
The Fall of The assassin Hero

HaziX_Week · Fantasia
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3 Chs

is this a low lvl monster!?

chapter 4: fight

so back with us fighting goblins about 4 of them , me and Elizabeth at the front while Layla support us.

I'm starting to get use to the dagger I can cut those goblins like butter.

after finishing Elizabeth pointed out that I'm more powerful than the heros should be , I asked her if she knows a hero to compare me to .

" you know the king of this country is one of the 7 stars heros, he may not have his weapon but I fought side by side with him " she said

I was surprised, until now all I heard was how awesome the queen and the king are which made me want to meet them.

" don't worry you'll meet them sooner than you think " she said

hopefully soon , anyway let's fight that dog with the 3 heads , they both looked confused and I was read to fight with the new enemy Approaching.

I could sense him but they didn't? even though Elizabeth is one of the strongest here she didn't sense it , oh well let fight

I immediately jumped to action by hitting hus front leg which got him off balance and then Elizabeth followed by hitting the other on while Layla was charging a fire attack, but the monster use roaring and about 15 goblins shows up .

"this is odd why are they teaming up , monsters never do that" as Elizabeth said that Layla shot the 3 headed dog killing it .

but there already was a goblin behind her , I went as fast as I could to help her but she got stabbed in the leg.

I did first-aid on her while Elizabeth was protecting us , she made a quick work of them .

after that Layla got yelled at by Elizabeth

" did I tell you a hundred time to be aware of your situation and not let your gourddown "

" I'm sorry Elizabeth-san" she answered while crying.

it was strange that Layla calls Elizabeth with -San even though Layla is a higher authority level.

"let's get back now " Elizabeth said

I went to Layla to help her but she couldn't stand up so I ended up carrying her to home .

home oh I never imagined that I'll have that every again

chapter 5: market

it's been about 3 months since I got here , I learned a lot of stuff about this world and it's legends.

and I'm lvl 40 now this time I'll win again Elizabeth.

"don't get too cocky or ill beat your ass kid"

"just try me mom" I said and immediately regret it.

she did laugh it off but she looked happy anyway.

"start when you want my son" she said missing with me , alright I started by throwing my weapon at her which sounds stupid by I discovered that after 1 second of throwing the weapon it will come back no matter what so it will be a distraction and it did work , I started with a low kick which she blocked and tried to throw me off balance but counter attacked by going back , and the fight kept like that for about 10 hours.

" you still coming" " of course I can't stop now, this is gonna be the last attack get ready"

the moment I went for the killing shot a wave of water hit us .

" you guys been fight since 2am , we need to go to the market " Layla decided to have a double kill strike , this will be my first time going to the market also the first time I get a draw with Elizabeth.

"good work today kid , unfortunately better luck next time " Elizabeth told me .

" yeah better luck beating your mom next time" Layla said

I couldn't do anything about this , I opened my own grave.

the market seems normal at first until I saw slaves demihuman and beastmen which was a first.

Layla looked uncomfortable with those site but we kept move .

after getting all the stuff we needed we split up so I can explore on my own , Layla wasn't too sure about this but she let me do it , Elizabeth was exchanging information with other shadow something important apparently.

I was looking around until I found a circus tent, I went inside curious when a short man with strange hat came to me.

hello sir what can I help you with today , are you looking for some fun or do you need it for combat.

I didn't understand what he meant so I asked, he told me that this is slave market.

welp I definitely got lost in the wrong place.

I told him I didn't want to by slaves then he showed me some kind of egg which when it hatch a monster will come out and that monster will be like some kind of a house.

he told me there's a chance of getting a dragon , so it's a gotcha game got it .

I did have enough money and it wasn't that bad so we mad a deal , finally my first purchase in this new world .

when I got back with the others they told me it's a Filolial and explain that it was a stupid move to buy it anyway I still need to rise this egg and if it was useless then I'll sell it back.