
The Responsible One - Part. I

When I open the wardrobe I found myself surprised again, I never had so many clothes, even when I lived with my parents in the Albtraum Kingdom. I took a thin black tank top, high-waisted navy blue shorts made of what I believe to be silk and then I put on a thin black heel. Thank gods, I have not forgotten how to walk in them.

I went to the front of the mirror and made two thin braids on the front sides of my hair, and joined them with a thin band on the back of my head, leaving the long curls loose on my shoulders and back. I passed the sweet perfume that was on the dressing table and used the lip balm that was also there.

When I was going to open the door, someone opened it in the same second and I fall to the ground. "What the-"

"I'm sorry!" I recognize the voice as being Maelli's one. She offers me her hand and took it. "Are you okay?"

"Damn it, you're more strong than you look like. But yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

"Same. I was coming here to call you to come to have breakfast with us."

"O,h I was already going. I'm just waiting for Kai, cuz I'm not going down those stairs again," she laughs.

"So, did you meet mama Winter?" 'mama Winter'? Funny.

"I did. She kinda freaked me out cuz when I woke up, she was already here in my room. But I liked her. She's sweet."

"She is," said Kai, leaning against the door frame, making me startle. "You're beautiful, sweetheart. I knew you would prefer those clothes then long and puffed dresses. It suits you."

"You were right, this time. And you're beautiful too," Oh gods, why did I say that when he already has that extra huge self-esteem?

"I know, right? I'm hottest when I dress in black. I normally use clothes that make me feel comfortable. Not that I wouldn't be hot in clothes, cuz I am, but black..." he pointed to my thin black tank top. "I think you get it."

"I do. And how can you be so narcissistic?"

"I just love myself, sweetheart. You should love yourself too."

"Oh, I love myself. I know I'm beautiful, hot, and all of this, but I don't have an ego like yours, to say it all the time out loud, just like you do," and your mom.

"You should. You're probably the stronger witch of all the time, before Samantha, you should be proud of that. No one would mess with you if you show how confident you truly are. At least that's my opinion," he had a point, but I'm not that powerful, and this wouldn't work.

When I was gonna talk with Maelli, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. "When did she-"

"She can be invisible."