
"If I want to be around you and pissed you off, I certainly will" - Part. III

"But I don't want money, bastard. I don't know how to use it, or with what I would spend it. Everything must have changed a lot in those 32 years."

"Yeah, almost everything changed, it's a fact. But what is also a fact, is that witches are smart and adaptable people. You will learn how to do everything, Avain, so stop worrying so much and just relax. Accept the money, you will need when the time comes. Oh and don't worry about how you will learn everything by yourself or things like that, because everyone here will help you with whatever you need. I mainly, since I will supervise your training," his wicked smile makes me feel goosebumps. I hate it. And the way he spelled my name- shit.

"You don't need to supervise my freaking training, Kai. Stop losing your time with me, damn it. Just let me train with anyone else, the captain of your army, or whatever."

"See? She wants to train with me, you bastard," exclaimed Ryusei with a smug smile, but Kai looked at him with a serious look and he shut up without taking the smile off his lips.

"What? No! I didn't say that" they both looked at me.

"Well, he's the captain of my army, sweetheart," why did he have to call me that? Bastard.

"Oh, I didn't think about your positions in the bastard's court. It makes sense. What about you guys?" I asked looking at the other five.

"Second on command!" exclaimed Samantha. Of course, she is.

"Captain of the intelligence and espionage squad," Boyd said taking me by surprise since he is the only one I would not think of performing such a function.

"I take care of the financial side of the kingdom," said Naomi, what I was already expecting.

"I'm the third on command and Kai's right arm," Koji spoke surprising me for not looking dangerous like Kai or Samantha.

"Oh, I'm responsible for the social and commercial relations, the person who has direct contact with the allied kingdoms. I am, well- the messenger of the kingdom practically," explained Maelli.

"That's awesome! But I don't understand very well what the second and the third in command do when the King is present," I spoke carefully, so as not to create any intrigue with Samantha, but she gave me a murderous look that made me freeze.