
Fair Enough - Part. II

I took a step back in the defensive.

"You judge my whole race because a part of them hurt you. You hate everybody and you're a skittish person. I needed you because you're powerful, and I want to save the other races. But I cannot do it alone, even if I want to. And even in those circumstances, you do not give your arm to cheer and continue to let your ridiculous pride prevent you from joining with us for this. Something that it's more important than your childish hatred for witches, fae, royalty, and nobility. This is a waste of your powers. You say you don't like this hatred of royalty and nobility towards the poorest, but you don't try to help them in any way. You hid for years for fear of us. But we are not the ones who are ignoring the facts and giving way to hatred and pride, aren't we?" I hated the fact that he's right.

"What a perfect narcissist king you are. Before you say that I don't keep my promises, my name is Avain, your majesty."

I turned around, walking to the front door when I was out of the house, I closed the door and I started running as fast as possible to the farthest place that I found. I stop running two hours after that, with my legs not moving anymore. I fall to the ground at the top of the mountain and cried.

The starry sky was heavily overcast in the same second and a moment later a tremendous storm appeared. That's the result of my gods damn feelings out of control in combination with my weather wrath, it's a complete mess. I am a complete mess.

What the hell am I doing? What the fuck did I do in those years besides isolating myself from everyone in that fucking forest and dreading the day when someone would show up and try to kill me for being a witch? What am I thinking? Did I think mommy would approve of the things I did? Cuz she wouldn't. Why am I being such a hypocrite?

What the heck I have in my gelly mind to judge people for being from another race ─ witches and fae ─, when I already feel the mental pain this causes? When I hate discrimination. Why the fuck am I discriminating between all the faes and all the witches? Why the hell am I letting my hatred and the hunger for revenge that lives deep inside of me, win the fight against my true self and my heart?

I didn't even care about the monstrous storm, I caused this by not controlling my confused feelings. I let the rainfall in my face, in my body, I let it take my tears away with it. So I cried and cried and cried, and the sky cried with me until I was empty, only with my face swollen from crying and my pride destroyed.