

YEAR 5040 A.S.C. Every war must be fought in a way or another, some happen in front of our eyes, but others you will never know about but is this the case here? In a world where humans and mages are enemies war is something that can be considered scary. And the mystical is always something that science can't predict, so what happens when a person who was deemed as one of the legends of the human race, reveals his aptitude as a mage? Watch as Harrison struggles to defend himself against the two most powerful forces of his planet and makes use of his knowledge and capabilities to win against his enemies. -------------------------------------------------------------- English isn't my first language, I'm still learning so you can expect quite a few mistakes, but not anything that will make the story difficult to read. Also, this is something that I based on many novels, star wars being one of them, so be aware that sooner or later this will develop towards space traveling, alien civilizations, etc. And in case you didn't notice yet, this is a Sci-Fi and Fantasy story, magic is present in this universe. Have any suggestions? Remember to share your thoughts on the comment section and review section, I'm more than happy to hear your thoughts. This story will also be published at Royal Road and Wattpad by a profile with the same name and picture.

DAOISTIMUSTTRY · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


War, the worst creation of humanity, spreads through the lands, in one of the worst possible situations that one could have imagined. Everything started during Canemar's Revolution, where mages were accused by Byron Bonnet as the reason for Canemar's suffering and as if their kings weren't the ones spending all the resources of the country with useless things.

This was the first time humans and mages were placed on different sides, the bloodbath continued for years and made the relationship between the Lemurian continent and Morgreece to become worse by each year.

In 4914, during what was called the first world war, the Lemurian reclaimed the United kingdom and reestablished the reign of old, Diavenea. Merlin's last descendent took the throne as the rightful king and changed the UK completely, however, the Lemurians' involvement was enough to change the tides of war.

In the end, the first war ended in 4920 with a cease-fire thanks to the recently created League of Nations.

However, peace didn't last for long, in 4939 a noble mage with extreme ideals, Lev Yadin, initiated a war for supremacy, he believed that common humans were inferior and therefore should be reigned by mages. His actions initiated the second world war, the Lemurian this time, however, wasn't related to any of the sides.

They were wrongly involved in the war and fought against both sides. Six years later, Yadin was killed, and during that time, the Ogui Republic attacked two mage countries, one called Javan, and the other being the UK and its recently recreated Kingdom of Diavenea with a new weapon, claiming the lives of millions thus came the end of the second world war.

But in 4960, Robert Einstein, and many other influential mages/scientists around the world, such as Byron Tesla, were assassinated in what the Lemurian believed to be a direct attack to their identity as mages, however, things didn't stop there, humans scientists such as Adrian Turing, Marine Curie, and a few others were also assassinated soon after.

With the accumulation of grudges and constant fights due to racism and other problems like the destruction of the UK, the Lemurian, together with parts of Britishma, such as Javan, Lorea, and Phina, and the few countries that dominated the southern hemisphere, like Trazil and Kustralia, declared war against the Ogui Republic and its allies.


5040 Ogui Republic

Inside an unorganized laboratory, music could be heard in the background. Countless materials and pieces of equipment were lying on the ground, and in front of a table, a man was holding some sort of mask with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha! Finally, with this, I'm one step closer to entering the history books and ending the war! If I discover a way to mass-produce this beauty... I can even imagine the look on the face of those old geezers. Now, let's see if it's working properly..."

He then donned the mask and immediately afterward, it automatically adjusted to the size and shape of his face, losing its empty white color and now having the same appearance as his normal face.

Looking in the mirror he couldn't help but smile, this mask built through nanotechnology was able to imitate any face that a person can imagine, not to mention the countless number of random combinations that it can create. Right now, it was imitating his head, black short hair with a pair of brown eyes and white pale skin, the mask even recreated his glasses.

But that wasn't the only good thing with this specific version of the mask.

He coughed a little and said. "Activate the protocol, 'There is no one more handsome than me!'."

As soon as he said that, a head-up display appeared out of nowhere with a single message, 'Connecting to neural link, please wait.' A few seconds later a woman's voice sounded on his head.

[Hello, master. I'm your personal AI, Eir.]

This time, the smile on his face could be called insane. "Hahaha... I truly did it... Who would have thought that the first true AI, would be born by my own hands... Oh, Eir... you don't even know-how ahead of your time you are."

[What do you mean, master?]

"Well, it's simple! With the never-ending war and those fools complete focus on it, I am one of the few, if not the only scientist that kept researching on AI, I made quite a few advancements that are too dangerous to be known by others, so I had to keep then a secrete, fortunately, it seems that all of them were correct, and using a super-dense metal liquid crystal and a few other tools I was capable of creating a quantum optical computer memory capable of holding the most advanced System this planet has ever seen."

He looked at his laboratory with a smile as he continued.

"That means you are more powerful, more advanced, and can surpass anything created up to this date."

[I understand master, may I know my purpose?]

"Sure you can!" He replied as he took a chocolate bar from his pocket and started eating it. "Your sole purpose is to assist me, you are like my second pair of eyes or my second brain, you will warn me of the things I'm incapable of noticing, you will help me with calculations I'm unable to do, and help me survive in any possible way you can imagine. I have stored in your memory, no less than 150 zettabytes of useful data, this also includes all information available on the network called, internet."

