
The Responsible One - Part. II

"Cool, isn't it? It's one of her wraths."

"Wow, that's awesome. In my mind, she would have the wraths of water, telekinesis, or something like that," he smiles, I don't like that smile.

"Good guesses, but no. One of her wraths is invisibility. It's very incredible for itself, and it helps her a lot in her job."

"Yeah, that should help a lot."

He opened a dimensional portal and turned to look at me. "Shall we?" I agreed and entered first, when I opened my eyes again, I found myself in the kitchen, in front of everyone, and next to Kai.

"You don't need to close your eyes, you know right?" I could tell he was smiling by his tone.

"I don't trust on this yet, so I'm gonna keep going with my eyes closed, thank you."

"You chose your clothes well, I liked," said Naomi, and I look at her. "Hi."

"Hi! And thank you for the compliment."

"Did you sleep well, princess?" Boyd asked me.

"I did. Now, I'm starving," all of them laughed.

"Sit here," Winter told me, pointing at an empty place between your seat and the end of the table, and I did. "I'm sorry again, for before."

"Before?" asked Samantha with a curious look.

"I entered her room without asking and before she was awake, and I also said things I shouldn't relate to her parents."

"Winter! You never change, uh. You must put yourself in the place of the person you're talking with, before saying those things. Otherwise, you'll always apologize for saying things you shouldn't," she wasn't joking when she said she was the most responsible one in here. Even in front of the previous queen, she's the responsible one, it's almost funny.

"I'm sorry, Sammie. I try, but I was taken by the moment."

"Try more," oh my gods, this must be awesome, talking to everyone like this cuz you're older and wiser than them.

"I will. Now, Avain, come eat, you are very thin. And by the gods, what have you eaten in all these years alone in that forest?"

"Mom!" he exclaimed.

"What? She is very thin," I liked the sincerity.

"Don't worry, Kai. She is right. And I had to eat snakes, rabbits, and squirrels. I found a lot of vegetables and fruits too. So I always cooked a stew of them."

"It was delicious, for real," said Naomi with a smile.

"Wait a minute-" I turned to Kai. "So, the stew you brought with us was for Naomi!"

"Yeah. She loves every single type of food. I thought she would love your stew of snakes too."

"And I did!"

"So, you had to eat those animals? By the gods, this must've been difficult in the beginning," the previous queen said with an expression of pain.

"It was. But I grew accustomed."