
The Fall of The Prophesied (a Harry Potter x DB crossover)

Majin Buu barely escaped death by Gokus spirit bomb through opening a portal. Barely left with a fragment of himself he runs into a beaten down Harry Potter. What carnage awaits this world. Author here: This will probably be a short story rather than anything long. I do not own Harry Potter or any of the Dragon Ball Universes characters

Unmatched · Outros
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4 Chs


At a particular house a few doors down there was a woman that lived there with her cats, no one really interacted with her as she always seemed weird to everyone, she woke up with the sound of the explosion and ran outside, when she saw that the home of Harry Potter was gone she quickly ran to her fireplace "ALBUS Dumbledore Hogwarts!" The panic was ever present in her voice as she waited for him to reply, finally what felt like forever he appeared wearing the most grotesque yellow night robes imaginable "Arabella what can i help you with so late at night?" his voice composed with his grandfatherly voice "Headmaster I don't know what happened but there was an explosion in Harry's house!" As soon as Albus heard this he immediately transfigured his robes into a more.. appealing robe, "I'll be right there in a second".

The fireplace lit up and there stood Albus Dumbledore in all his glory, he rushed out of her house with Arabella in tow, he could see the neighbours gathering around to see what happened but his main attention was drawn to number 4, or more precisely where it should have been, but all he saw was a crater and no signs of the house or Harry Potter "no no, this cannot be happening" Arabella finally catching up to the surprisningly agile Albus "What happened Headmaster, do you know what happened to the?!" her frantic voice snapping Albus back to reality "I don't know but i promise to find out, return home for now and I'll let you know as soon as possible" she wanted to protest but as he reassured her she went home trusting him to handle things, casting an anti-muggle ward the neighbours slowly filtered out of the area "FAWKS!" the phoenix flashed close to him "take us to the castle".

As soon as he got there he immediately went to his devices used to monitor Harry but as soon as he arrived at the corner, he saw that they were missing. This caused his heart to miss a beat "Treeny!" a female house elf usually responsible for cleaning the headmasters office popped in "Yes master headmaster sir, you is calling Treeny" "yes there seem to be some things missing here, do you know what happened to them?" he tried to keep composed as he asked "yes master headmaster, the thing is exploded everywhere so me being good house elf cleaned it up". His anger rising as his magic flared for a bit pressuring the house elf backwards in fear "and when did this happen and why wasn't I informed" his voice deep as he stared intently at Treeny, she gulped as she shakily answered "i-i-it was man masters headmasters went to out this afternoon sir, you tolds us you didn't want to be disturbed sir".

Albus took some time to calm down "you may go" and as soon as he said that she disappeared. He sent a patronus to Professor Mcgonagall and Snape summoning them to his office, while doing that he called his friend Alastor Moody. A few minutes they all appeared, quite displeased as they were summoned so late at night "Is there something i can help you with headmaster as it is a bit late for a meeting" Albus immediatly got to the point "tonight there was an explosion in Harry Potters home" Mcgonagall immediately paled as she heard that "are they alright Albus?! Please tell me nothing happened to them" with a pleading tone she asked while Snape simply sneered to the side and Alastor stood at attention "what are we waiting for the, lets go before the trail goes cold." They all flood back to Arabella Figg place "oh thank goodness you're here, the police have been called and they have been asking questions wondering why people called about an explosion" "don't worry Arabella dear, we'll handle it", she simply noded as the rest rushed outside.

Casting a compulsion charm at the police who saw weirdly dressed people approaching "sorry about that officers, the neighbours seemed to have drunk a bit much and were simply pulling a prank", the officers sighed "it's too late to be dealing with this so late at night, thank you for informing us". While the officers got back to their car and drove off Alastor was examining the sight with every spell and his special eyes, "there's some strong magic used here Albus, but it's also mixed with something i've never seen before, something powerful", Albus became worried as he heard this "do you think its Death Eaters" Alastor immediately shook his head "we've fought them before and none of them are powerful enough to do this except Voldemort" this surprised those around as they know his words could be trusted.

"Albus we have to find him, he could be anywhere and possibly hurt" Mcgonagall said while looking for any signs that Harry could be hiding close by then a deary voice "just let the boy be, he'll probably turn up somewhere, i bet this is just a prank from him just like his father" "are you mad! how can a boy of no more than 10 pull something like this?!" Mcgonagall snapped at him "Professors please calm down, we'll ensure that young Harry is safe and sound, so please calm down".

They looked around for clues for a few more hours but came up with nothing, only the light mixture of magic and something else as a lead. Soon they went their separate ways after returning to the castle in a heavy mood.