
Happy life

George woke up as if he had a bad dream. He watched the time. It was about 3AM. All of a sudden, a tear kissed his cheek. He wiped it off and laid down again. He closed his eyes in a try to get some sleep somehow. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and cried heartily like a small child.

He begged to God to throw him back to his happy days. Then he went in some flash backs. He saw himself as a very happy young boy who is unaware of any problem and difficulty.

He remembered a day in his past life when it was his annual result of 10th standard. He scored brilliant marks. He was very happy that day, so were his parents. They felt proud of him. He was topper in mathematics, so he decided to see his future in engineering. He filled his admission form in pre-engineering and joined college for his furture studies. He made new friends there. He really enjoyed that part of his life.

Then, he himself drove his car towards the darkness by asking his parents to let him join academy for the help in studies. His parents agreed as they knew whatever he would do, there would be some betterment for him. He joined the most famous academy in his city for his help in studies.

His timetable turned so buzy by joining the academy that he didn't even have time to sleep well. But as he loved studies, so it was not a big deal for him. He went to college early in the morning, then after college, he went straight to academy and returned to home late night.

One day, a teacher in his college asked for his help in a matter. He began to help him. He didn't noticed that he was late from the academy. After solving the issue of the teacher, he ran to academy but he was almost an hour late. He asked for the permission to let him in, and went straight to the last bench as the whole class was full and there was no seat left in front.

He settled down and turned to his right to get the books out of his bag. All of a sudden, his eye caught a girl sitting right next to him who might be was a new admission in that academy as George never saw her before in his class.

She was almost 5 and a half feet tall girl wearing glasses and a bit of fear in her eyes. She had a mole on her chin which enhanced her beauty. Her dark eyes were just a deep sea for George.

He went in the depth of that sea. He just wanted to be in that sea forever and wanted no one to disturb him. He just went in heaven. He never experienced any feeling like that before. He just sat still and lost in another world. He couldn't control himself. His eyes stuck on her.