
Chapter 1


--15 Years Ago--

--Snow Lahm Village--

In the snowy village of Snow Lahm there was an boy everybody pitied as his family was killed by an group of mercenaries.

He was left all alone fragile and weak Raphael had to steal for his own living with the same words coming to mind everytime he thought about his family :

"Vampires Are The Root Of Evil!"

Those are the words he heard as his family got massacred and he couldn't do anything to save them.

One day getting ready to steal some food he was met with an suprise punch from the owner of the shop he always stole from


As Raphael was trembling in fear knowing the man he used to stole from never forgave anyone suddenly an sound was heard as Raphaels upper teeth became sharper and longer as he mouth opened gasping at what happened.



Everyone was running in fear knowing vampires will not stop killing at any price.

The shop keeper ran in fear himself as Raphael was shocked.

"Why? Why did they ran.."

Steps were heard approaching Raphael, it was Cardinal Village Protector Kira.

Kira: Begone...Vampire!

Kira pulled out his dagger pointing it towards Raphael as he dashed to cut his throat.


Raphael couldn't move as he knew it was futile to race an Cardinal.

An shadow appeared behind Raphael as an clashing sound occured right in Raphael's face as 2 blades clashed sparking

"Oh..Cardinal Kira, long time no see"

Said an man dressed in a white costume

Kira growled as he shouted


Kira swinged his dagger towards Raphael once again but the man blocked it clashing again.

"Oh? You still remember my name! Mizu Chi."

Mizu took an step forward unarming Kira and kicking him into an stand.

"I will take this child with me if isnt a problem for you!"

Kira looked furious towards Mizu with an killing intent as 9 more daggers flew towards Mizu at incredible speed.

"You still have these daggers huh?"

Mizu stood still as he deflected every dagger into buildinings and the ground

Mizu sighed as he said

"Your still weak...Cardinal..how shameful"

Mizu turned to Raphael as Kira rushed towards him grabbing one of the deflected daggers from the ground.


Mizu: IT IS NOT!

Mizu slashed his sword as Kiras hand was cut off.

Kira grabbed the dagger from the hand as he tried to stab Mizu in the heart


Mizu whispered to him as he disappeared alongside Raphael behind him in the blink of a second.

Kira: What...! HOW!

Mizu: This is...my special ability Kōsoku! The ability to move at the speed of LIGHT, your still weak Kira..I will wait for you to get stronger!

Mizu and Raphael disappeared in thin air as Kira shed a tear


--City Of Vampires: Sailo City--

Mizu landed gently on an pudle of water as it echoed.


Mizu: I am Mizu and high ranked vampire and second to the Vampire Royal Family, you have got some potential I smell, it's delicious! And I want to harness it!

Raphael: You are nothing more but a pedophile!

Raphael swang his leg backwards to kick Mizu in the face.

Mizu dropped him by accident surprised by the kick.

Mizu: Not fair.. kiddo.


Raphael got up and started running away.

Mizu continued to appear next to him every turn using his Light Speed Kōsaku.

Mizu: You can stop running I'm always gonna catch you.

Mizu caught Raphael by the neck making him fall on his back

"See? I Told you!"

Mizu laughed at the kid's effort to run away from him.


Mizu': I..am not a pedophile, I just saved you back there! You want to go back to that village? To get killed? Exorcised? If not then stick with me!

Raphael: Fine..

Mizu: Good..I will train you to atleast be able to fend for yourself then you can go wherever you want. Deal?

Raphael: uhg..Deal!

Mizu smiled at Raphael as they both disappeared in the air.

--11 Years Ago--

--Royal Vampire Castle--

Raphael grew up more and more as he got stronger training every day to get stronger and fulfil his deal with Mizu.

While sparring Raphael finally got an hit on Mizu sneaking behind him hitting him on the neck with the wooden sword.

Mizu: Your training..is done, Raphael!

Raphael: Glad to hear I'm finally out of here!

Mizu: Damn it..I thought you would stay more you could become an ranked high vampire!

Raphael: You never told me that?

Mizu laughed as he grabbed Raphael by the shoulder

Mizu: Let's go...the vampire king might give you the spot!

They both went on a hallway walking towards to throne room they spotted an child playing with an human head

"Toy! Toy! Toy!" The child kept shouting.

Raphael: What..the..

Mizu: Don't worry..it's an toy head nothing real!

Mizu and Raphael entered the Throne Room where the vampire king Zetsu waited for them.

Zetsu: With what occasion do I meet you? Mizu and Raphael?

Mizu: I trained this kid for over 4 years don't you think he is good enough to finally be ranked?

Zetsu: Well..I know how good you can make people..so why not I will give him a chance aslong as he does what he is told.

Raphael took an military salute position as he shouted:

"Yes Sir!"

Zetsu: Good..Good..you are Rank 6 then!

Raphael: Thank you sir!

Raphael started doing jobs for the king infiltrating human territories, killing monsters and mercinary groups, he has done his job for more than 1 year.

--10 Years Ago--

Raphael was back from one of the jobs of killing monsters as Zetsu The King called a meeting with him.

Raphael entered the throne room covered in monster blood.

Zetsu: Your, back! Raphael!

Raphael said with an cold and piercing gaze:

"I Am Back Sir"

Zetsu: I have got another job for you if you aren't exhausted!

Raphael: What is it.

Zetsu: Anihilate an country of humans, the same country you have been infiltrating and become known in.

Raphael was puzzled as he knew humans weren't the best but they were just surviving

Raphael: Why's that..sir? why anihilate humans?

Zetsu: Humans are nothing but a worthless and greedy race! Are you questioning your own king! RAPHAEL!

Raphael: Maybe I am..humans don't deserve that even how cruel they may be..they are just surviving like we are!

Zetsu: Guards..take him to The Pit Of Hell and throw him in there..until he reconsiders his task as a ranked vampire!!!

Raphael was escorted out without opposing any resistance as he knew he would just die in pain attacking the king.

Raphael: How pityful..huh?

Raphael laughed the whole way towards the pit, once reaching it he was trhow immediately.


Guard 2: HOPE YOU ROT!

Raphael crashed down in a pile of corpses

Raphael: So this what I get? For working with them? Getting trhown in a pit that has around 600 meters? Really? That's...not nice..

Raphael looked sad as he realised how used he was.

Raphael: Just because I can retract my fangs...I was used as an human in the city....vampires..humans...Raiken beasts...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME! HORRIBLE LIVING BEINGS!

Raphael stood up the pile of corpses.


Raphael shouted as he started climbing the walls using magic spells of ice to build steps to jump on.

It took him 2 full days to reach land again.

--2 Months Later--

Guard 1: Master Zetsu! Raphael has disappeared...from the pit

Zetsu: Huh? Put an bounty on his head! Only DEAD!


--Ban La Roi City--

"I keep seeing my face on wanted posters..so they care about me? Hah..hah..hah."

Raphael grinned at one of the posters.

Two unranked vampires infiltrated in the city saw Raphael looking at his own poster.

Vampire 1: we..have to tell Master Zetsu he is alive..

Vampire 2: Yea-

The second vampire didn't get to speak as Raphael cut off his head clean.

Raphael: Tell Who?

The other vampire used an earth spell to bind Raphael as he got to run

Raphael: Damn it...I'm going to get hunt? HAH

Raphael laughed as villagers surounded him and the vampires corpse.