
Pinky Eyes - Part. I

He looked at me with those ridiculously beautiful pinky eyes that I used to love. "I am sorry, I truly am, but you'll do it," he's sorry my ass.

"How you're only thinking of yourself?" I growled at him again.

"What?" he said with his snakish smile, the one I hate the most.

"How you justify, telling all those lies like a fucking second nature?"

"Are you still mad about that, darling?" I growled when I heard him call me that way.

"One day, I swear to the gods, that one day, you will pay for this! Karma is gonna come to collect your debt. None of this will come out unscathed, you bastard."

"Maybe, maybe not. But both of us know this isn't going to happen in this era, right, darling?" how could I be so blind?

"I don't fucking care about how much time it takes, but I'll make it happen."

"That's another thing both of us know is impossible. You'll never be able to hurt or even less kill me, darling. Don't make a fool of yourself with empty hopes."

"How could you do this to me?" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes.

"I had to! And darling, if I were you, I wouldn't freak out about this, considering that the worst is yet to come."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see."


My mind got foggy, pushing away those bad memories and connecting my mind with Lume's.

["Are you okay? You're safe?"]

He asked me with a worried voice.

["I am, don't worry. I'm safe here for now."]

["Good. Did you eat? Did you sleep? Did anyone try to harm you?"]

["Wow wow fire boy, do not worry about me. Not yet, at least. But answering your questions, yeah I ate, yeah I slept, and no, no one tried to hurt me."]

["Do not tell me not to worry about you, you irresponsible wild witch."]

["Oh come on, you aren't my mom."]

["Don't cross this path, you unstable little witch."]

["Okay, okay, I'm unstable and irresponsible, and wild blah blah blah... How about you, Lume? Are you okay?"]

["I am. No hot males for here, but I'm okay."]

He said laughing.