
"If I want to be around you and pissed you off, I certainly will" - Part. I

I sat on the couch on the opposite side of the room, a little uncomfortable with their intense looks on me. Samatha apologized for the rude thing before and offered me a bourbon, which I accepted. Being the first time I had an alcoholic drink, the burning in my throat bothered me a little at first.

"So it is the first time you have a drink like this, mhm-" she observed with a smile. She can be nice, but I don't know if I can forget how dangerous she looked before I left that way.

"Yeah. I don't know if your King here said, but I'm from the Albtraum Kingdom, I moved to the forest when I was 16. And I lived there on my own, far from anyone for 32 years," all of them looked surprised. "So I was unable to make or taste any of the pleasures of life, like alcohol."

"You're just forty-eight years?" asked Kai, clearly shocked.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" I replied with my arched eyebrows, he looks at me with his intense gaze and I rolled my eyes.

"I think she won't forget what you did for a long time," said Ryusei, mocking him.

"You don't need to tell me, what I already know, wolf boy," he replied with a wicked smile.

"Damn Avain, you're still a baby," commented Maelli. "We kind of bet how old you would be, and well... we all lose so we will have to give all the money we bet for you."

"Oh thank you, I think," I spoke a bit without really knowing what to say.

"You said you had conditions before ally with us, what are they exactly?" Kai said, going straight to the point.

"I said that to make an impact at the moment. They are just basic things that I will need to stay here. Food, a comfortable place to sleep with a big bed, free access to the library that you probably should have here, intense physical training and training to control my wraths better because I need to get stronger, training clothes and comfortable clothes, two sneakers and a bathroom that always has cold water. Oh, and a lot of chocolate because I haven't eaten this precious thing for a long time. I think that's all," when I looked at them again, they're smiling like I was telling a joke. "What?"

"Nothing," he said with a ridiculously cute smile. I hate it.