
The Fairy's Clover

A wayward and tired soul emitting normalcy drifts into the world of the fairies. With the foreigner comes a power that belonged to another world. Armed with this great gift what will this individual do and what consequences will it have on Earthland?

hmak27230 · Anime e quadrinhos
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33 Chs

Training Day (1)

As I sat at the dining table, a delectable aroma filled the air. My adoptive grandfather, Gamgee, was hard at work in the kitchen, preparing a full-course breakfast to kickstart my magical training journey. My mouth watered with anticipation as I imagined the culinary delights he would soon serve.

The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm, inviting glow on the wooden table. I could hear the sizzling of sunny-side-up eggs in the skillet and the pleasant popping of sausages cooking. The smell of freshly toasted bread wafted over me, and the clinking of glasses signaled that my orange juice and milk were being poured.

Gamgee emerged from the kitchen, a tray laden with delicious breakfast items in hand. With his face adorned by a gentle smile, he placed a plate in front of me. It was filled with perfectly cooked sunny-side-up eggs, toast that was golden brown, and a side of savory sausages. The glassware held the perfect blend of chilled orange juice and refreshing milk.

"Eat up, my lad," Gamgee encouraged with a twinkle in his eye. "You'll need your strength for the day ahead."

My delight knew no bounds as I eagerly dug into the scrumptious meal, the flavors exploding in my mouth. The eggs were cooked to perfection, their yolks bright and inviting. The sausages were juicy and flavorful, while the toast was crispy and buttery. The orange juice and milk refreshed me, and it was the best breakfast I had tasted since I arrived in this world.

With every bite, I couldn't help but marvel at Gamgee's cooking skills. He might be a simple person, but his culinary expertise was nothing short of extraordinary. I was grateful to have such a loving and caring grandfather.

As I savored the meal, I contemplated the world I found myself in. The similarities between this place and the Middle Earth I knew from the LOR series were striking. Hobbiton, the peaceful village where Gamgee and I lived, reminded me so much of the Shire. But the differences were apparent, too.

The continent being called Earthland, the prevalence of magic, and the mention of dragons in the history books made me question if I had been reborn centuries after the original series or if I had somehow ended up in a crossover world. The absence of races like elves, dwarves, and orcs added another layer of intrigue.

I knew there was more to this world than met the eye, and my quest to uncover its mysteries had only just begun.

As I continued to eat, my thoughts shifted to something Light had mentioned last night. The idea of 'acting' as my template intrigued me. I considered using Grey's transformation magic to become Magna Swing and navigate this world like him to make progress. Before I could delve deeper into my contemplation, I requested the system to display Magna's template.

- Name: Magna Swing

- Alias: Weird Glasses Yankee

- Magic: Fire Magic

- Age: 20

- Height: 169 cm

- Blood Type: B

- Eyes: Light Grey

- Hair: Don't Ask

- Country: Clover Kingdom

- Occupation: Magic Knight

- Squad: Black Bull

- Progress: 0%

Seeing Magna's details on the screen, I realized that although it would be manageable to have two grimoires. However, as more templates found their way into my grasp, it could become quite cumbersome to carry them all around. Light, always attentive to my thoughts, asked if I'd like to digitalize the grimoires, a suggestion I considered carefully.

With my breakfast finished, I knew it was time to tackle the day's training. I rose from my seat, the wand that Gamgee had given me tucked securely in my robe. I glanced at the blank Grimoire I held in my other hand, the one linked to Magna, and then nodded resolutely.

It was time to get to work. Today marked the beginning of my magical journey, and I was more than ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that lay ahead. With a determined smile, I headed to the forest clearing, where Gamgee had instructed me to meet him. It was the start of a new chapter in my life, and I was eager to embrace it with open arms.


The forest loomed ahead, its ancient trees casting dappled shadows across our path. With each step, I could feel the anticipation building. Gamgee's words about my magic energy made me conscious of the invisible aura I emitted, like a warm glow surrounding me.

"We're starting our training away from the village, Rex," Gamgee explained. "It's best to be away from the homes and the villagers for now. We wouldn't want any accidents or to frighten anyone with the magic you've awakened."

I nodded in agreement, understanding the wisdom in his decision. Yet, a sense of excitement simmered within me. I couldn't help but wonder if my control over magic would surprise him. The prospect of seeing the astonishment on Gamgee's face brought a faint smile to my lips. In this world, I could pretend to be a prodigy, but I quickly quelled that notion.