"Other than that, you are also connected with my hidden satellite network and through my neural implant you can also connect with any device that can be operated by long-range connections such as infrared and others."

The moment he stopped talking he also finished eating the chocolate bar, he threw it on the floor, and a little robot appeared out of nowhere to clean it and disappeared soon after.

He was about to do something else when he heard a cry and the sound of something breaking, turning to the left he shouted. "Benjamin! If you broke something this time, you'll have to pay for it!"

And then came the reply. "Oh, shut the fuck up, and help me get out of this, will you?"

Shaking his head and murmuring something, Harrison walked through the laboratory, after going around some corners he stopped in front of a guy being held upside down by one of his mechanical arms.

"Pfft! Hahaha! Hey buddy, what are you doing there?"

"Ha, ha, ha. Really funny, now get me out of here!"

This was Benjamin, he met the guy when he was at college a few years ago, they became friends, and now Benjamin was working for him as his assistant.

"Okay, sure." Harrison touched a button making Benjamin being dropped on the ground.

"Ouch!" Benjamin looked at him with clenched eyes as he cursed on his mind.

"So… What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing!? What are YOU doing here?" Benjamin pointed at him. "You locked yourself in this furnace for a whole day! Did you forget your duties? Jameson will have an advantage over you in the army if you don't hurry and leave now!"

Hearing his words, Harrison frowned for a moment and with his mouth agape, he said. "Oh shit! It's today, how the fuck did I forget this! Thanks for remembering me, oh, and please, tell the pilot to prepare the helicopter, there is not enough time to use the car."

"Alright, but hurry up!" Benjamin nodded at him and ran to the helipad.

'Eir, can you please mark a waypoint to my room?'

[As you wish, master.] As soon as she said that, a waypoint track appeared on the ground that only he could see.

'Hehe, look at this, it's way too useful!' Following the path he soon arrived at his room, the moment he entered it he said. "Prepare a military set of clothes and a warm shower."

At that moment, his wardrobe opened up and displayed the set of clothes he requested, he didn't even have time to remove his clothes and the sound of the shower could already be heard. Wasting no more time, he went to the bathroom, and let the machines do the job for him. Why clean yourself when someone or something else can do it for you? In a matter of minutes, he was as clean as one can be.

Walking out of the bathroom he stopped inside of a circle and extended his hands upwards, soon another machine dressed him. Looking at the mirror inside his bedroom, he smiled and said, "Oh, my mirror, I doubt there is a man more handsome than me."

He left his room and started walking aimlessly through his building, only after a few seconds he noticed a problem.

"Oh yeah, where is the helipad?"

[Marking the waypoint for you, master.] Soon after the waypoint track appeared on the ground and he smiled happily as he followed it.

Seeing the helicopter was ready, he boarded the helicopter and nodded to the pilot that took them to the nearest military base.

On the way, he couldn't help but notice in the distance the gigantic walls that separate the South and North continent of Ageon, that thing was probably a few hundred meters high and at least a thousand meters wide, that was the only way they found to separate themselves from the magicians. As for the materials? They were all excavated from celestial bodies around the solar system they currently resided in.

He looked downside and noticed that they had already arrived at the destroyed parts of the Ogui Republic, soon the helicopter started to lose altitude as they approached the military base that was at least 900 square meters.

The helicopter landed on the helipad, a few moments later, some soldiers appeared carrying their guns, they pointed at the helicopter and waited for further orders.

When Harrison left the helicopter one of the soldiers recognized him, his eyes twitched as he cursed under his breath. "Everyone, put down your weapons."

Harrison looked at the man with a smile on his face as he said. "Oh! Captain Alex! It's good to see you, how was it staying a few months away from me? Did you manage to hook up Michele, or was she still in love with this father… assets? Hahaha!"

Hearing his words Alex clenched his fist as a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes, had this happened outside the military base, he would have killed this dickhead in front of him!

Seeing how he already entered the base, Alex signaled to the pilot who nodded and left the base.

As Harrison walked through the base, he caused a commotion, the people stopped their jobs to look at him, the legend of the human race, or almost a legend…

Every person had a different opinion on him, to some, he was a genius, philanthropist, and a legend of the young generation. For others, he was a dickhead, arrogant, bastard, idiot, fuckboy, and lady stealer. But more than anything else, he was one of the main strategists of the phoenix military base.

Soon an old man with a grey beard and bald head noticed him and his face sunk!

"Oh, if it isn't the little twat! Late as always. Can't you use all that useless brain matter on your head to look at a clock?"

"Sorry, what did you say? I have yet to learn the Neanderthals language." He shook his head with a pitiful expression on his face. Which in turn made some of the soldiers laugh a lot.

"YOU-" He was about to retort when someone interrupted them.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" A brown-skinned man, with an elegant mustache and green eyes, wearing a battle suit walked out of a tent with a cigar in his mouth. "Jameson, Harrison, I want you two inside the tent, NOW!"

"YES, GENERAL!" Both replied at the same time.