
13. The Plan

I returned to the room and made an effort to relax. Despite having access to so much magic, they refused to aid those in need. Even worse, I was unable to leave the place, no matter how furious I was. If I met Lykos right now, I would be done. I walked back and forth and wondered what plan I could possibly come up with. The only thing I could think of was to beg them to help me. The old me wouldn't have done that. The old me was a princess who didn't have a care in the world and barely thought of her people. But ever since the last conversation between my father and I, and the awakening of the magic within me, it has changed me. It opened my eyes, and it was like I suddenly knew what to do.

I sat on the bed and took off the hijab. So much for being representable. It wasn't long before Malik came rushing into my bedroom. He looked annoyed as well, but he calmed down when he saw me and sat next to me. "Don't worry, Lena. I will make him say yes." he said, determined.