
The fall of the dragon

Ash Hi is a 16 year old student that attends a special school that helps develop elemental abilities. Young Ash Hi is the son of the great Mr.Hi. Despite his father being an powerful elementalist yielding influence and power, Ash has little to no power to his name. Consequently he has to deal with scrutiny from his peers, teachers and even his own family. Will Ash be able to develop some amazing power? Will he finally gain the honor and respect he desires find out in, fall of the dragon.

Lionsrcool · Ação
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5 Chs


Ash woke up in cold sweat, his head pounding and the sound of his alarm clock echoing in the back. He sat there for a few minutes taking deep breaths and calming himself, before he turned once again clearly addressing the audience.

"You saw that huh?"

Ash got out of bed as he continued talking in a hushed tone.

"Sorry I haven't been completely honest with you, which silly seeing as a figment of my imagination. About six months ago I started having those dreams. At first I didn't think much of it but slowly I started feeling something else within me, another presence."

Ash got to the bathroom sink and washed his face, then started to brush his teeth.

"I ended up making a dumb mistake, I should have been more careful..."

He pauses for a moment after saying this before continuing on.

"Anyway I learned that this was seriously bad news and that nothing good can come from this power. So I resisted more and started not sleeping so I wouldn't even have to see the dreams anymore, but I guess I reached my limit yesterday."

Ash sighed, he went back to his room to change. Once he took off his shirt he saw all the cuts and bruises all over him. He quickly got changed and headed down stairs. He turned the corner to enter the kitchen to see his Dad standing there drinking .

"Wow, I thought I would have to go wake you up. I guess you must be really excited for our practice today."

The memories suddenly raced back into Ash's head from the night before. He swore under his breath, before grabbing a apple off the cabinet.

"Do you really wanna do this Dad, I mean I'm not exactly competent with my elemental skills."

Mr.Hi sat his coffee on the cabinet and looked towards his son, but his gaze seemed to drift past.

"Son with practice and hard work anything is possible"

His gaze was than drawn back to Ash.

"Besides we both know what your capable of"