I reminded myself not to get overconfident. It was a common trope in the isekai stories I loved. The main character would often begin thinking they were unbeatable, only to learn the hard way that they had much to learn. Usually at the expense of his companions' lives. I needed to remain humble and recognize my limitations.

As I walked deeper into the forest, I contemplated the need to make progress with Magna's template. After all, he possessed fire magic – something I was currently lacking. It occurred to me that, based on the clichés of isekai stories, our peaceful village might someday be attacked by bandits or other threats. I couldn't stand by and watch lives be lost because of me.

Who knows what tasks that pervert <Orion > will throw at me for his enjoyment?

While I had no intention of becoming a hero, I was determined not to be a liability. The villagers deserved to live in peace, and I couldn't allow my presence to put them in danger. So, as I ventured into the heart of the forest, I made a silent promise to myself: I would become strong enough to protect those I cared about.

It was then that Light offered a warning, reminding me not to ridicule <Orion >. As an avatar, Light couldn't shield my thoughts from our celestial observer. If <Orion > felt petty, he might decide to interfere in ways I couldn't predict.

I simply acknowledged Light's advice with a dismissive sound, but beneath the surface, I chided myself for potentially raising a red flag. My resolve to become more powerful only deepened as I understood the consequences of underestimating the rules of this new world.


As I entered the forest clearing, a sense of anticipation and determination welled up within me. There stood my Grandfather Gamgee, his presence commanding respect and authority. He was adorned in a majestic wizard's robe, intricately embroidered with ancient runes, and his hat cast a shadow over his face, making his features seem even more imposing. In his right hand, he held his staff, a towering presence that reached his shoulders. The sight of him sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of the day I first met Major Phil in the 32nd Regiment.

But as my apprehension built, I recognized the seriousness in Gamgee's demeanor. He wasn't playing the role of a doting grandfather but rather that of a true mentor, a teacher ready to impart knowledge and skills, no matter the hardships that lay ahead.

Gamgee's deep voice reverberated through the forest as he spoke, setting the tone for our training. "Remember, during our training sessions, you must address me as 'teacher' or 'master.' This will help you focus on the lessons without fear of compromising our relationship."

His words caught me off guard for a moment, and I realized the profound meaning behind his decision. Gamgee was forcing himself to set aside his role as my grandfather because he wanted to teach me the seriousness and intensity of the journey required. He knew that, as a beginner, I might be too fearful or hesitant if I saw my beloved grandfather in pain should I make a mistake, so he chose this path to ensure my growth.

Instead of feeling scared or apprehensive, a warm sense of gratitude and excitement welled up within me. Gamgee's trust in me and his dedication to my learning was evident. It was not only an honor but a challenge I eagerly embraced.

With a sensei salute and a nod of determination, I responded, "Yes, sensei." A faint chuckle escaped Gamgee, his eyes twinkling with a hint of warmth beneath his stern facade. But just as quickly, he composed himself, ready to begin the arduous training that awaited. He informed me that it was time to start this new chapter in my magical journey.


Rex was deeply intrigued as Gamgee chanted "Requip." He watched in wonder as a fleeting game-like interface popped up before him, swiftly closing, and a bucket filled with water materialized in front of Gamgee. His eyes widened with amazement. "Did Sensei have a system too?" Rex pondered as he observed his grandfather (he meant "Master") inquisitively.

Sensing the curiosity in Rex's eyes, Gamgee chose not to address the doubt immediately. He knew that every moment was precious in their training, and explaining the intricacies of magics like 'Requip' could take up a considerable amount of time. Gamgee was fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead for Rex, who was new to this world.

In that crucial moment, Light's voice came to the rescue, projecting an explanation on a screen visible only to Rex. "Requip: A Caster Magic and a type of Spatial Magic related to the summoning of various types of equipment. This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon them at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing. More skilled users are able to Requip different weapons in battle, and it is even possible to Requip armor in the midst of battle. Requip users can also project a holographic inventory screen where they can view and organize items in their pocket dimension, as well as add items without the user equipping it on themselves."

