapsed onto the floor yet Vincent didnt take Any chances has he slashed the skeliton again and again until only fragments remained. Vincent had done it, he had defeated death.