Rex couldn't help but be amazed. This revelation reshaped his perception of the magical abilities he had access to. In an unintended act of disloyalty, he realized that his system inventory wasn't as impressive as he once thought. However, Light, who had been proudly showing off its capabilities, took great offense at this comparison.

On the other hand, Gamgee was inwardly impressed to see Rex's look of curiosity transform into one of amazement. He recognized that Rex possessed a potential beyond what he initially believed. He mused that despite Rex's youthful appearance, his soul bore the weight of experience, making him a quicker learner.

Gamgee decided to showcase more of his magical prowess to Rex. He directed his staff toward the bucket of water, chanted "Transform," and summoned a magical circle. The water within the bucket was bathed in a brilliant blue light, and the transformation was nothing short of spectacular. To Rex, it seemed as if the water had genuinely turned into a blazing flame.

As Rex responded with certainty that it was indeed fire, Gamgee remained silent, hinting that there might be more to the illusion than met the eye. A nod from his master affirmed Rex's initial impression, causing a spark of pride within him.

Gamgee then gestured for Rex to dip his arms into the flame-like substance. Rex did so without hesitation, exhibiting complete trust in his grandfather's judgment. What followed was surreal. Instead of the expected heat, Rex found the substance to be neither hot nor cold, a room-temperature liquid with a silky texture. It was as though he could grasp the flames in his hand, transforming his expectations into amazement.

Gamgee proceeded to explain that his "flame" was not a true change of state but a sophisticated illusion. Rather than actually altering the properties of water to create fire, it only gave the convincing illusion of transformation. 

Gamgee elucidated on the technique's practicality, explaining that it could serve as a potent strategy in the heat of battle. For instance, one could employ it to confound rival mages. An excellent tactic, as demonstrated, might involve camouflaging a potent lightning spell as a seemingly innocuous flame. This subterfuge could unnerve a Water Mage, luring them into a false sense of security, only to have their guard down when the true nature of the spell was revealed.

After turning the illusion back into water with the chant "Dispel," Gamgee directed his attention back to Rex. Now, it was Rex's turn. With confidence, Rex aimed his wand toward the bucket of water, and his digital grimoire floated before him. Gamgee instructed him to remain calm and connect with the energy both within and outside of him, seeking harmony to perform magic.

Rex is confident in his abilities and recognizes that the unique rules of Black Clover's magic don't entirely apply in this world. Black Clover characters generally need not concern themselves with the intricacies of tapping into ambient magical energy, provided they aren't delving into advanced techniques such as true magic or invoking the formidable mana zone. Their focus primarily centers on harnessing the magical reservoir within themselves. Rex bypassed the synchronization step. Instead, he focused on his desired outcome and invoked his spell, "Magic Conversion: Water -> Fire."

A shroud of magic enveloped the bucket, and as it dissipated, the water transformed into a searing flame. Gamgee's eyes, though seemingly stoic, were alight with silent jubilation. He recognized that Rex's progress was exceptional and far beyond his expectations.

To confirm the authenticity of the flames, Gamgee then used a spell that telekinetically lifted a nearby twig and dropped it into the bucket. They both waited in anticipation to see if the twig would actually burn. As expected, the stick immediately combusted into ashes, proving that the flames were indeed genuine.

Inwardly, he thought, "I know Rex mentioned he gained a type of transformation magic that surpassed conventional transformation spells, but for him to achieve this level of mastery so quickly is truly remarkable."

Gamgee was momentarily captivated by the thought that, perhaps, it should be Rex who taught him the intricacies of transformation magic. However, that contemplation soon took a back seat when he witnessed the smug expression on Rex's face.

Annoyance quickly overtook Gamgee's pride. He responded by giving Rex a firm bonk on the head with his staff, eliciting an involuntary yelp from Rex. "Ouch! What was that for?" Rex exclaimed.

Gamgee coughed, his expression unchanging. "It's a life lesson, young one. Always remain humble."

Rex, begrudgingly agreeing to the lesson, wore a half-hearted scowl as he cast a wary glance at his master. Gamgee raised an eyebrow, indicating that their roles shouldn't be taken lightly. He concluded that it was time to shift their focus away from changes in states, as Rex had already mastered the basics. Now, it was time to delve into a new phase of their training.

Midterms are finally over! Until December I should be able to have a more consistent release hopefully atleast every other day. Not much to say about this chapter just as always let me know what you guys think! P.S Thanks on the 50k views!

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